There are two teachers in Escondido, CA that have filed a lawsuit against their school district and the CA State Board of Education because they do not want to deceive parents and use pronouns and names that don't match the biological reality of students. An interesting bit of info their lawyer shared is that the school district is saying that the state of CA is requiring this policy of keeping parents in the dark and the State of CA is saying that it is just "guidance". Both entities are pointing the finger at each other.

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The California Department of Education says, "Revealing a student's gender identity or expression to others may compromise the student's safety. Thus, preserving a student's privacy is of the utmost importance. The right of transgender students to keep their transgender status private is grounded in California's anti-discrimination laws as well as federal and state laws.

[Judge] Benitez agreed that the teachers' religious beliefs were violated and wrote that students in that position would be harmed because they need "parental guidance and possibly mental health intervention to determine if the incongruence is organic or whether it is the result of bullying, peer pressure, or a fleeting impulse."


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Thank you for sharing this important information

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I work at a high school, and I think my school is typical. Administration is very careful to not put anything about trans identities in writing, but usually there is one email sent to all the teacher who teach such-and-such kid saying that the kid's new name and pronouns are X and that teachers are not to use these in any official records or communication with parents. A couple of other things: the library is chalk-full of pro trans books (it seems to be a pet interest of the librarian's); gender ideology is imparted to students through surveys they are all told to complete, which ask them what sex they were "assigned" at birth and what their current gender identity is; and when teachers meet to talk about students at risk, gender identity is a scared cow that cannot be touched, even if it is obvious that the kid declaring a new gender identity is a complete mess. The guidance counselor will refer to the declared gender change as a "journey," and any teacher who thinks it's a symptom of distress had better keep their mouth shut, and certainly had better not mention it to the kid's parents. To do so would be considered malicious, exposing the kid to harm by informing the (almost certainly transphobic) parents, even if every kid and teacher in the school knows what's going on with the kid. It's absolutely insane.

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And all those surveys (under the guise of Social Emotional Learning) are conducted by 3rd party vendors and parents have NO access to the data. That data then drives the companies who develop the curriculum. Most people/parents don't know how the education system now works since it's been privatized by big tech (etc). Teachers are just cogs in the wheel and are given a "script" that is called curriculum and told to be the "sage on the stage" and to shut up and go with it or risk losing their careers. There isn't much "teaching" going on in public schools anymore....it's test prep with very little thought or critical thinking skills involved to get better scores on stupid mandated (fed and state) testing. It's sad what has become of public education since NCLB/RTtT and the new ESSA.

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It would be wise of parents to withhold consent if they can’t get access to the survey questions.

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Most of the time, parents aren't even aware that there are surveys that are given! The "consent" comes home from health class and parents sign it without reading the fine print at the bottom, because of course we want our children to know the bad effects of smoking and drug use and we want them to know the biology part of sex education. The education "deformers" know how to work the system to their advantage. Even teachers don't know what's on some of these surveys that make it into the classroom. It was like dodging a minefield with public school and I was a stay at home parent with knowledge of how the system worked!....I wrote refusal letters for testing, surveys/questionnaires and SEL programs/dittoes.

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Maybe only way is to hire a hacker. Can imagine public school budget for cyber security is subpar.

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I would strongly recommend doing all records requests at the district office and not the school. They are more familiar with records requests, consider it a standard part of their jobs, and do not personally know your kids.

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Wish I could act on this advice for my child. Problem is schools hold so much power over your child and their siblings at the school--required recommendations for college, nominations for opportunities, scholarships. Our public school has a history of retribution for speaking your mind and has a recently-out “transwoman” as the college counselor to boot. We have medicalized students too and the schools cater to their needs at all costs. I don’t think I could pursue this request without sacrificing the future for my trans-confused daughter and her sisters. Private options here are not much different from what I’ve heard...

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Go over the school's head by going to the District Office. These people just do admin duties and do not work with students. They will not be involved in writing recommendation letters.

I am not so upset about their catering to medical needs as this is required under the ADA, and should not be optional. They should not be pushing kids in a trans direction, but that is a separate topic. It is their job to assist any student who needs Rxs at school. A parent's okay is needed as well as full instructions for the meds. (My kids take meds for asthma, not trans.)

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And, I see you are even a physician.

I think we need a combination of grassroots and top down. You have probably seen the lawsuit against the AAP?

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Could you please check the document in this post for errors? I don’t know what the word “decibel” is doing in the second paragraph from the bottom.

