I try to accept what I can’t change, but I cannot. I cannot accept that society is lying to children, teens, vulnerable young adults and their parents, telling these vulnerable individuals and their families that they can never be happy in their healthy bodies and must chemically and/or surgically alter themselves to appear to be the opposite sex. And that this “treatment” will bring them peace and happiness. That they “really” are the opposite sex if they think they are.
I cannot accept that children, teens and vulnerable young adults are being poisoned, mutilated and generally made less healthy because of these lies. I cannot accept that doctors are ignoring the Hippocratic Oath to First Do No Harm.
I cannot accept that these lies and medical atrocities are being supported, verbally and financially, by every major institution in Western Society (particularly here in the US), including: mass media and social media; journalism and entertainment; business and finance; government and quasi-government, including our president and presidential and vice-presidential candidates; hospitals and clinics, including doctors and psychologists; schools and universities, including teachers and professors; and, let’s not forget, my own daughter’s friends and their families.
I cannot accept that my 18-year-old daughter is, daily, being poisoned as she remains brainwashed into believing that she is "trans-gender," meaning that she must pretend her healthy body is a male body, and that she must poison it with synthetic hormones, to ever be happy.
I try to ignore the excessively hairy legs, because, hey, she could just have hairy legs. But I know that’s a lie. She would not have such hairy legs if she wasn’t poisoning her body. It’s an outward sign of an unhealthy medical and mental condition.
I try to not be bothered by thoughts of her diminishing the chances of ever being able to have children or a healthy sexual relationship or an intact healthy body if this poisoning goes on for any length of time.
I try to not be bothered by everyone around her referring to her as male, whether or not they know it’s a lie.
I try not to think about her future, and instead concentrate on today. Then I try not to be disappointed today because she is binding her breasts and poisoning her body, and she is lying to her high school friends, and now her college friends, and professors, and herself, and, in her theatre studies, she will only audition for male roles.
I try not to think about the fact that she is seriously contemplating surgery to remove her healthy breasts.
I try to act like everything is normal and fine and good.
It’s not working. Every day, I think about what’s happening in the world, and in my own home, to my own beloved daughter. I remain angry, sad, horrified, and helpless.
Will I come to accept this situation with time? I don’t know, but I have to be honest here and admit that I don’t want to come to accept this situation. Acceptance doesn’t seem right. To accept this would be to give in to it, and I never want to do that.
Even if I am really not able to change things, somehow, I think the very act of remaining angry and defiant, of resisting, is putting something good out into the world. Am I right? I have no idea. I have never before been in such a situation, and I don’t know if my thoughts and feelings actually carry any weight, or if the anger and resistance is just doing me harm. I suspect, however, that succumbing to what is happening would be worse for my health than the anger.
For now, I will keep on resisting. What does anyone else think? Am I better off accepting this and moving on? Is it true, as the Borg said in Star Trek, Next Generation, that “Resistance is Futile?” I choose to believe it is not.
I'm a clinical psychologist. I'm telling you DO NOT accept this! Everything to do with gender ideology is perverted, distorted and frankly, evil. Hold firm to reality. Hold firm to the truth. Be an island of sanity in the madness. One day your daughter will come to her senses and she will hopefully find her way back to you. And you will be able to look her straight in the face and know you did the right thing.
From one mother to another I am so sorry for what you are going through and I sincerely hope she doesn't harm her body.
I'm also deeply, deeply sorry for my 'profession's' role in this generational crime.
Follow me on X @psychgirl211
Not accepting what is abnormal is normal. Being upset, frustrated, depressed, angry about the abnormal is also normal. We each have to resist in whatever way we can, big or small. Keep on fighting!!
I'm so very sorry about your daughter. May she find a way out of this cult.