Many thanks to those of you who participated in our January parent survey, “Has Your Child Identified as Trans?” That survey has now closed, and the results are being analyzed. The data will be released on PITT in the near future.
As part of our continuing efforts to better understand the current cohort of trans-identified children and young people and their families, PITT is now sharing our third survey, this one for detransitioners or desisters. The survey will be open until April 15th.
Through this questionnaire, we hope to help parents learn from the experiences of detransitioners, so we can take better, more informed care of our gender questioning children. Navigating raising a child with a trans identity is very difficult, and most of us have been blindsided, with little good guidance to know what is best for our children.
Detransitioners and desisters—we hope you’ll share your experiences and help the next cohort of children and families grappling with gender distress.
This survey is completely anonymous and confidential. Your email address is not being recorded, and our only way of responding to any of your comments is if you choose to include your email address with them.
Thank you, and please click on the survey link here. You will need to pass the Math CAPTCHA to submit the form.
I cannot wait for my daughter to qualify to respond to this survey. Wishing y'all for your children to qualify!
Can these surveys account for how much of a role autism, eating disorders or other comorbid conditions contribute to desistance or detransitioning? Just by what I see in parent groups, it seems autistic kids in particular are more likely to persist in the identity. I'd love to see if data could support that.