God gave you the miracle of life, a beautiful boy, that you loved and raised. The evilness in this world is after our children and I am so sad that your beautiful boy was taken by this gender-cult. My beautiful nephew was also taken as well and it is heartbreaking. I read these stories on PITT and I feel each parent’s pain, sadness, fear and worry. We are all in this horrible place together and if it were not for my faith in God, I am not sure I would be able to cope. I pray every day for my nephew’s safety but I believe he has most likely begun taking hormones and is going down the path to transition. I cannot stop him, but God can. I pray for all the families affected by this evilness and ask God to right this wrong. Faith and Hope are what keeps me sane in this insane world. God bless you and your beautiful boy.

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I sincerely hope so, they say love is letting go, which is so hard when its our own children. It's possible to do this by cognitive awareness ie. don't let thoughts take you too far back to the past, it's over now, we only have today, live one's life in gratitude as while things currently are bad, we must always know that ultimately God is in control of every situation. This evil playing out will end, at some point, & these vulnerable young people who have been indoctrinated will wake up to it, at some in their lives. We have to live and let live, decide what we accept & live with serenity: God grant me the wisdom to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can & the wisdom to know the difference. Life takes on the true rainbow from God: there is hope for us all, don't let grief destroy us.

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It's not your fault. This is seems to be something akin a force of nature, a catastrophe that strikes those vulnerable to certain ideas. I have no idea what else to write. I wish you all the best. Love, stay strong and able endure the pain. Thank you for sharing your story here so personally. It means a lot.

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This is so like my son. Except in place of dinosaurs it was cars & airplanes. Also very musical. I pray so many times throughout the day. This must end.

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I pray your son too wakes up from this insanity

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God created us with the ability to sing and make music. From what I understand that has been erased with the rest of his history. Praying for a return to singing: “And the ransomed of the Lord shall return and come to Zion with singing; everlasting joy shall be upon their heads; they shall obtain gladness and joy, and sorrow and singing shall flee away.” Isaiah 51:11

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Praying for strength and peace!

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Dear One, thank you for showing us your heart. Our beautiful children, our beautiful grandchildren. Where are they? Why did they have to leave us so brutally? How could they do this to themselves and to us? When I think of my grandchildren, I see them as they once were, perfect in each one's own way, not as the mutilated people they have become. They will never be what they say they are. They live in fantasy, and want to drag us into the madness. The last time I saw my beloved granddaughter, she had shaved the sides of her head, she had a scanty ugly beard on her lovely face, and was six months pregnant. She let me lay my hand in blessing on my great grandchild. She has refused to see me since then. What did she do to the baby living inside her body, given to her to love, and protect? What harm was done by the hormones she was obviously taking to this child who is now going on five years old? So much we do not know. The one thing we can be certain of in this world that has turned upside down for so many of us, is that we have a God that cared enough for us to die for us. "And He will wipe away all tears from our eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain." (Rev.21:4) In place of falling into despair, we hang onto what Jesus says, "In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." (John 16:33) We have hope and we have peace through Him. And we have one another. Love, Indio.

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Oh dear grandma, I feel your pain. My child is gping though this and it has severely affected my parents (their grandparents) who too have anxiety and depression from this and who don't at all understand this crazy world and what has become of it. But thankfully, they too have faith and know that He has overcome the world and that is our only hope r8ght now.

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I’ve said before on here that I wonder if this is even harder on the grandparents. There pain is multiplied. Sadly this evil takes a toll on the entire family. Thankful to hear they know “the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort.” May He feel very near.

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I feel as though I’m being drawn into a sacred place as I read these very personal details. What a lie from the pit of hell that these measures will bring salvation to their broken and lost condition. We witness again and again how it brings destruction. Yet it continues. I am going to trust that God is not done yet and that there are beautiful redemptive stories to be heard ahead. Thank you for your love and sweet encouragement. Taking time now to pray for you and your family as well.

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This really is a sacred place friend. As I too am shattered by this, I often wonder why this is happening. Nothing happens outside of God's Will and in scripture, he often uses the enemy of Gods people as an arm of destruction. Could this perhaps be the time of sorrows? Or the time of believing the lie? He had to have allowed Satan a time to deceive the world so that all those in power and under Satan's control can be known and judged, and then to reveal His mercy and His forgiveness for those who repent. I don't know, perhaps it's just that out of desperation I need to believe this is all happening for something and can't be for nothing, cos it hurts so bad.

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I agree with you, Sister. 🙏🏻💞

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Very beautiful words.

