Initially I had assumed like the author that perhaps Biden was just the typical politician who has been advised poorly on this issue, but some research indicates that he has been working with Gender Spectrum for these events to come to pass since his days as Vice President through the Biden Foundation, by funding their efforts and politically giving them influential access to every aspect of healthcare and public heath policy...basically writing the policy for the Government agencies. I'm afraid as much as I would love for this letter to reach him and truly affect him I'm pretty sure these words will fall on deaf ears.

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I agree, it is very lonely and frustrating. It seems so clear and obvious as I watch groups of friends coming out as trans. It seems logical to question the cause, especially with medicalizing on the horizon.

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It was clear how this was going to go if Biden won the election, and confirmed when "Rachel" Levine was given such an important role in health policy. In the USA, as in the UK, people now have a choice between parties who support reality in this area but are historically terrible in other areas of social policy, and those with better social policy in the past, but a complete disregard for evidence-based treatment.

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It is so sad that this has become a thing. This young man, not transphobic but he is a biological male, has been thrust into the limelight by a decision which is going to do harm on so many levels. As the mother of a competitive swimmer, I can only imagine the tears and fury had she had to swim against Lia Thomas. I stood on the deck poolside for hundreds of races and watched hundreds of hours of practices. These girls swim 9 times a week, do weights and dry land training to get to the top of their events, they eat special diets and miss out on all sorts of events to get their training in only to be eliminated by a biological male. On top of all that there is the ROGD part of this. This poor young person is embarking on a gruelling journey in which the final outcome is yet to be determined but for the rest of his life he will be know as this swimmer.

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So beautifully and articulately written, thank you. You speak for so many parents and grandparents. Praying that your words to the President are seen nationwide.

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Sports Illustrated has run a story on "Lia" Thomas and her brave journey to find herself. How did she discover she was trans? Why, the internet of course! I wonder how many people will read this and recognize it for what it is. A young confused man, struggling with growing up, latching on to this new explanation for this oldest of feelings...

"Thomas says she began questioning her identity near the end of her time at Austin’s Westlake High School. “I felt off,” she remembers, “disconnected with my body.” She finds it hard to explain the feelings creeping into her mind at that time, only that she began to have concerns about how she viewed herself—feelings that would emerge more and more often as she competed in her first college season.

She Googled those feelings and read the personal stories of trans women. She was paired with a trans mentor through a group on Penn’s campus. That was the first time Thomas talked to someone who’d experienced what she was feeling. Those were light-bulb moments. “Like, Wow, this is such a close mirror of what I’m feeling,” she remembers. “It started to make more sense.” "


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With LiaR Thomas bragging about still liking women, while waving his penis around, it seems like he js just an AGP.

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Mar 23, 2022·edited Mar 23, 2022

Speaking of Supreme Court nominee Jackson who does "not understand" what a woman is - all of us here love Abigail Shier ... who just posted:


The person who wrote this headline must be a biologist.

Quote Tweet


· 2h

🚨 Madeleine Albright, first woman to serve as US Secretary of State, dies at 84

https://independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/madeleine-albright-death-usa secretary-state-b2042556.html



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you know...now that you bring this up, it reminds me of a bigger problem: only experts with "lived experience," are good enough anymore. SCOTUS can't answer the biology question because she's not an expert.

When my book club read a fictional book about a black female pioneer they refused to take it seriously when they learned it was written by a white author. I pointed out the extensive bibliography of books she'd consulted and they asked, how many of those books were written by black scholars? I responded with "do you require black, female scholars that were born in 1843 in Chicago, then moved to North Dakota with a black cattle rancher, as was the character?"

Blank stares.

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Everything is about identity. It is the Neo-Marxist way.

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In social justice circles there are few graver sins than "cultural appropriation." A white person must never adopt the hair styles, clothing styles, make-up or languages choices of an oppressed group. They can not speak for them or even about them. We must amplify BIPOC voices!

But if a man wants to appropriate womanhood, we must shame those women who express discomfort into silence.

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This needs to be a petition!

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Excellent idea! Please, PITT, put it up for signature by the general public on Change.org - need to check that it WILL stay there and not be taken down.

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We need a world wide movement to protect these kids. Two years of lockdown has had an immense toll on these kids. Keep in mind a child’s brain is not fully developed until age 25ish. A child with ASD will most likely fall behind that number and need more time. Most of these kids have two or more co-morbidities. My daughter was diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder at 5, first full psychological test at 7. She has dyslexia, ADHD, anxiety and thanks to Covid, depression. She came out as trans after huge amounts of time on the internet, mostly TikTok, during the pandemic. No prior questioning at all. Did not prefer “boy” toys, loved her Barbie’s. She had access to both.

We are not parents who are transphobic, most consider themselves allies. We are parents who over the years have watched our kids development and see a problem. We want our kids to get a healthy sense of self in whatever form that takes but changing the wrapping paper does not change the gift inside. These kids need to learn to love and appreciate all there special gifts before taking drugs and having surgeries that are not proven to help.

My daughter had ADHD, cocaine is a known stimulant, if she came to me and said I function better on cocaine, I wouldn’t give it to her. I’d seek the help of a medical professional that knows and understands how to approach ADHD. We are allowing these kids to self diagnose based on “internet stories”.

Dear God, let someone in authority please get educated on this matter. Parents are engaged in rapid fire learning to save our kids while the “rule makers” haven’t got clue

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I think "transphobia" is a fiction. No one is afraid of transexuals and the majority of Americans are very live-and-let-live. Trans Activists who are managing to upend reality are not live-and-let-live. We do not need to preach a radical gender ideology in the schools in order to let a few fully grown people with a disorder of the mind physically "transition" if they wish after some gatekeeping therapy so that their eyes are wide open regarding consequences.

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As a UK citizen, I agree “transphobia”is a myth as it has taken on a meaning that is interpreted as hateful. As a young person, I had a sense of fear when near a man dressed as a woman. Now older and wiser I see that men such as that just suffer from autogynophilia. Being afraid of them is a natural self defence mechanism for vulnerable women. It should not be a hate crime as it is seen to be now.

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I am afraid the word "ally" has been co-opted so much it has become a dirty word to me.

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If I had the money I would run this letter on the front page of every newspaper in America

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If I had the money I'd pay half.

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Excellent letter! Please let us know what the result is of your sending this to the President.

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Wow!! Excellent! Truthful! and loving, Kudos for speaking up. I hope this helps wake people up.

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Just tweeted and tagged Jill and Joe!

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