"We found in her possession a book given to her by the school counselor with a false cover. This book warned her not to trust us, her parents, and told her to find a ‘supportive community’ online. It also provided her with the addresses to Reddit forums where I found all manner of horrors: pornography, suicide notes, self harm manuals, advice on how to obtain drugs, and template letters inviting children to tell their bigoted parents to ‘fuck off and die’."

Could you name the author and title of this book? It sounds very disturbing and as a detransition ally I'd like to present the book as more evidence of gender ideology in schools. Thanks much!

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From another academic: I think this is an eloquent, powerfully written essay. Thank you for taking the time to write this. There is no point in this essay with which I disagree, and none less important than any other.

However, I'm especially intrigued by one, "That’s why so many trans women dress like ludicrous parodies of women... Equally girls who imagine themselves to be boys have only the remotest idea of what it is actually like to be a boy." In a lighthearted way, I echoed this point in a short essay:


Although the essay was lighthearted, the point made — your point, too — is serious. The caricatures that many "trans" youth portray leads me to think that this is not really about being a different sex as much as it is about being "trans." Or, just being different.

Likewise, the histrionic, misogynist rhetoric voiced by those who claim to be (trans)women makes it obvious that actually being a woman is the farthest thing from their mind.

Rather than exploiting these young people, the school system and medical establishment should be partnering with parents, and nurturing and guiding the youngsters into a healthier worldview. I think that your essay will make a substantial contribution to that end. Thank you, again, Frederick

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Excellent exposition!

Demonstrates the truth of Jesus' words to the religious authorities: "You father is Satan, the father of lies." This is a Satan tactic - word/meaning manipulation. As one whom God's word (Truth) saved from same-sex attraction, I now say LGBTQ are designations of sexual "abnormalities" - they are NOT" identities". And when the religious authorities called in the parents of the man Jesus had healed of blindness from birth, they were afraid to speak favorably of Jesus, because they were afraid the religious leaders would "cancel" their ability to worship in the temple.

The reference to the work of Foucault to "mistrust the image" has been reinforced by brain studies. Visuals/music/emotions register in the older/inner brain. The forebrain is our word processor - where critical thinking, logic, and decision making take place. Thus, e.g., when someone is in the presence of a person who is raging, emotional contagion occurs. The emotion "contaminates" the inner brain, BEFORE the frontal lobe even makes the person aware of the emotion. And consider how emotionally oriented our society has become. Emotions may be "indicators" of reality, but they are not "creators" of reality. Thus, visual images/emotions are a major means of Satan's work.

The question here is "Do we allow our emotions to control/enslave us, rather than us controlling our emotions?" (Genesis) When Cain was angry with God and brother Abel, God warned Cain: "Sin is crouching at your door. It wants to have you. You must master it." Later (Matt. 5) Jesus warned of the danger of allowing powerful emotions (anger, lust) to control us. He acknowledged that it wasn't easy, but that it's ultimately better that we not be enslaved by them. We must use our God-given word processing part of our brain to free us from powerful self-destructive emotions. Truth, God's word is our greatest resource in fighting Satan's attempts to enslave us through word manipulation/lies and destructive emotions.

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Madam, it's a public forum. I shall continue.

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I have seen the elephant since 1972, when April Ashley loomed into the young male homosexual circle in which I had several friends ( leaving claimed gender aside, you might ask what a thirty seven year old with no university connection was doing hanging around a set of teenagers).

I was once at a party with an American rower Rhodes Scholar where April came and talked at us for a while. When we were alone again, after a short silence, he said ‘That is one creepy dude’. That’s always summed up the adult transistioners I have met or known of, really. ‘Creepy dudes.’

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Brilliant, brilliant piece. I am sharing this with others - the ‘anaesthetising effect of identity politics’ is making it so hard for so many of us parents caught in this cult to wake people up. Thank you for lighting up the truth in this way.

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For all the people who read and enjoyed this entry, please take some time to explore James Lindsays work and his New Discourses website and podcasts. He dissects this issue with extreme precision.

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Wow. What a tour de force. I felt the frustration and anxiety through your writing. Or perhaps I’m superimposing my own. I am frustrated an anxious… I am also scared. What do we do?

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Thank you so much. I will order and read the book. My daughter has just turned 13, but I have been walking through this valley with her since she was 11 years old. I’m so thankful you were able to save your daughter from our present evil society. She is blessed to have you and you will be rewarded , in the end, for standing for the truth and going against the ways of the world.

