Brilliant, and so well written. I saved this post until I had the time to give it my full attention and follow (some of!) the links. It was time well spent. I’ll get to all of the links eventually!

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Fantastic article. Let's go! I will distribute this article and Dr Wilson's to as many doctors as I can.

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Could the rush to affirmation, medicalization, blockers be considered conversion therapy just in the other direction?

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I’ve always found this to be the most insane argument in the trans arsenal: you seek to literally convert a child from male to female, yet anyone NOT willing to do so is guilty of conversion therapy. So, conversion = absence of conversion. When you consider that genital mutilation = affirmative care, it starts to make sense. 🤯

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There is hope. C'mon, Australia!!!!

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Thank you for the hope that we can change direction.

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This is a religious crusade to the people who believe in this twisted gender ideology. They sincerely believe that they are doing the right thing, are "on the right side of history", and that anyone who opposes them and their views are hateful bigots who are literally causing the death of "trans kids".

It is impossible to change their views, because as I mentioned above, this is a religious crusade for them, and for them to recognize reality would be akin to a lifelong evangelical Christian or devout Muslim to totally reject their faith. It simply isn't going to happen.

Which leads me to the next obvious, but difficult statement. When your opponents are religious zealots hellbent on getting their way, you don't play nice with them. The normal means of vigorous debate in a polite political context simply do not work. Would it have been a fruitful exercise to have a civilized debate with ISIS? Of course not, it is obvious on its face that having a polite discussion about the merits or lack thereof of establishing a radical Islamic Caliphate would have never dissuaded their members from embarking on a quest to establish their Caliphate.

The only tactics that are effective when dealing with religious zealots on a crusade are violent ones. Look how effectively the gender ideologues have weaponized fear in furtherance of their goals. Anyone who voices even mild dissent from their gender orthodoxy is cancelled, with real world consequences such as loss of employment, removal from universities, along with the litany of violent threats that are always leveled at dissenters in such cases.

In normal political disputes with an opponent who is amenable to reason, one can rely on governmental bodies and the judiciary to mediate the dispute in a fair and even-handed manner. But in this instance, the gender ideologues have captured and corrupted government and the judiciary across the Anglophone world. Thus, the normal mechanisms of political dispute are rendered totally ineffective. Moreover, since this is akin to a religious crusade, the gender ideologues are decidedly not amenable to reason, and never will be. They have decided that their position is the only morally correct one, and will use (and indeed have used) any weapon at their disposal to compel all of society to believe as they believe, or at least perform lip-service to their belief as they inflict their harmful policy prescriptions on all of society.

The sad truth is that in order to effectively combat the gender ideologues and their nonsensical religion, violent means are necessary. Criminalizing their behavior would be an obvious means to that end, but the aforementioned capture of government and the judiciary makes that all but impossible. I am not advocating any specific violent action, but much as was the case with ISIS, violence is the only solution when dealing with a group that uses violent means on their own behalf to establish their own twisted vision of what society should be.

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Look at what Martin Luther King Jr was able to accomplish by non violence. Violence is not going to get the response we want, it will make the trans activists look like even bigger victims.

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I am pretty sure when I wrote the other reply that your name was "The Faker"

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As I wrote in the other place where you posted this...

Dear Faker. You "are not advocating any specific violent action" but you are advocating violence? Please do not destroy our cause. Or are you a plant? Or maybe you are subscribing to the "words are literal violence" idea of our woke youth. We need words, lobbying, documentaries, professional courage (such as this substack), and passion to beat this scourge. Unfortunately we also need personal tragedies on display. We need to combat the ideological capture of government departments, the Green party, some other politicians, the ABC, and the Guardian, and we need to sway the public (which is not much enchanted by violent rhetoric). In the end, the truth, not violence, will win.

