Medical evidence is scientific and can be proven in a lab or lab type setting. Feelings cannot be proven...period! There are over 8 billion people in the world and there are over 8 billion personalities (or gendered souls if you believe that claptrap) and that is a good thing. What it comes down to is that certain areas of study wish to be called "science" so that it gives them credibility. Psychology, Sociology, Economics etc are under the umbrella of "Social Science" yet they are actually theories/ideologies and can only define trends in only a certain set of individuals.....even Pavlov's dogs got tired of treats at some point when they got full! This charade has to be exposed!

LANGUAGE MATTERS! Real scientists and doctors need to reclaim their words and their fields of study. The "Social Sciences" (useful to a certain degree) need to be re-labled/re-named so that regular, normal people know the difference between ideology/theory and actual science (based on a theory and then proven). LANGUAGE MATTERS!

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Relatedly , individuals need to be reassured that their common sense is often more insightful and better wisdom than the pseudo “ science” arrogantly spouted by the “experts” who attempt to silence them.

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