I cannot believe the heartlessness of authorities on this issue. Nor the stupidity. I am so sorry for what your family has been through and I hope Sage comes through the other side happy and whole. Thank god she is still with us.

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My daughter Cat has just turned 16. I showed her your/Sage's story and she was in tears,she said if Sage ever wants a Scottish friend she would love to talk with her.

Always sending so much love and strength to you both from our wee island(Skye)

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We are in Montana and this story mirrors ours. We currently have a case against CPS in federal court.

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Much love and prayer to you, your adopted daughter and the rest of your family. The effort you are making to challenge the corrupted police and court systems is SO admirable. Not a lot of people know how hard it is to go up against government entities, let alone those funded, and maybe even driven by the identity (race, gender, etc.) agenda. Your willingness to upend your life to seek justice is a testament to your good will and authenticity.

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if you respected your child's identity, instead of dying on this hill in detriment of your family, they would be likely home and safe. there is something that they told the state, and that you are not telling us, that ultimately led them to not being sent home, because they deemed it not to be safe. this is entirely on you.

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Mike if you believed in what you are saying you would put your whole real name to it. The combination of casual cowardly cruelty you display here is both characteristic of genderism and the reason it is ultimately doomed. Everyone who pays attention has noticed already, everyone else is catching up.

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What a cruel comment. No doubt there are many sides to this story, but you talk like you know this family, when you don’t. You know your principles, which is not enough to judge people you don’t know.

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I'm betting you have no personal experience with CPS or any other policing agencies. As a criminal attorney with experience of state "protective" services, I wouldn't assume that the government is acting fairly or in good faith here. Further, you have no idea how the author treated her granddaughter/adopted daughter, nor how Lily/Draco manifested her gender dysphoric identity.

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for some reason I feel like you’re not telling the whole story here. one, this “law” you speak of is rarely used. I feel like you were abusing your son and he found these traffickers online because they offered better things than you did to your own son. I’ve been him and I had terrible parents like you. You deserve all of the miserableness that you feel, now and forever.

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Extraordinary cruelty given that are you’re going on is speculation.

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Really? Online traffickers offered "better things"? Let us know, Gay Balls, what respite and strength you found from online traffickers. Could you also clarify your knowledge of the "law" at issue?

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May I say first of all thank you for adopting your granddaughter. I know she is a blood relative and an act but it is still a large burden. I am so sorry that you have had to go through such a dark spell. You can already see at 8th Grade, she was seeing some different, not in her sexuality/ gender but in her friendships (This is key, the ROGS, is relationship driven, not medically driven). At 13/14 she is still a child, not capable of buying a gun, buying alcohol but the authorities deem her fit to be able to determine that she trans that could lead to dramatic consequences. Also note that the school is fully captured by Gender Ideology, not questioning decision but rather fully embracing the trans ideology.

It is quite clear that the authorities don't care about safeguarding issues, trans trumps all other issues. Rape is secondary, to safeguarding. Send rapists to women's prisons where they rape again. Completely illogical, and a complete lack of care for vulnerable women.

Until authorities recognize that gender dysphoria is a mental health issue, then the current laws in place will remain, and we will have more cases of Sage being abused by the system. In this case, Sage is clearly a pawn. Apart from her grandparents, no one cared for her. Those in power only wanted to use her for case law, forgetting that she is a young vulnerable child.

When confronted by such abuse, it is obvious that children will run away, from one desperate situation to another desperate situation.

No child, it doesn't matter her age, 15 years old is still a minor, should have gone through what Sage has gone through. Sage needs love and care, not abuse, and the authorities have only abused her.

The transgender laws need to be repealed, safeguarding needs to be brought to the fore, and children in most cases should remain with parents. (I have an adopted child, so there are times when children do need to be removed) Schools MUST speak to parents

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I'll explain what I'm sure Keith is trying to say. Israel, who owns America, if you don't believe me check out how many of our politicians have duke citizenship with Israel... Have pushed the LGBT agenda on the western world. If you look at WHO is behind the trans movement, gay rights, the porn industry, and so on you will always find the same type of people.... Call me what you want, it's just the truth. They have been kicked out of 110 nations over 1030 times for subverting them just as we see today. There's a reason books were burned in WW2 check out which ones they were. I mean with the first trans surgery taking place in Berlin in Weimar, Germany there's a reason people were mad.

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Good grief! Treachery at high levels of government.

Let's call it what it is: evil.

May God richly bless Sage and this long-suffering grandmother.

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What a harrowing story. IMO FBI is in on this.

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Hang on, you say that assigned female at birth trans people are being put at risk of being sexually abused, but assigned male at birth trans people are more likely to sexually abuse people?

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I am sorry but the state is more interested in pushing their religion than helping children, it's a shame you all had to learn this the hardway. God bless your family and may you recover fully from this and may Sage find true peace.

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I think we got to this point by letting our political system get hijacked by dual citizenship holders. Its clear that the trans movement is designed to maim and destroy as many young European peoples as possible. I think if we really want to help kids we will deny them access to the internet and we should look at jailing activist teachers that push trans ideology and pedophile behavior.

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Keith -

Please explain what "dual citizenship" has to do with these issues.


