Congratulations! This is the way, fight back in every inch, in all the arenas. We talk with the rough truth and supported by science and facts, biology is not wrong. We discuss these in all the fronts because probably this is the most horrorific issue of our decade. I was in a party last weekend and I realized something, some people think that "support" transgenderism is an act of kindness and understanding and it is exactly the opposite, it is not kind to support a kid who does not know anything of the world neither understand the consequences of what he or she is doing, it is ABUSE, neither is understanding because I started to make questions and nobody understand what it entitles, and the irreversibility of this, this is not a game, children do not know that. Some people are too far gone and cannot go back because they would have to admit that their parents were monsters who did not care about them but to be in the TV or have interviews as the case of this boy Jax, now a cripple man, the latest news stated that he was castrated and having a plastic vagina surgery and it was in so much pain because the orifice tender to close itself and in order to keep it open "doctor" gives you a prostatic that you have to insert yourself, some testimonies of adults that have been living these lives/lies tell us that for two years they did that everyday, in order to have a "normal" sexual life. Imagine that these humans do not have a sound mental balance and I do not blame them, they have been lied to and they did not have anybody around to tell them at least to wait until they are adults. Children cannot and must not have that kind of "choice", to be clear parents do, and now society do. I am more convinced each day that goes by that the public education system should be dismantled, it is obsolete! Parents should gather a create their own center of knowledge in their communities under their standards that without a doubt will be higher than the existing ones, and have a room for children that are in disadvantage from other communities or help other communities , now it is more doable with the technology we have nowadays, something to think about it.

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Thank you for the kind words of encouragement, Apollos Lyre, AND for the the hilarious Batman comic on your substack. Both are life giving work.

Blessings to you!

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Thank you. Horrifying (though utterly predictable) reaction from the School Board.

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God bless you all in this fight!

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University of Washington medical center has one of the best and possibly largest center for the care and study of autism in children.

I'm surprised that they haven't come out with a public statement re the link between those on the spectrum and their tendency towards changing their gender considering the amount of evidence.

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UW has drunk the cool-aid. UW has bought my primary's group and I asked my provider at my appointment about 3 years ago. She said UW is affirming. Then I asked her why should I believe UW on anything (heart disese, cancer, diabetes) if they believe that sex is a social construct? She said "Good question!" So, why do I still go there? All the docs in seattle have been bought by the major hospitals and the major hospitals all affirm. And WA state will not allow us to get medical care out of state (online) either. No insurance can pay those bills. Of course if I got in an emergency accident in Kansas they'd pay...

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Bravo! In my conversation with folks they support “trans rights” but have zero understanding of the ideology being foisted on children and society in general. When they get it, they get it but many are so brainwashed by the narrative, it’s hard to get through.

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Excellent! So heartening, and a model to parents across the country! Than you!!!!

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You really should have said the emperor is wearing women's clothes......

At the meeting 🤣

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Brilliant articleand so well articulated ! This fight is so important for our children's safety and the future of Western democracies ,which the ideologues wish to smash to the detriment of us ALL. The sane world is with you. Best of luck. Sending Love and support from the UK ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏x

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I listened to as much as I could of the Seattle Board meeting - it is like a tent revival with rainbow flags - These people truly think they are being kind and that this is exactly like being gay! OMG the wait at the Seattle Gender Clinic was 10 months!! Where were these people 5 years ago? Holy shit I feel utterly hopeless after seeing this - what a load of shit! To be authentic is to be yourself --- yet you have to change yourself???? I will never ever understand this.

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Sorry to comment again, but something just hit me.

Part of your offense should be where they are getting funding from NGOs and what strings are attached, etc. A lot of this is funded by NGO's and schools these days will take that kind of money right and left.

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I admire your bravery. How did the children respond?

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Oct 26, 2023·edited Oct 26, 2023

Well done!

"Multiple systematic reviews have firmly established that pediatric sex change is not evidence-based." Have you seen the lawsuit against the AAP and certain players there?






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Oct 26, 2023·edited Oct 26, 2023

I applaud your action.

I have lived in Seattle off and on since the mid/late /80's. Seattle used to be a beautiful city without the problems that plagued other places. It's human-sized architecture and communities of single family housing made it unique in comparison to other major cities. It used to amaze me, as a woman, that I could walk around late at night as I left my job and did not feel threatened by the downtown. Nowadays I drive through and it is worse than Chicago with its income disparity thrown cheek by jowl into the downtown where ever taller condo buildings vie for a Space Needle view (Which I had for $250 in '89) and below them are rank after rank of teeming tarps and tent citys. From Emerald City to Favela in less than a generation.

I wish you Godspeed in recovering a priceless community.

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SAME! seattle is a special kind of clueless and they know best about everything. its so toxic here we send our kids away for university. out of the rainbow bubble.

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Thing is, it used to be a bunch of blue collar people. Fishers and loggers and farmers and tradespeople. Microsoft and Amazon (which tore out a lot of old housing to build it's coroporate footprint) changed it.

There is the garden of a writer (sorry, I don't remember the name) that is preserved in the midst of belltown. If you peer out over the horizon and squint a bit, on clear day with a view of the Olympics beyond the permanent haze, you might just see what used to be.*

*Providing of course, that in the intervening decade since I set foot there, a 59 story condo hasn't been approved for the land in all directions of the 1-2 block setaside.

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Yes. True, but that was decades ago. I know the garden. A long time since I was there. I drive into town daily from Mountlake Terrace and seattle is not attractive up close anymore. Best viewed from a distance. Really a shame. I saw a poll a few years back, 54% of seattle residents would like to move out of the city. We did that 30 years ago as we couldnt afford to buy in town. Thought I'd miss it, but never really did. I grew to love the ease of finding parking right in front of my home quickly!

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My husband mentioned that taking 20% of children out of all Seattle schools would make a difference hitting schools and school boards economically where it really hurts.

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Awesome! I like your template for action against the trans god and all its minions! So these misguided school boards tell you to pull your kids out if you're against sick trans ideology? Maybe you should! I can picture empty schools with kids learning in parent's homes, church basements, etc. It would really sock it to the trans worshippers. I applaud you and I pray. We have this insanity all over Australia and we need to rise up like they did in Canada. Too many lives are being ruined!

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