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"A familiar conversation may proceed like this; ‘Gender identity’, I say, ‘makes no sense. ‘Gender’ derives from ‘2nd Wave Feminism’ and describes that which is imposed on women in order to socialize them as willing subordinates, wives and sex objects."


The 2WFeminists were wrong about that; and from this pernicious idea flows the pernicious gender identity cult.

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Wait - surely the opposite is true? Gender 'identity' does not 'flow from' 2W Feminist theory about gender, but is rather a corruptive twisting of the original concept of gender which was devised to explain the mechanics of the societal domination of men over women. The corruption is unfortunate but surely 2W feminism cannot be held til account for what subsequently happened to their concept in the hands of false identity prophets in the sewers of academia? As the author notes 'gender identity' is an oxymoron, a terminological self contradiction. We are not born with a gender identity any more than we are born with a French, German or Aussie identity, or an identity as Barcelona supporter. Surely Judith Butler was correct in her original actually quite mundane observation that gender is 'performative' - i.e. we gradually internalise gender as an identity in step with the degree of repetition with which we act in accordance with externally defined gender roles. How Butler got from there to where she is today god only knows, and I for one have not the least interest in discovering. I suspect cowardice, and foppery to academic fashion, with a narcissistic need to be celebrated as being on the right side of history. Otherwise Butler could hardly avoid being firmly entrenched on the GC side of the argument today, such as her thinking once was.

Either way it's a gross implication that 2WFeminism is somehow responsible for the mess we're in today.

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No. 2W Feminism clearly and explicitly stated that all "sex roles" were arbitrary and imposed by men on women. This is false. It's only a short step from that to "gender identity."

The comparison of sex with nationality is ludicrous.

And stop with the "surely." You must have taken a lot of grad courses. It's so pompous. "Surely Judith Butler was correct in her original actually quite mundane observation that gender is 'performative' "

No, she wasn't correct. Global differences in male & female behavior have been proven repeatedly:


But all I have to do is open my eyes and look around me. That men and women behave differently isn't some patriarchal psy-op, it's biology.

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Gender is a grammatical concept that was ‘borrowed’ by Anglo-sphere deconstructionists in the 1960s-1970s from the French Deconstructionists who were well and truly out of fashion by the mid-20th century. English as a language doesn’t have gendered nouns, French (and most other Romance languages) so the American deconstructionists had to ‘deconstruct’ culture and social relations through the prism of a language concept that doesn’t have any relevance in the English language.

2nd wave feminists get their use of ‘gender’ as distinct from sex out of this thinking in the academy.

In some ways it has some utility and a real observable reality that the social relations between men and women over the centuries and in different cultures have not been static, from what women and men wear (look at the history of head coverings for women), to what kinds of work is deemed ‘appropriate’ or ‘suitable’ for either, to marriage and parenting customs. Unfortunately ‘gender roles’ has become so deconstructed and relativised by subsequent postmodern and queer theory that it’s now essentially useless to scaffold these real differences in a way that allows us to excercise any kind to judgment in this area.

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"2nd wave feminists get their use of ‘gender’ as distinct from sex out of this thinking in the academy."

I appreciate your clarifying so well the derivation of the specific word "gender." It's always interesting to learn the origins of these words which have become so disabling to logical thought. But it's not really my point and frankly, I don't think that a movement as huge and destabilizing as 2nd Wave Feminism became so ubiquitous because of academic deconstructionists.

What the author was saying, and what I am thanking him/her for, is pointing out that the current mess we are in derives from a fundamental, core concept of 2nd Wave Feminism: the idea that the differences of men's and women's behavior are completely socially created & imposed on them by "the patriarchy." This nonsense is at the heart of the 2nd Wave Feminist movement, it's in all their sacred texts.

I note that Colin Wright, one of the leaders of the anti-gender identity cult, contemptuously uses the word "stereotypical" whenever he refers to typical male/female behavior. This is an inconsistency in his core philosophy that we are a binary species. So, we are a sex-binary species but sex-typical behavior is totally socially imposed? No.

It's tough for kids who don't fit into the sex-typical binary, so we created a world in which typical sex-behavior is reviled, even as we crank out products that appeal to it.

And no one really fits into that.

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I hear your point, but it’s still important to point out to kids what ‘gender’ actually is. They don’t typically learn grammar in any systematic way and nor do many of them formally learn a foreign language where they’d encounter the wild world of gendered nouns and definite articles etc.