Now, when I understand properly, he got enrolled in the pseudocult of transgender. You feel like you lost him. How to get back to your beautiful boy?

First, strip your faith of all cultural garments. Love is one. Consciousness is colourless, babies are nude when born. That is how we come towards God. Be your simplest self. Do not cling to scripture or paraphernalia for your beliefs, trust what is right in front of your eyes, think with your own thoughts, however painful that may be.

Second, ask him who he is in relation to you and why he prefers others to tell him who he is. He grew up with you and now he wants to be his own unique self. He got utterly confused by the suggestion, that you can be whatever you want to be in puberty. Fact is, you cannot and when you cut your garments now, your dress will be damaged for life. Stand on his side, look through his eyes, be his best friend.

Third, be your own best self. Prepare yourself for a journey, a fight, a battle, death. Let go of all pretence. Value what you have and have been given, then let go. Stand in the light, surrender. Look at what you are bowing for.

Imagine this happening in China, India, Russia... you have to stay firm. Be his mother. Now go to his father and check out what needs to be checked in. Get yourself a friend in him. Together you are more than just two people.

Good luck. I am sorry that you have to endure this. I hope my words from sunny Germany make sense.

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Thank you for your kind and thoughtful words from sunny Germany.

Our son suddenly disappeared six months after he came out in 2014 while we were trying to figure out what in the world just hit us.

I choose to “cling to” the One who gave us scripture. “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4 And what a comfort He has been!

I have headed your advice to “go to his father” - we’re planning a date tonight.

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My beautiful boy told us in December that he is now our daughter. I have cried endless nights, I have reasoned, I have been stunned, caught in this misery and fear that he will give up his beautiful body, yet so far in vein. He is 18 now and can do as he pleases. He is desperate to get an appointment with a doctor. In Germany they have long waitinglists. This gives me a bit of hope. Maybe he will change his mind and be my beautiful boy again. It'll break my heart if he starts transitioning and regrets it. I call him Elias, the name we have chosen for our beautiful babyboy back then in a time when a man was a man and a woman a woman.

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Just keep speaking the Truth my friend and pray to God for little wins and delays. Every delay helps..... i oray for somerhing to stand in his way to stop him persuing this 💔💔💔💔🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Thanks Ally

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This is so fresh for you. My heart goes out to you.

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My son, too. He's done the castration, had implants, all without my knowing. He is destroying the beautiful body God gave him. I pray he goes back to believing in God - and comes home to me. Prayers for all of us - and our childten.

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Sending you love my friend. Hope you are coping ok!!??

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There are days. Too much turmoil watching my son ruin his life.

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It's an absolute tragedy atm. 💔

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So sad that this belief system is causing such self harm as it has to your dear son. There is still hope. So we “look not to things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.” 2 Cor 4:18

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Thank you!

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A beautifully constructed prose reflecting the great love you have for your son. My heart breaks for you & other parents suffering through this evil attack on the younger generation. I am totally incredulous at what is happening to these kids, the evil lies filling their heads from so-called professionals advising them to change sexes, it's insane, they don't love them like parents do, their evil eyes are on the huge profits they reap. The pain of losing a daughter or son is beyond words, I understand, not for this trans movement but mine is from divorce. My eldest son ended contact with me 12 years ago. There is more to my story but to help comfort those who mourn, please read this poem by Patience Strong, I found it in my grandmother's things many years after her death, it comforts me & I hope it comforts & helps you on a daily basis to endure. May God keep you strong until this evil ends, He is our rock, rest in Him, with daily supplecation & prayers.


(Patience Strong)

I walked in Memory Lane today

It was roses all the way

until I heard a voice that said

Turn back. Walk not the path ahead.

But on I pressed til suddenly

Thorns and nettles tortured me.

My fingers bled, my sleeve was rent

As down the tangled track I went.

Go not often nor too far

Along the road where memories are,

But find content and pleasures new

In what the present holds for you.

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Beautiful and sad in a time where memories hurt so bad, thank you💔

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That’s beautiful, Deb! I’m so glad you found this treasure. I hope it’s a help to others as well.

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I could write this about my beautiful daughter...thank you for sharing your heart!

It has helped me so much to join a mom's prayer group for moms of kids struggling and living in LGBTQ identity. to pray for our children continually and also for each other. we pray these scriptures and more that the Lord lays on our hearts for them. It reminds us of WHO is in control and WHO is capable of delivering our kids from madness and destruction. We encourage each other, pray for each other and our kids... we have seen God move mountains! With GOD all things are possible! There is great peace and comfort in this even when things look horrible. Don't give up praying for and loving your child even when they hurt you so much. Jesus loves even those who have hurt Him so much.

