Very Good! Very Good! YEAH! Congratulations to all the formerly Discombobulated parents now leading the PITT compendium . . . onward . . . ever onward to the inevitable mass victory over the whole Discombobulated mass formation GenderCraZe . . . . itSelf.

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Thank you for standing for our children. I would love to know if your child ever shared why he felt that way (trans). I have a 14 year old son who has ROGD. We have not let him transition and don’t plan to as long as he is a child and living under our roof. But I feel helpless when I am competing against his peers who are affirming him and are supportive.

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Thank you for this. Suiting up to get on the field now. Let's go.

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I can't tell you how much I needed these exact words today. Thank you so much. And thank you for staying in the fight even though your son has desisted. We need your voice. And his, when he's ready.

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Thank you for your writing, for your persistence, for your courage sharing!

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Thank you for pointing out how scary it is to stand up. I've faced backlash from my "woke" family and friends. I have been told that I am "playing a dangerous game" with my ROGD daughter (who is still entrenched in the ideology) in that if she finds out about my activism she will feel betrayed and leave me. So I'm trying my best to stay behind the scenes, deriving courage and strength from knowing that what I am doing is an act of love, even if no one else sees it that way. This crazy shit has to stop!

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Thank you anonymous Mom for taking the step to write that first essay. You started a movement and blazed this trail of words that are changing the world.

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Thank you for making this happen. For hope for the parents in it now, for our children, and for the parents and children to come, who I hope will be spared this medical scandal.

Once people look at all the research that supposedly "supports" this rush to wholesale medicalize treatment, it will be over. Some people have cleverly made it taboo to discuss, because, if you discuss the facts, it will be over.

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