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There is a HUGE problem! FERPA has been eroded and no longer has any teeth. The USDoEd under the Obama administration (Arne Duncan) slashed FERPA to the bone in order to push through the dreadful Common Core curriculum and all the stupid, federal mandated testing. Private companies (activists now write curriculum/textbooks and testing companies employ psychometricians) have access to ALL the data and there have been many work arounds to FERPA so that the data is only accessible to the private companies and 3rd party vendors. It's why so many teachers and parents are/were opposed to NCLB (Bush 2) and RTtT (Obama). And don't think that Betsy DeVos (Trump) was going to return FERPA to its former glory as she and her family directly profited ($$$$$!) from poor education "deform" from the 2 prior administrations.

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Thank you for sharing this important information. Please pay attention as your child matriculates to the far worse academic institutions in our country - colleges and universities - or just find something else to do for your child. Should your child go to college, beware - it is bad.

There are forms that you can sign to attempt to not loose your child completely. The rights transfer 100% to the child once they turn 18. You are done and I found out the hard way. And since that time so many more awful things have been pushed at these marxist indoctrination centers.

I am just using one school here that is full on board the gender lies (most are ...)- Penn State.

From the university:

"Parent Rights Relating to Educational Records

When the student reaches the age of 18 or begins attending a postsecondary institution, regardless of age, FERPA rights transfer from the parent to the student. This means that parents may not obtain any of their student's education records without the written consent of the student.

Since student grades are part of the education record, they are protected under FERPA and, therefore, may not be released to parents. Students have access to their semester grades through LionPATH.

In addition, students may provide consent for their parent to view grades and other portions of their education record via LionPATH as follows:...."

This info can be accessed here:


Here is the federal policy:


I have not read the federal policy in detail recently. I advise all parents to tread cautiously and read it all.

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It’s all so ironic. You can get access to grades with their permission. But what about the rest? Are they seeing the counselor on campus & what exactly are they talking about? And have they joined the LGBTQIA blah blah group…or is that boring now? Who knows what’s really going on besides brainwashing but oh yes, thank you kindly we’ll take your $$. Thanks mom & dad

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If your college student is a dependent on your taxes, you do have the right to request their grades.

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Your college student is over 18 and can deny you access to their grades and other information. Since we are paying the loans right now and they are on our health insurance plan, we have made them sign paperwork with the college to allow us access to grade information. Extortion.....yes! But if that paperwork is not signed, the college gives parents no information at all because they are considered legal adults.

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This is something Christians have had to deal with for more more than a decade. Do we send our children to universities that appear to believe they exist to intentionally destroy our children's faith. Many have concluded this isn't worth it anymore: "what does it profit a man to gain the whole world but forfeit his soul?"

It appears that liberals are now having to deal with the same problem: Do I send my daughter to college where I know they will try to convince her she's a boy and that I'm a bigot... or do I steer her to trade school or blue-collar work where she will have a lower income but be be happier and more secure in who she is?

When this is over, all you liberals who were quick to call us Christians bigots and haters and Nazis and homophobes just for stating the tenants of our faith, I hope you'll remember what it feels like and have more charity and tolerance for other views than y'all have shown in the past.

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There is a realignment happening. I hope and believe that reasonable people from both parties and from within and outside of religion who believe in science and health and families and having a moral compass will find more and more common ground. So many people who have voted D their entire lives and who always dismissed religion are rethinking things. It doesn't mean they're necessarily going to join a church (many people have left their religious communities because they support gender ideology) or vote R, but they acknowledge that their previous beliefs about who the smart people are and who the dumb people are were simplistic and misguided.

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I am all for Christian views, trade schools, building a small business, blue collar work, wolfing on a farm, and anything other than this agenda force fed to not just the trans identifying but ALL students who will graduate believers of lies. And if they escape as believers of lies (far more than just trans believers), they learn to shut up and keep their head down. We need strong youth to combat the world at hand which many sadly will not get at the 21st C universities.

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My friend’s son is at Southwestern University, and he feels like it is the most intolerant place ever. One of his professors went on a diatribe about homeschooling and how all homeschoolers are child abusers. He was trying to say “that’s not true, I didn’t live that”. But the professor would not let him talk at all. I will say Texas A&M still seems okay, but the majority of universities are hateful toward Christians.

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Great idea & thank you for the information but I don’t trust my child’s small private school will disclose all information especially anything damaging to them. They will share what they want to share and hide what they want to hide. Difficult to know & access internal e-mail communication among teachers about my kid.

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That's because it is a private school and it can do as it wants. Public schools MUST disclose..... although they have work arounds and try to delay the process or charge large fees for the records.

