Please report side effects from gender affirming care
Help the FDA identify the risks of gender affirming "care".
If you are a parent of a trans identifying child, or a detransitioner or transitioner, please report any unexpected side effects associated with gender affirming care, including testosterone, estradiol, and puberty blockers, to the FDA using the link below.
The sooner we report these effects, the more likely they will be available as evidence of the harms from gender-affirming care. Per the FDA - one can report any adverse event including: therapeutic failure (e.g., the product doesn't have the expected effect); suicide; worsening depression; apathy; urinary leakage; aggressiveness; pain, etc. Anything and everything can be reported if the outcome doesn't accord with what was promised or expected by the provider.
Parents or patients can report the adverse events to the MedWatch Only Voluntary Reporting Form.
Per the site: Health professionals, consumers and patients can voluntarily report observed or suspected adverse events for human medical products to FDA. Voluntary reporting can help FDA identify unknown risk for approved medical products.
The FDA allows three days to complete the form, but you can come back more than three days later to add additional information to a previously submitted report.
If you are reading PITT you are probably very familiar with the adverse side effects of cross-sex hormones. But if you are new to this, you can expect and report any or all of the following:
Major risks for taking puberty blockers:
● less bone density
● stunted height
● osteoporosis and fractures in adulthood
● sterility
● cardiovascular disease
● breast and uterus cancers
● psychoactive effects of high-dose hormones such as mood swings and even psychosis
Moderate and major risks of taking testosterone for FTM:
● high red blood cell counts which can cause blood clots, increased hematocrit and hemoglobin levels
● liver disease or failure
● vagina atrophy
● high cholesterol which causes heart disease, increased LDL cholesterol levels, decreased HDL cholesterol levels
● weight gain
● suicidal tendencies
● violence or rage
● panic attacks
● jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes)
● anaphalxis (difficulty breathing)
● nausea, vomiting
● cancer
● kidney or urinary problems
● stroke or heart attack
● erythrocytosis, a condition which slows the blood flow, and can lead to headaches, confusion, high blood pressure, nosebleeds, blurred vision, itching and fatigue.
● inability to orgasm
● incontinence
● cystic acne
● sweating and increased body odor
● male pattern baldness or thinning of the hairline
● edema (fluid retention)
● increased bodily hair growth
● infection of the injection site
● mood disorders such as mood swings, anxiety, agitation
● menopausal symptoms (such as hot flashes)
● red flushing of the cheeks or skin
● compromise fertility by negatively affecting ovarian follicle growth, health, and DNA integrity
● deeper voice
● body fat redistribution (more on the abdomen, less on the buttocks, hips, thighs)
● clitoris enlarges
Moderate and major risks of taking estrogen for MTF:
● blood clots ― can result in stroke or even death
● gallbladder disease
● liver disease
● weight gain
● high cholesterol which causes heart disease
● high blood pressure
● brain fog
● schizophrenia
● mood disorders such as depression and anxiety
● drug dependence
● increased immune-mediated rheumatic diseases
● developing scoliosis and osteoporosis
● multiple sclerosis
● suicide ideation
● diabetes
● hepatocellular carcinoma or liver cancer
● autoimmune diseases
● shrinking brain
● cognitive decline or Alzheimer’s
● asthma
● arthritis
● Crohn’s disease
● lupus
● Sexual disfunction
Mental illness is the most obvious side effect. A lifetime of misery is another. Medical issues forever.
Hard to believe that these side effects are ignored! How can anyone prescribe or willingly give cross-sex hormones to another human being? The list your provided is long and horrific. No one in their right mind would consent to taking a drug that could cause any or all of those side effects. And that is my point: IN THEIR RIGHT MIND. The world needs to focus on the causes not the symptoms. Wanting to become the opposite sex, believing that it is possible to make this transformation, willingly taking drugs to change your physical appearance into something it can never functionally become and then consenting to surgery to remove healthy normal body parts - this is clearly someone who is suffering mentally, emotionally, physically and possibly spiritually. This is abnormal behavior and abnormal thinking. How can any doctor who has taken the sworn oath "To do no harm..." support this trans ideology? Too many children and young adults have been harmed, too many have been mutilated, too many are suffering from the side effects from these "magical" drugs. It sickens me. Accountability 100% - I am praying for judgment day.