Sadly feeling this with you. My precious son .

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Some of my worst days are because I feel so betrayed by a society that does this, accepts this, pushes this, stays silent about this. …”wise men failed to speak up.” Where have we heard that before? I struggle to know how to live among these people.

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I feel exactly the way you described. We just don’t have a slot for this because it defies all logic. It is ok to grieve the huge loss of the child we raised . I just encourage you to hang on to the fact that the story isn’t over. As a woman of faith, I pray constantly knowing that God works miracles. Recently I have come across a myriad of stories of detransitioners and I am hopeful.

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Thank you for writing such a beautiful piece that really captures the loss and anger we feel as parents who have lost a child to this cult.

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I’m so sorry. I am right there with you. Anger frustration sadness guilt, a roller coaster of emotions and confusion. I wish we could all hug each other. It’s so sad and terrible. Thank you for sharing.

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How much longer will parents listen to the echoes of their own stories until there is a revolution to protect children?

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This is my story also….I feel your pain, especially during holidays, birthdays ect.

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Your story is my story too. Sadly all we can do is wait, hope and pray. But also we can spread the nonsense about trans ideology and find those practitioners who are participating and confront them with facts. We can write to our representatives and definitely NOT vote Democrat which encourages this trans ideology!

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Such a beautifully written story, deeply touching, and quite moving about your precious son. Unfortunately, you are not alone. Many of us have sat in the quiet darkness or early waking hours to reflect on the loss of our loved one. It is unfathomable. This trans cult is pure evil and wants to destroy families and steel our children. Photos of who they once were, what they once looked like, what they once enjoyed...are now distant memories. The pain never stops. Our love for them never ceases. I pray for your peace, for all of our peace to return. Never give up. Cling to Hope.

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Dearest Parent, thank you. You are not alone, for we are many.

Our tears join with yours, and our prayers are heard.

God's justice will prevail. May He have mercy on us all.

Love, Indio

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Eloquent. I'm praying for you.

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Truth. Thank you. God bless.

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Please listen to several podcasts involving and regarding de-transgenders at Some Kind of Therapist's website:https://www.sometherapist.com/. Please also see the documentary, 'No Way Back,' that is mentioned in the Some Kind of Therapist website.

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My life is the same as yours! I have been listening to individuals who have de-transgendered. Please listen to this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJJvHzFlRoo

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Thank you for writing so eloquently about this. I imagine you crying when you wrote it, and I tear up reading it. Not only are our children betraying themselves, but as you said, they are betraying their heritage. On my side, my son was the only child born of my generation, so he was the pride and joy of his grandparents and aunts and uncles. One grandfather died never knowing why he had not seen or even heard about his grandson for several years, and his widow is still in the dark, wondering where he is and why we won't talk about him. Another family member died of cancer recently, and now another expected to die of cancer soon. These people were thrilled that he had come into the world, and they showed him nothing but kindness. I emailed him about the two deaths and of the impeding one, and there has never been any response. How can he throw away the people I love, who loved him, as though we were trash? Is he no better than a common bully, intentionally hurting the only people who really care about him? I am enraged by his cruelty and I have trouble imagining ever trusting him again.

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I am so sorry for your pain. The cruelty aspect of this is truly hard to fathom. I have difficulty sharing this part of the trans story, so ashamed of my son’s personality change too. They don’t see it that way though. We have done great wrong by not affirming. Hard to understand that such intelligent offspring can be so blind.

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I share your deep grief. Isn't it curious that my oldest son's suicide (2 years ago Forever 34) as well as my youngest son's new identity as a female (10 years ago, now) are both spoken of as "transitions". With Mothers day in Canada this weekend I can't help but reflect on the birth of my two sons. As I recall, the most difficult time during their births was the stage of labour so-called the transition stage.

Certainly, with the loss of both my sons who have transitioned I remain here alone with active grief serving as my sole companion. At times I wonder why do I continue to do this hard work and labour grieving the two lives I dreamt and wished and imagined that would come into being?

Many years ago families would pay professional mourner's to attend the funeral service. Looking back one can see how this emotionally repressed Victorian age was ever mindful of proper accepted etiquette. At least this age knew enough that upon the death of a loved one someone could, should and must express loss, sorrow, and grief even if the grieving was done or performed by strangers and for a fee. They recognized that as a society they were incapable of expressing natural human emotions, such as grief and sorrow. Even though their grief expression was a service they paid for -- it was still an essential service. Haven't you noticed that in some way grief is like laughter in that they are both contagious? In a repressed emotionless society being able to release a pent up and unexpressed natural feelings and God given emotions is psychologically and emotionally healthy.

You and I and many others here are performing an essential service mouring all that has been lost, denied or stolen from us by the insanity that has overtaken our world. So it is that we live in an increasingly hostile and cruel world. When my grief is heightened on certain occasions such as Mother's Day, Christmas, birthdays I choose to see my ability to express natural human emotions as psychologically healthy. Many times I feel like I'm standing alone like one of those paid mourners at a Victorian funeral. But then, I remind myself that I am in service not only to myself and my society but also to my God. He created me to feel and to express emotions. Becoming and expressing who I have been created to be is psychologically and emotionally healthier for all concerned parties.

One day this period of grieving will end. One day even this transitional stage I seem to be stuck in will result in the re-birth of a more godly human nature for my society. Afterall, weren't we created to become in the likeness of our Creator? One day my ability to recognize and express loss, sorrow and grief will also enable me to feel and recognize optimism, joy and happiness, once again.

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At times I scroll past the long comments due to lack of time. I am so glad I took time to read this one. It deserves to be more than a comment. Thank you so much for sharing. You ministered to my heart in these wee hours of the morning as I reflect on our son’s nine year absence. I look forward to that “one day” where it seems I will likely meet you too. You sound like a beautiful mother. Blessings to you on this coming Mother’s Day.

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You must, don’t let it destroy you. If it does, it wins

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