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Thank you. Yes! And Amen! We have experienced this as well and by God’s grace see loved ones not only detransition and desist but return to God. Praying your daughter be added to that list.

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At the end of the day, everyone has to stand before God and give an account of our lives. All we can do is speak the Truth And pray for those who are lost and believe in His Will being good and above ours and that He WILL work ALL things out for His greater good for those who believe.

This has to all count for something...... It can't be for nothing. And sadly, so many of these kids are from Christian homes. I can't understand it. Perhaps Satan has more to gain by going after Christian families, but mark my Words, he also has more to lose then, because when God comes back with His vengeance, it will be over these children's lives and He will bring with Him Justice and Punishment, but also Mercy and forgiveness.

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Here are a few of the promises I am remembering and have personalized with my daughter’s name.

Stop your crying and wipe away your tears. All that you have done for your children will not go unrewarded; they will return from the enemy's land. There is hope for your future; your children will come back home. I, the Lord, have spoken.”

‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭31‬:‭16‬-‭17‬ ‭GNT‬‬

“Now all glory to God, who is able to keep you from falling away and will bring you with great joy into his glorious presence without a single fault.”

‭‭Jude‬ ‭1‬:‭24‬ ‭NLT‬‬

“But when Jesus heard what had happened, he said to Jairus, “Don’t be afraid. Just have faith, and she will be healed.””

‭‭Luke‬ ‭8‬:‭50‬ ‭NLT‬‬

“You made me; you created me. Now give me the sense to follow your commands.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭119‬:‭73‬ ‭NLT‬‬

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Adding these verses to my list for my son

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Thank you for sharing. As is so many times the case, I have been moved to tears. I too have a son who has been captured by this wicked ideology. May the Lord bless you, your son, those parents and children who have been dealt this devastating blow.

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I stand with you 🙏💔🙏

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I understand your pain. I, too, lost my quirky, precious son to the trans cult during his college years. My husband and I endure sorrow, rage, and incredulity. I hope this evil cult implodes someday.

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I am so sick to death of this world and it's corruption. It feels like IT is imploding on us tbh. Some days it's all too much to bare. But still I pray it all come crumbling down, like a big fat pile of dog s#!£ that it is. It full me with such rage amd anger that i have to pray to God to forgive me and calm me down. I want to scream with such ferocious anger that my voice shatters their stupid beliefs and makes a laughing stock if them all. I dream of revenge and inflicting pain, but again, I ask God to help me work though this.

Why why WHY did this have to happen??? It's so difficult and painful to endure 🥺😟🥺💔💔🥺😟🥺😭😭😭

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Praying for you all! Strength, Wisdom and Courage. I am with you, we all are.

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Jun 27, 2023·edited Jun 27, 2023

"'It’s a boy!' cries the doctor..."

An observation based on objective, empirical evidence before the doctor's eyes. Not an "assignment".

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And we ALL know this, but they have to prop their lies up by changing words, their definitions and children's bodies 😡😡😡😠🤬🤬🤬😠

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Thanks for sharing your heartbreaking story, I’ve Iost my son too

What is the ‘unsafe’ part of the story all about because I get that too...I just don’t get it, we’ve looked after them our whole lives, yet we are told no contact because they feel unsafe. It’s so unbelievably baffling. With every comment I scratch my head

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I’m so sorry. Our son’s brother was attending the university at the same time (2014) and was the first to tell us we would be “unsafe” by not affirming. He also spoke the infamous words, “Do you want a dead son or a live daughter.” He too has been taken captive by these destructive lies.

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They are all just too young to understand that Truth always wins in the end, and that only the Truth sets you free and that the Truth may hurt, but it is the only road to real redemption.

Sadly, they are young and naive and rebellious and so they believe what the culture and the mob believe over the Truth. I pray that as they mature and their brains seek Truth, that this will all come crumbling down and that the very children who fell prey to this are the same ones that go after the liars that perpetuated this with full force and power.

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So do you feel like you have lost them both? My son is one of 3 boys, both his brothers affirm & so our relationships are strained. Destroyed, actually. The evil we share, so very sad

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That’s so sad. We have several boys as well. Thankfully they are not all caught up in this but to answer your question, yes. I had asked if there was anything I needed to repent of and was told, no, and that it has everything to do with me not going along with the lie. It is not easy but I draw the line there. One of the most grievous things about this ideology is how it has weaponized our children.

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The truth isn't safe because it can lead you to the conclusion, that the whole theory is bullshit and you has been fooled.

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It certainly has been the silencing of the debate.

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