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How do you know they are disclosing everything? Internal emails among staff & principal?

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Public schools MUST disclose.....BUT......education reform under Bush/Obama eroded FERPA laws so that they could usher in Common Core and all the mandated and useless testing via the tech industry. Private companies and 3rd party vendors now own the information/data which means that the school systems can only disclose what little information that they themselves collect. This is a large reason why teachers and parents were against Private companies coming into public schools.

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It is hard to wrap my brain around all of this school secrecy going on behind parent's backs - don't get me wrong, I believe it is happening 100% but I just CANNOT believe it is happening! When I was raising my daughter (now age 33) I never had to worry about her going to school as it was safe, and the teachers were there to protect her, and they were my allies. No secrets, ever. No worries of any undermining going on. No fear of grooming. I cannot imagine how hard it is today for all the parents who are aware of the trans-cult ideology and trying to protect their child. The schools and teachers have now become the enemies, and it is so heartbreaking. I hope letters like the one provided in this essay will help parents to receive the information they are requesting. Any kept "secret" from a parent by anyone is dangerous, and now it is becoming a matter of life or death.

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I know!

Our daughter was groomed at a private high school some time back. We were totally taken off guard and shocked. They even changed the rules when we complained about it - shaking and in disbelief. My impression is that the school has only become worse on this since our time there - with even more kids transing-out and more assemblies with T-ID people talking about Gi and their lived experiences.

I think that parents do have more power over what happens in the public schools than in private. Abigail Sherier mentioned that in one of her TruthFairy substack articles. Home Schooling sounds good for those who can do it. But, really, we have to take our society and our children back! All of them.

We've got to take the Ideology out of our institutions. We've got to take down "sex assigned at birth", "chest feeders", body-part "havers"... I heard that medical associations are starting to describe same sex couples in terms of having "fertility" problems. What is wrong with adoption in this case? Wasn't that right fought for? And, the WSJ has an article about creating male "eggs" so that people can have more options. IMO, the Frankenstein stuff has to be totally stopped if the kids are to have a chance going forward.

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This is very good, and I hope every parent who comes to PITT will have the courage and take the time to do this for each of their children. The bigger goal should be to find out what the district, individual schools, and individual teachers and staff members are doing to ALL students. Every state has its own version of "Public Information Request" laws that are usually more specific than federal law. Google it for your state and submit one to the Superintendent or to the department that handles them in your district. This is the PIR that I'm submitting to my school district. God bless you all and your families.

1. Copies of all student questionnaires, forms, and surveys used by the district, district administrators, third-party consultants, healthcare providers and/or staff members at individual campuses and in individual classes that refer to gender identities and/or the use of pronouns.

2. District policies regarding the notification of parents about their child who identifies with a gender other than their biological natal sex, uses pronouns that are not reflective of their biological natal sex, and/or uses a name other than their legal name or nickname not provided by the parent.

3. District policies regarding notification of parents of any counseling by district staff, third-party consultants or healthcare providers that includes mental health conditions that include emotions, thinking, or behaviors.

4. Training material, seminars, conferences, meetings within the district or outside the district that include training and guidance for school administrators, educators, and counselors on how to handle socially-transitioning students.

5. All written communications of district employees regarding how to handle socially-transitioning students.

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1. Copies of all student questionnaires... YES! Students are given these questionnaires every year and they are not told that they can opt out. Parents are told they can opt out, but almost none of them do (Be kind, after all). Parents are told that these surveys are "science-based," 100% anonymous, risk assessment surveys, and they are not shown what it is them. What is in them are questions like "What sex were you assigned at birth?" and "What gender to you identify as?" At the very least, demand to see these surveys and discuss the phrasing of these questions with your child.

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They are not really anonymous as students log in using their school student ID #'s.

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Thank you & G-d bless

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Great practical help for parents in fighting schools who are undermining the families of students.

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When I requested records they kept giving me copies of her past report cards only.

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Wow. If there are other records available and they won't give, then I really don't know what ordinary people can do. Sorry to hear this.

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Many school districts around the country have elections this week. Vote for parental rights candidates. Force the union backed candidates to disgrace themselves on their positions and conflicts of interest.

If all else fails, leave the failing public school system. Your kids' lives depend on it.

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Remember when they Stole a Bunch of Girls No one has seen again?

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Befor hammmmms are allow into our schools

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In Texas?

I sent an email to: State Board of Education, District 14

Evelyn Brooks ( R)

Main (512) 463-9007

No one from Rep Buckley all the way up to Lt Gov. Dan Patrick has replied to my calls or emails.

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