“Mass hysteria (MH) is a diagnostic term used to characterize unexplained outbreaks or epidemics of subjective somatic complaints among students or other vulnerable people that seem to have no physical, biological, or etiological causes”.
For four years my son has been one of the many trans-identifying children suffering with this mass hysteria. The fact that there has been a rapid 5000% increase in the number of adolescents identifying as trans and that experts are not questioning it should be a concern for all parents. It is most definitely a concern for those of us who do. Our lives were upended when our children, without any gender confusion in childhood, suddenly told us they are the opposite sex. Mass hysteria has taken hold of our children especially in schools. We watch in horror as everyone else celebrates their harm.
There’s a line from a movie that has become famous: “If you build it, they will come.” In 2007, Boston’s Children’s Hospital opened the first gender clinic for children in the United States. It’s now estimated that there are over 300 pediatric gender clinics in the US. Young, vulnerable adults over 18 can also obtain gender affirming hormones at Planned Parenthood, college campuses, and on-line. And they can obtain these non-FDA approved drugs after just one visit, without a letter from a doctor or a diagnosis of gender dysphoria.
As transgender people are increasingly celebrated at school, in the media and by politicians, the incidences of trans-identifying children also increase. Obviously this phenomenon is socially influenced and has become contagious. If children and mature adults make the decision to transition, should we celebrate? Who would wish a lifetime of drugs and surgery on anyone?
Social influence is well documented in history. In his book Crazy Like Us, Ethan Watters describes how anorexia spread in Hong Kong once it was introduced two decades after it became known in America. In America transgender was a rare condition that has since doubled in recent years.
According to Jean-Martin Charcot’s investigation on hysteria, “Hysteria can take on the qualities of a social contagion, with the abilities to manifest and spread over populations by way of mere suggestion”. This would explain how suggestible the internet is. My son’s friend said he realized he was trans after seeing a meme online.
In Lee Daniel Kravetz’s book, Strange Contagion, he writes, “While a strange contagion is perfectly capable of causing contagious hysteria, hysteria itself causes strange contagions.” The progressive flags flying in school classrooms, on government buildings, in churches and the endless pride celebrations contribute to this hysteria, not to mention, coming out weeks in elementary schools and promoting rainbow clubs instead of math clubs.
Politicians state that children know themselves. Doctors ask children if they think they were born in the wrong body or if they feel like a boy or a girl. Children’s books and shows introduce trans characters. Children’s video games also push the trans agenda. It is everywhere online, creating more contagion. My son did not know transgenderism existed until a “trans person” gave a talk at his school in seventh grade. He came home and told my husband about it. At the time, it did not occur to my husband that this would influence our son.
My son decided he was trans when one of his friends came out as trans. When we asked the gender “expert” what the likelihood was of two friends of the same age becoming trans identified at the same time, she dismissed it as a coincidence. When we asked another gender “expert” why there are suddenly more children claiming to be trans, she said, they have always been there but now society is making it more comfortable for them to come out. My husband and I didn’t buy this from either of these experts. In fact, it created more doubt.
After my son’s declaration, I joined groups for parents of trans-identifying children who were also skeptical of their children being transgender. There I met other parents whose kids had all used the same words when they “came out”, as if they were reading from a script. These parents are from all over the world, yet their children all used the same words. How can that be? Many also had the same story - no history of gender dysphoria, mental distress and a sudden out-of-the-blue trans announcement. In this study, young people who question their gender were shown to be more susceptible to social influence, have friends that were trans, and displayed increase use of social media just before a trans declaration.
How quickly experts, schools, and politicians claim, “trans kids know who they are”, ignoring the common sense rules that prohibit children from drinking until 21 and from renting cars until they are 25. But change sex? Any age. Research shows that the adolescent “brain matures from back to front, a process that starts in infancy and continues into adulthood”, Dr. Jensen explained. “And during adolescence, there is a particular flurry of activity in the middle part of the brain, which is associated with rewards and social feedback.”
Allowing children to socially transition is not a harmless act. It can solidify the idea that they are the opposite sex. There is plenty of evidence that most gender-questioning or gender non-confirming children who are allowed to just “be” and not be subject to social transitioning, will grow up to be gay or bi-sexual. My son was socially transitioned at school behind our backs. Once we found out, we were unable to change the school. The damage had been done. Schools claim that if the children felt safe to come out to their parents, they would be informed; however children are told on-line not to trust their parents. Instead, schools hide the trans identity from the parents without any proof that a child needs this “protection”.
There have been other mass hysteria medical scandals in history like repressed memories and satanic panic. Transgender ideology is the most pervasive because so many institutions have been captured by the belief that children can be born in the wrong body. But the tide is starting to turn. We are seeing some movement. Change can happen. In 1979 John Hopkins Hospital, the first gender clinic in the U.S., closed its doors because they saw no clear advantage for patients. Today, hospitals are starting to drop hormone treatments for children and adolescents. Even Gender Spectrum, one of the most “influential trans orgs that provided thousands of schools and school districts" with training and materials on how to secretly transition students announced today that it is "ceasing all direct service programming."
Even though gender treatments in certain states are being stopped, many parents and individuals claim transitioning was right for them, but that doesn’t mean they won’t change their minds in the future. There does seem to be a 5-to-10 year regret rate, which is proved by an increasing number of detransitioner lawsuits.
It’s time to get gender influencers out of our schools and stop the mass social contagion that is harming children, young adults and families.
It is so crazy. If someone had told me 10 years ago that both of my adult daughters would identify as trans I would have thought they were insane. It wasn’t even on my radar as something to consider. It happened so fast and out of no where. At least with children you stand a chance. With adults there is nothing to do. My kids have cut us out and basically do not speak to us.
Glad detransitioners are suing and people are holding schools, therapists and doctors accountable. More of that. I hope your son is able to heal. Perhaps more time in nature could be balancing for him, as it is for all of us. My friend’s son is doing a semester of farm work on an island and Greece. It’s an exchange program where you work in exchange for housing. There’s no wifi...they have to go into town to charge their phones. Gorgeous waterfalls, ocean views and nature. Maybe something along those lines could help your son.