PLEASE TAKE ACTION: your lawyer advised you that filing a lawsuit against your therapist likely would not succeed. OK, THEN FILE AN ETHICS COMPLAINT with the licensing board that oversees this therapist's license to practice in your area. AND File that complaint as well with the American Psychological Association.

The MORE Parents who file ethics complaints to licensing bureaus and the APA, the better. Eventually they will have to respond.

Also: SUE THE SCHOOL for infringement of your parental rights. Copy the Littlejohn suit filed in Florida. That is for a public school & rests on U.S. Constitutional Law. If your child was in a private school, then sue for contract violations that infringe your parental rights and endangered the health and welfare of your child.

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I hope that we have sufficiently inoculated our daughter against this ideological infection. Everything you say about these girls, that's my girl. Artsy, quirky, determined, engaged. Middle school starts next year. Will she hate puberty? Will it make her hate her body? The trans groomers lurk like vultures on every corner.

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Talk to her now! Get ahead of the agenda and let her know that this is happening to her pears. An I agree with others who would say not to allow her access to the internet unsupervised and block all the social media sites. Do it before you have a problem. We were too late and any attempt at this point is just seen as us trying to control her and causes her to double down on it all. If you haven't gotten her a smart phone already, don't. All she needs is something to call you with.

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My sincere advice: BLOCK all internet access that is not essential for her school performance. Block Youtube, Reddit, Discord, Tik Tok, the whole lot of them. Block search terms that can be used to access pornography, because that's a major gateway for trans ID

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Very similar to my daughter and our school situation. Preparing to home school her if she decides to change her name/pronouns without our consent. It's a nightmare and so hard on a marriage.

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I could of easily written this myself but with my son in mind instead. You described just how he was before all this. He’s a little under 15 years of age and I’m scared that this will last long enough for him to want to take the drugs. I pray he doesn’t. I pray he comes out of this soon. I pray for all of our children.

I’m scared of what he is doing in school and how everyone is treating him. He has cheerleaders at school, one being his gf. I wish all these supporters would either go away or at least stay away from my child. 😔

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So many similarities to our daughter’s story. When will our country wake up to a generation of kids (and their families) who are being corrupted by this ideology and the medical pathway that awaits at the end of the rainbow? Thank you for sharing your story.

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The suicide threat is indeed false, as you note. There are some incorrect papers about suicide (which have been corrected in the peer reviewed literature) that even some doctors (!!) don't know are wrong. Biggs 2020 and d'Angelo et Al 2021 take the incorrect suicide papers apart.

These kids do have higher suicide risk but social and medical transition have not been shown to help this. I believe their risk is comparable to kids with comorbidities, many of which these distressed young people have as well.

Some info at


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Besides a few details, I could of written this myself. I just want my happy kid back.

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Thank you

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This is my daughter's story. If the author could please reach out to me, I'd appreciate it.

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Email pitt@genspect.org

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