The aspect of 2nd wave feminism you’re describing is it’s Marxist roots. Which I’m many respects is boiled down to, here are two groups who are locked in conflict for dominance and survival. Many of those early feminists were utterly taken by the Marxist ‘revolutionaries’ of the 1950s-1960s and joined their underground groups, reading Marx, Engels etc and then finding that their ‘expected contribution to the cause’ was to make dinner and tea, keep house and be secretaries for the men ‘doing the real work’.

They then made an obvious leap from the proletariat/bourgeoise dynamic to the male/female dynamic as one of oppressed and oppressor and you’re off to the races. The 1970s comes along and the class dynamic starts fading into the background and ‘gender’ in the 2nd wave feminism and race in the post civil rights era.

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1. Agree

2. Good points, all.

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This is a great piece. I really like the "castration cult" way of putting it in perspective. I'm saving this one, so that I can draw upon your arguments when (and if) I get into a dialogue about this with my few remaining SJW friends . . .

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Whoa. That is an elephant but here's a bigger one. All real transsexuals are exclusively homosexual. All. All the identitarian bs, all the rest, are not transsexual and should not receive any 'affirming surgery' at least prior to majority. And here is the elephant: gender and sexuality cannot be separated. The former is dependent on the latter and a moment's reflection will confirm that. You have been lied to. Gender is innate. It is how we advertise our sexuality to potential mates. We are animals and this is our mating dance. So naturally males who are attracted to men appear feminine and vice versa. A whole litany of lies and circular logic has been created to deny this, but it's true. Unfashionable, but true. So all nonhomosexual 'transgender affirmation' should stop, now. It serves no purpose and does much harm.

We can argue the minutiae of which homosexuals should do what but actually they represent a minority. We could solve around 80% or more of the problem just by refusing 'affirmative care' to every nonhomosexual applicant under majority. They won't kill themselves. Then we need to go for the sources of this insanity- the academics, the transacivists, the feminists and their fellow travellers, and fire them all.

Then we can argue the toss about whether 'gay' or 'trans' is better.

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Disagree. Vehemently. Of course sex and gender can be separated. They are not in fact remotely connected to begin with. Gender is a social phenomenon, sex biological. Sex is the biological means by which a species reproduces and evolves, but private sexual activity in a species as socially complex as homo sapiens is socially modulated and proscribed. Among other things by gender role play.

The idea that feminine men need to be castrated to better play out their sexuality as homosexuals is a hideous and monstrous idea. I'm pretty sure that's not how homosexual attraction works, but I'd need to get confirmation on that from the gay community. Are you part of that community? If so it's the first time I've ever heard that bizarre idea from them. I mean it's almost saying that homosexuals ARE in fact halfway attracted to women where "woman" is reconstituted as male without a male ego, and with a feminised male body.

Sorry. Not buying it.

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Oct 8, 2022·edited Oct 8, 2022

As for your last sentence: there is no debate. "Trans" shatters people and families. I would trade my son's trans delusion for simply being gay in a flash. Gay is okay. "Trans" is destructive delusion that grips the young person and extends its tentacles wide.

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Sir, take your homophobia outside and stop mansplaining feminism to women.


A Woman Who Is Tired of Men stampeding into discussions and derailing them.

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Stunning expose. I'm sharing as widely as possible.

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This is perfect. Thank you for your insight!

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Feminism talks about sex being immutable, how we are born, but whether from shying away from the word or something else, almost everyone talks about "gender" which amorphous, and having to do with illusion, fetish, etc., which the trans cult is running with.

If girls and women were given full equality and not daily bombarded with media images teaching them and us that we are innately inferior, this would all change. I was noticing yet again famous women in the media wearing excruciating high heels, half naked and pornified, yet it's all shown as "normal" and reasonable. It's very difficult to find any female image that is not pornified like this.

It was hard enough when I was growing up and I never wanted to be male, but if the cult offered a way out, I could see it would be tempting. To finally be treated with respect and as an equal is a huge lure.

But since rights for girls and women, expectations based on appearance have gone backwards from the Seventies, the trans cult will continue to be fed. (And as girls are fetishized, boys are drawn to confusing that with being popular and attractive.)

I suggest that, as much as can be done, encourage girls (and women) to dress in ways that feel comfortable and feel safe, and not to attract boys and also to not fit into mainstream misogynistic and expensive trends. That would eliminate one of the draws for girls to want to be boys. Who wouldn't want the privileges boys get that girls don't? Equalizing things would help tremendously.

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