There is a history of AAP letters. Perhaps they need to be reminded that over 1,000 parents reached out in 2019 in a concerted effort. I am sure there are countless others. The horrors of the crimes committed are so great. It is hard to believe this is happening but also difficult to imagine how they can walk something this horrific back.


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Done! And I had my husband do it as well!

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Received email from DIAG about this too. Sent email to all doctors listed. Hopefully their emails are flooded.

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Done!! I hope this helps :)

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For anyone in Canada send to Canadian Paediatric Society - see contact list in link


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Done, thanks for the reminder.

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Parents can leave a message with NPR today with their thoughts on pediatric gender medicine for a piece they are doing.


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I did and I made a special one for the CEO who is also an attorney. I let him know that we all know about the lawsuit filed against the AAP and that more are coming. I also told him that I am an attorney helping detransitioners find lawyers to sue on their behalf.

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ok, did this.

what are the chances the AAP will wake up & smell the disgusting hormones?

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Thank you for doing the hard part and making it so easy for us to have a loud voice!

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Thank you for the effort.

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Can we add in there something about the disproportionate amount of autistic youth and young adults experiencing gender dysphoria and the lack of true consent for them?

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Feel free to edit your version as you see fit. Good idea.

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