Craziness around "who is a girl/woman" ramps up in NY when AG James threatens to overturn local bans against trans-gender biological boys (who SAY they are girls) playing in biological girls' sports.

As a former athlete myself who played girls' sports on girls' teams (& sometimes scrimmaged pick-up basketball with boys & played on intramural boys/girls adult softball teams) I've seen first-hand how different most males are from females in our abilities/physical capabilities. Males' physical strength & prowess in sports is just different & is greater than most girls/women based on their different biology. Fact.

Good discussion below re: insanity of NY state's AG James coming out with threats to overturn local bans against trans boys on girls' teams. (Whether you are pro/against Trump is immaterial but is being used as a wedge issue by some to distract/divert attention from the central issue of protecting girls.)

> Anti-Trump New York Attorney General [Leticia James] THREATENS To DESTROY Women's Sports Over Transgender Ban - https://rumble.com/v4h6hxt-anti-trump-new-york-attorney-general-threatens-to-destroy-womens-sports-ove.html

Above link shows there are alt male sports commentators/shows who see the issue of a culturally-promoted WOKE boys/trans-takeover of girls/womens' sports very clearly & are pro-biological sex advocates as related to separate girls/women's sports.

As so many have said related to the trans-cult's arguments, trans athletes are not banned from all sports, but should play in their biological/birth sex category & not take-over girls/womens' sports.

Absolutely agree w/signing this petition below to save girls/women's sports (as noted again in PITT News this weekend). Telling kids biological lies re: sex differences is wrong/emotionally devastating.

> Monday, April 1: Sign an open letter to health regulators and policymakers around the world -

Apr 01, 2024 - Parents Call on Medical Associations: Reject WPATH as Authority on Gender Dysphoria

Quote: "We are gravely concerned about the rush to “affirm” our children’s new identities without ever stopping to ask why they have become unhappy with their natural bodies. The “affirmation approach” prescribed by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) is dangerously misguided and only serves to solidify our children’s newly-created identities, setting them on a course for social, medical and surgical transition. There is little evidence that this approach is effective in alleviating their distress, yet it poses serious risks of causing irreversible harm. We are calling for all medical organizations to reject the WPATH guidelines and adopt a more psychologically and developmentally informed approach to our children’s care."

Now... getting ready to watch the WBB FINAL FOUR championship game w/women against women.


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