LOVE THIS - but we need a FEDERAL Sage's Law enacted!! God Bless Sage & Michelle & Family <3

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I sure do hope so. For these kid’s sake. :(

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I am incredulous and enraged about the cruelty of the lawyer and judge who treated Sage with utter disregard for her right and need to return to safety with her parents. This story is testimony to the power of persistent love. I hope this awful saga will be a step forward to our sick culture waking up.

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Thank you all for your words of encouragement. My Sage has a life sentence of PTSD thanks to every adult that could have helped save her. They chose to throw her to the wolves and it is nothing short of a miracle that she is alive. I wonder how many of our teens are in situations they are unable to escape from? Sex trafficking of our vulnerable children is a reality that we need to wake up to. Our children are being brainwashed and taken from us. It’s wrong on every level. Tragic.

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Thank you Sage for coming forward and being a voice for so many others! God speed to you for all you have been through. Your courage and strength are truly a light to so many. The part in the article when Michelle talks about how so many different professional adults “spend minutes with a child, but assert they have the expertise and authority to usurp decisions from parents who have poured a lifetime into their care.” This sentence…struck my heart. It is worded profoundly perfect and 100% true! The backlash my husband and I have endured in the past 5 years has been sinful and completely destructive to our daughter’s life. As parents you can not overcome this battle. Our world and society is poisoned by false “truths”. Not until you become a parent that is experiencing this nightmare you can never truly understand the outrageous insanity this contingent spreads. I pray this law passes!! Thousands of people need this law!

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You are so right. Unless you’re a parent trying to save your own child, they cannot emphasize with us. Parents need to be heard. Our opinion should trump ALL others.

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Thanking God for all who are waking up to this horrible charade being perpetuated on our most vulnerable. Please Jesus, help us all to do what we can to stop the tide. Amen.

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I just came back from doctors office, routine annual visit. I asked his opinion about transition & he just kept saying, ‘it’s difficult I know, but I see a lot of suicide’. I swear they are more likely to be suicidal once they wake up & realize what they’ve done. Who has helped them on the way? Who has enabled the delusion? Who has listened to the ones that loved them the most? Ostracized parents who voices are silenced.

We need more articles like this 🙏

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"...but I see a lot of suicide". Does he? Where, exactly? Because the statistics certainly don't back up that assertion, and it is pretty much a TRA strategy/technique.

If the "suicide prevention" argument was true, we would have seen a startling, dramatic decline in suicides & attempted suicide among teens and young adults as more are given access to drugs and affirmative practices in schools etc. We should also be able to see, from health statistics etc. all the previous suicides/attempts that occurred 10-15 years ago when trans kids was not a thing.

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I totally agree & this confirms my loss of faith in the medical profession. It’s totally linked to the rise in self diagnosis, young people going online & the ‘trend’ to self report mental illness of one kind or another. The doctors simply don’t know. Affirmation wins. I think that’s why he went off on a tangent about his own kids & how they have almost zero access to social media. He mentioned a pediatrician friend who sees sometimes life threatening cases from kids who have copied tik tok challenges

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"I see a lot of suicide". What did he mean by that? Did he mean he sees suicide in his practice? Suicide of patients who couldn't transition? I highly doubt that.

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I think he was implying that if you don’t recognize them for who they say they are then….

And he then went on to talk about how much social media is to blame for so much angst among young people & how his own kids are homeschooled, not allowed tik tok, phones or Instagram, YouTube

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So he doesn't actually SEE any suicide, he just believes the common lie that these kids are committing suicide. Thanks! Seems like he is doing right by his own kids though.

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He SEES suicide but wouldn’t delve into the reasons, blamed it on social media & implied that if denying their identity could be one of those reasons then go with it. Too late for most of us to limit it though, guess I should speak for myself, didn’t control their internet use enough

I left feeling pretty depressed, no surprise!

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Bravo for creating this law. I hope it succeeds, and becomes precedent in all states.

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So many lives ruined by the transgender cult and parents made too look like the 'bad guys"!! I pray that Sage's law pass and that other countries like Canada and Australia would truly wake up to the madness and crush it! In Jesus' name, amen.

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Trans is a cult, saw a graph of anorexia and trans, the former goes way down, the latter is rising. God please protect our children and give us courage to say no, and to stand for truth.

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That’s interesting. Where is that chart?

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Another horror story. I hope I live long enough to see this depraved trans cult become just a regretted page of history, and its enablers, cheerleaders, and Dr. Frankensteins in prison where they belong.

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Me too. In the meantime, the collateral damage done is horrific.

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I am so sorry for the devasting and debilitating journey this family has had to endure. The world we live in now is so cruel to our poor children. God bless Sage for having the courage to stand up for others!!! And God bless her mother for her courageous perseverance in the face of everything working against her!!!! That kind of love! All mothers know it!! We LAY DOWN OUR LIVES!!!

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I am so sorry the very people we are supposed to trust failed her and her parents. Thank you for sharing this story and for all that you are doing to protect families.

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I would love to know how they got the state representatives to listen to their story. I have reached out to the texas governor, state ag, senator, several house reps about this very issue because it has devastated our family and not a single person has called or emailed back.

We need people to know what’s really happening. I have lost all trust in the humans I’m supposed to trust my children with.

We need legislation for consent. I never gave consent for my child’s school to call her a different name or gender and it was done in secrecy.

It’s just appalling on all aspects.

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agree, same.

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So proud of Michelle and Sage for telling their story. Praying this law passes and it’s presented in all states. Heck, it should be worldwide.

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Similar legislation needs to be introduced in every state and nationally. Let's demand our representatives go on the record on these fundamental parental rights.

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