I'm a long-time subscriber and I DO receive your emails. But your publication was deleted without my knowledge from my list of subscribed publications that appears under my screen name on Substack.
Also, when I attempt to search for PITT within Substack (not through a search engine) by typing in the full, correct name of the publication; e.g., "Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans (PITT)," I'm taken directly to a copy-cat trolling site that replaces the word "Trans" with the word "Transphobe."
Upon first glance, the front page of this trolling site looks identical to your site. Copy-cats are inevitable, but the fact that when I search for your site the copy-cat site comes up instead, and your site no longer appears on my list of subscribed publications, leads me to believe that somebody got into the back-end of Substack and has hacked this publication or perhaps has hacked me personally and other subscribers.
If you go to their "About" information, it is copied directly from this PITT site except that they insert the word transphobe. A few weeks ago, PITT got hit with a troll who called itself "the mirror" and some poor admin person had to go in and start deleting those comments. That person signaled that they were starting their own Substack with the same initials. I believe there may have been 2 trolls that day that were working in tandem since the post were so prolific. I did notice the other day that I needed to "subscribe" to this site in order to read the posts......which I never had to do before? I figured that it was the real PITT trying to keep the trolls away?
If you look at who the pub is following, there are a lot of links to Wonkette, a slimy gossip pub that used to be owned by Gawker. They specialize in satire and personal attacks on anyone that isn't the proper brand of liberal. My guess is there is some connection, both in terms of content and funding. There is no way in hell whoever is behind that pub cares about trans kids. It's an election year and my guess is the pub will fade out shortly afterward. In a way, it's a tribute to this pub's impact and the fact that the trans narrative is losing ground.
Yeah, I looked into this too. I found 31 subscribers, and where do you find this citation lacking? I didn't read all the stuff, but would like to know where to look. Also, from what I gather, this is only two weeks-ish old? So early days. May just fizzle out on its own.
Edit: Never mind @Lazuli - I think I found what you were talking about in one of the open letters. I must admit, some of this stuff makes me think.
I hope it fizzles out soon. I doubt it will survive past the election cycle
Brian's interview is worth a listen. Thanks for the link.
I'm a long-time subscriber and I DO receive your emails. But your publication was deleted without my knowledge from my list of subscribed publications that appears under my screen name on Substack.
Also, when I attempt to search for PITT within Substack (not through a search engine) by typing in the full, correct name of the publication; e.g., "Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans (PITT)," I'm taken directly to a copy-cat trolling site that replaces the word "Trans" with the word "Transphobe."
Upon first glance, the front page of this trolling site looks identical to your site. Copy-cats are inevitable, but the fact that when I search for your site the copy-cat site comes up instead, and your site no longer appears on my list of subscribed publications, leads me to believe that somebody got into the back-end of Substack and has hacked this publication or perhaps has hacked me personally and other subscribers.
If you go to their "About" information, it is copied directly from this PITT site except that they insert the word transphobe. A few weeks ago, PITT got hit with a troll who called itself "the mirror" and some poor admin person had to go in and start deleting those comments. That person signaled that they were starting their own Substack with the same initials. I believe there may have been 2 trolls that day that were working in tandem since the post were so prolific. I did notice the other day that I needed to "subscribe" to this site in order to read the posts......which I never had to do before? I figured that it was the real PITT trying to keep the trolls away?
If you look at who the pub is following, there are a lot of links to Wonkette, a slimy gossip pub that used to be owned by Gawker. They specialize in satire and personal attacks on anyone that isn't the proper brand of liberal. My guess is there is some connection, both in terms of content and funding. There is no way in hell whoever is behind that pub cares about trans kids. It's an election year and my guess is the pub will fade out shortly afterward. In a way, it's a tribute to this pub's impact and the fact that the trans narrative is losing ground.
That is a positive way to think about it. Let's hope.
Hi, I signed up for the "transphobe" site to gauge subscribers and comments. So far there are 38 subscribers (including me) and as I suspected the articles are full of misinformation. Of note: there are minimal comments and she sites the American Academy of Pediatrics and omits the new release from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons: https://www.plasticsurgery.org/for-medical-professionals/publications/psn-extra/news/asps-statement-to-press-regarding-gender-surgery-for-adolescents
Thanks for these details.
The articles could not be anything but full of misinformation. It's all they have. But that's the problem, isn't it.
Yeah, I looked into this too. I found 31 subscribers, and where do you find this citation lacking? I didn't read all the stuff, but would like to know where to look. Also, from what I gather, this is only two weeks-ish old? So early days. May just fizzle out on its own.
Edit: Never mind @Lazuli - I think I found what you were talking about in one of the open letters. I must admit, some of this stuff makes me think.
I hope it fizzles out soon. I doubt it will survive past the election cycle
That is awful and unsettling and unsurprising.
Substack needs to plug up the holes. I imagine that security is an ongoing problem.