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I'll explain what I'm sure Keith is trying to say. Israel, who owns America, if you don't believe me check out how many of our politicians have duel citizenship with Israel... Have pushed the LGBT agenda on the western world. If you look at WHO is behind the trans movement, gay rights, the porn industry, and so on you will always find the same type of people.... Call me what you want, it's just the truth. They have been kicked out of 110 nations over 1030 times for subverting them just as we see today. There's a reason books were burned in WW2 check out which ones they were. I mean with the first trans surgery taking place in Berlin in Weimar, Germany there's a reason people were mad.

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That second time she ran away and still couldn't give up her trans identity despite it being the cause of all her woe is when I lost all sympathy. Too many kids are complete idiots to believe that every child is worth saving if it comes at the expense of already wasted taxpayer money.

This kinda stuff is hurting the trans wannabe's the most, so when one day it's looked back on and seen in the big picture context of it all, it'll be just like the Satanic worship panic of the 90's where only the most retarded portions of our population were affected.

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Wow. No sympathy ... for a CHILD? Idiots? Waste of money? Just, inhuman thought content.

Here is the thing, one day, you are someone you love WILL need help, and thankfully, people will help you. They WILL help you without judgement. Maybe them your heart will soften. Until then, I will just have to hope you find your path to kindness in a gentle way.

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You have your point of view, I have mine. I just want the money to come from your wallet alone to pay for your compassion and not everyone's.

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You're one sick, heartless son of a bitch aren't you? We're talking a disturbed child here, not an adult, not someone capable of fending for themself, or even understanding what drives them to act as they do.

As a society, we have an obligation to protect our children, sometimes even against themselves. You may not feel that obligation, but the rest of us here do.

You need to look in a mirror and recognize just how disgusting and despicable an individual you are.

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Your words don't hurt me unlike these kids that screw themselves for life must hurt you.

Plenty of them make themselves too ugly and angry to want to feel sorry for, especially the dreaded, but laughable emotionally unstable Activists.

The more these particular idiots scream, the more it's better for all of us to let them go ahead and slice off their skin to find the answer to their depression. Cause this isn't some sad example of a kid cutting themselves on their arms we're talking about, This is a practiced ideology they're preaching and forcing others to advocate for through fear and censorship. They want to feel power like the control freaks they are so everyone will feel obligated to support their marshalling of others down the same dark rabbit hole to hell that they walked. They care about no one, even those who do conform to their ideology, which is why its so healthy not to care about them back, especially if they admit the transition didn't help them to feel better about themselves. I want to see them drown in their own sorrow for how they behaved, because I actually want to push my enemy to lose, not help them back up to their feet like you do.

So screw them and you for even thinking to waste your compassion on something as f*d up as the kind of person who choses to rule by fear and verbal violence. They chose it, they deserve nothing but equal treatment back.

Compassion should be for those who truly deserve it; it's obvious that plenty of these idiots don't meet that threshold.

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Please stop using a child’s trans identity as a scapegoat for all of their problems

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It's an old phrase, but who pissed in your cornflakes this morning? You're no "Happy Soul", you're in pain.

I'm talking about the kids when I talk about suffering, about protecting, not the advocates. The advocates of this idiocy I will happily condemn to hell for the grief and pain they've caused to innocents and to children with mental issues they can't resolve on their own. I'm completely with you on that issue. They deserve no compassion from us.

Let's talk about you. Why are you so angry here? What happened?

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I was never wronged or jilted by the trans movement, I merely learned from an early age not to suffer fools.

The fact is that the ones who follow these advocates off a cliff do so completely willingly and in full blindful idiocy.

If instead of cutting off their private parts they were speeding in cars for social media likes or doing daredevil stunts far above & beyond their amateur competency, most people would be happy to see them end up in the emergency room, irregardless of their age. The fact that so many go and do the same antic by transitioning to get nothing more from it than being liked and honored for being brave, is on that same level of stupid.

So a better question for you might be, Have you always been this kind of white knight who goes about in search of something to fix? Cause white knights never try to help a true victim, that being people who find themselves devastated by events out of their control. White knights like to help people who refuse to help themselves, like being sad when they see fat people who eat McDonald's and count the burger's lettuce as their daily vegetable on the nutrition table. An idiot who self harms isn't a victim, they're just another idiot. That's why the detransitioners need to solving this problem for themselves, by taking revenge on the people who pushed them into it if they were conned as kids because of their immaturity. But they need to do it on their own for there to be real change. The enablers need to realize they have actual reason to fear their Frankenstein, cause they'll never back down against parents and whiners who do nothing but write essays and lobby their congressmen for change. That does nothing but push the problem over to another State that will just legalize the barbarity even further down the rabbit hole.

So why the white knighting by you then, are you hurting so bad inside that you get the need for it just in order to wake up feeling better about yourself? Why spend your effort helping stupid people rather than those who never chose to become a real victim?

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Coming late to the game here, but please don't feed the trolls.

Definition of troll: "In slang, a troll is a person who posts or makes inflammatory, insincere, digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages online, or in real life, with the intent of provoking others into displaying emotional responses, or manipulating others' perception, thus acting as a bully or a provocateur."

Don't even engage. Your comments against what they are posting are EXACTLY what they are looking for. They are giggling with glee as they read your emotional responses. #dontplaywithtrolls

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This same troll posted on my story and I was able to block him so I would guess the person who posted this story could do that also

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Just life under LGBQ control of the west.

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