Yes, but what can my husband say to his daughter to help her understand that she doesn’t want to be a male. She can’t even articulate what it is about males that makes her want to be one. I need someone here that has written in and said what they talked about with their daughter. She’s my stepdaughter but her bio-mom won’t do anything. She lets her on electronics 24-7. She let her cut herself. She let her look at erotica when she was 12. The punishment when her mom caught her? Her mom only took away her electronics for 3 months. And now it’s been 100% back to all electronics all the time in the secrecy of her bedroom. No monitoring. Nothing. And her dad won’t talk to her about any of this because he doesn’t know what to say.

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Thank you. I need to reread this several times. So many great truths.

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Excellent analysis. Young adults have always made mistakes and screwed up. But now normal adolescent development is being hijacked by corporations, government, media, schools, legal system, liberal institutions, health professionals. Normalized self hate. Our vulnerable kids are sucked under the waves.

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Thank you for taking the time to write that. Ten years ago, when I now realise my daughter first began to be transfixed by gender ideology I had no idea of the impact being on the internet, especially platforms such as Tumbl’r would have. I do now. Sadly far too late as she now exists in what seems to be an alternate reality where anything I have always trusted and believed to be true , such as scientific evidence and rational argument, hold no sway.

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How do we get through to them earlier? My stepdaughter is 15 and has immersed herself in this trans stuff for 2 years after becoming obsessed with all of her friends’ sex-orientations at 11 & 12 years old. It started when she was in art club after school at her Wake County middle school!! Now at 15, 4 or 5 of her girl-friends are all calling themselves males. It makes no sense. She’s a girl. She isn’t even a lesbian. But she hates her developing body. What can we do? What can we say?

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Every word of this resonates. I want it to be shared far and wide- I know I will re-read it whenever I need courage.

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Bravo! So beautifully articulated. Thank you for taking the time to write this piece, I hope it gets a million "eyeballs" on it.

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Thank you for this! I like the part about acting with good intentions, doing our best with what we knew/had at the time and love our child no matter what. That is what makes us good parents! I needed to hear this. It's sad that we live in a culture that let's our children self-diagnose and then drives them to have "treatments" that are experimental. The medical industry takes their money no problem, but then when these poor kids wake up( and thousands of them are, they are called de-transitioners) these kids have no recourse and the medical professionals wash their hands of it all! These poor deceived children💔

Also, you are a very gifted writer! Thanks

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If you’re interested in understanding where this juggernaut came from and what its trajectory is, I recommend following Jennifer Bilek’s 11th Hour Blog. She has done a deep dive into the money, and like all money trails, it tells the story. Here are a few links I found particularly helpful:





EDIT: Adding this link and highly recommending it, specifically, along with the third link in the above list, if you're short on time/don't want to read more than an article or two:


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This is so useful - thank you.

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I'm a mom of a drug addict. We are raising her daughter. Different situation but I believe the struggle is the same. Fighting against evil forces that are trying to drag our children to hell.

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Another dad here - thank you for writing this, you completely captured what I have been telling everyone who will listen.

The social media companies are selling gambling addiction or heroin like any other casino or drug dealer. And bad actors are poisoning the product, while the dealers gleefully count their profits.

I too feel like I failed my young adult daughter. I always worried she would be taken in by a con artist. I never expected the con artist would be the computer in her pocket.

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Thank you. This is beautifully written.

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Thank you for beautifully articulating what so many of us are living through. I’ve had all of these thoughts over the past six years but have never managed to pull them together as you have here. I’m grateful for what you have written and the bravery of those who are getting to the reality of what’s happened to them. These disclosures are what will bring our kids out of this.

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Thank you! I agree with you and only wish more parents did. Sadly, our new reality is that we have to let our children live in unreality or the law will file abuse charges on us. Which is exactly what happened to me. I called my daughter by her real name. Took 17 hearings and I lost. I am legally compelled to call my daughter a boy by a boy’s name. And not one attorney will take my case. Incredible! Insanity reigns supreme in our society. Ridiculous. Sad. Disgusting.

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Beautifully written. Thank you.

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brilliant. I’m going to read this a few times. thank you

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Getting to a place as a society where our teenagers going through puberty consider thoughts like "wow my body is changing and I don't like it, must be something wrong with me please pass the penis or breast saw" - utter nonsense. Thanks wokeness, thanks doctors, thanks administrators, thanks educators, thanks therapists/psychologists, thanks college professors, thanks agitators, thanks anarchists, thanks POTUS, thanks VPOTUS, thanks SCOTUS, thanks FDA/NIH/ACLU/DEA/FBI/CIA/ETC., thanks for standing for truth, reason and science! You have failed us and continue to do so, what will it take to restore dignity and truth? Pitchforks and torches?

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parents need to organize, as we are doing. we need to navigate and learn how to communicate truth avoiding pitfalls and traps that are easily deemed illegal speech. we need to support orgs that are fighting for parents rights and articulating truths such as SEGM et al. gender ideology was planned and implemented by rich attorneys. its a propaganda campaign that has operated and implemented policies without public input to create de facto acceptance. as citizens we have a voice and need to use it via a carefully crafted pushback to this big biz and activist effort that hurts kids.

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