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Many thanks

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Thank you for putting together such a detailed chronology specific to Australia! 💗

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If you take the time to investigate, the National Association of Practising Psychiatrists (NAPP) has produced a respectful, contemporary, compassionate, cautious, caring and conventional approach to the assessment and treatment of gender dysphoria in children and young people. Have a look at it at:


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Do you find the Victorian legislation an obstacle for treating gender dysphoria?

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Yes we added that to https://lostintransition.org, we'll putting that under resources as well

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Thank you, thank you, thank you.... As a left-leaning, ABC consuming, parent of an ASD ROGD kid, I feel like I've been shouting into the abyss that you so eloquently describe here.

I've recently started writing/texting the ABC every time I experience another celebratory story about trans kids... Despite being a left-leaning voter who is in a different state from Kath Deves' electorate, I messaged her to thank her for speaking out. And I thank you for this extensive list of resources... I'll be adding them to my arsenal of information.

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You need to add LGB Defence (https://lgbdefence.org) to the list of groups.

As one of the co-founders of LGB Alliance Australia I left to be more focused on the fight against Gender Identity Ideology, it's a small but growing group that's produced:

- https://lostintransition.org, a collaboration of psychiatrists, psychologists and psychoanalysts, the submission sent to the Australian Psychologist Society was approved by Phillip Morris of NAAP, Roberto DiAngelo of SEGM, Dr Michael Biggs etc.

A supporting facebook group of health professionals can be found "Watchful Waiting Australia"

- https://lostwomensrights.com collecting and listing the rights lost of women in Australia,

- https://indefenceofchildren.org collecting and documenting the stories of parents and teachers to the fact that the State schools are being used as vehicles for social and medical transitioning of children, that parents have no parental rights when it comes to gender identity ideology, that the schools can call our kids 'mature minors' and the kids get to decided under 16 to transition. Plus the hyper sexualised school curricula.

Plus formed several resource groups collecting data on ACON's pride in diversity schemes, that was based on Stonewall UK's diversity champions.

I spoke at United Nations last year in march, copy of the talk on the business model of youth transitioning is here: https://youtu.be/WH1hV0DkA6U , I'm the web witch for https://respectmysexaustralia.org, and a number of websites supporting the movement.

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From author.

Thanks Kat for the additional resources. This post was written in a tight time frame due to the impending election, and I freely acknowledge does not include all the amazing groups and people fighting against gender ideology in Australia.

Keep up the good fight!

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Thank you, thank you, thank you for the extraordinary recount of the situation in Australia. I will not only share Dr Wilson letter but also your post which is one of the best summary i have seen so far and source of evidence. There is hope. Thank you again.

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I asked a friend who is a Doctor in Adelaide, Australia what were her thoughts on gender identity ideology and she replied in length about a gendered soul that must be respected. To say I was bereft is an understatement. I've been trying to get the message out to friends over there for years, only two have given me the time, listened and care. The brainwashing is deep. Thank you so much for this article. It is utterly devastating what is happening over there.

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Did she actually use the words "gendered soul"? A doctor, trained in science? I am not saying that doctors and scientists can't believe in soul but actually basing their medical treatment on the concept of soul ??

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Apologies, she didn't literally say that. But she may have well have. This is what she said:

Me: What's your opinion as a Dr on transgender?

Her: I’m cool with it. Some people don’t identify as the gender they were assigned at birth - that’s their business, not mine. I just respect it and try to remember to use the right pronouns.

Me: May I ask why you use the term ’assigned at birth’ as opposed to observed at birth or in gestation through an ultra sound?

Her: There are subtle differences between physiological sex (ie. whether or not you have a Y chromosome), gender identity, gender expression, and sexual attraction. Someone might be born with a Y chromosome and a penis (physiological sex) but within them self, they know that they are a female entity (gender identity), the same way that I am quite certain that I am female. That person may choose to dress the way that society would expect a man to dress or the way we would expect a woman to dress or in a very androgynous way (gender expression). That person might be attracted to males or females or both (sexual attraction). It’s a very complicated concept that has taken me some years to get my head around. But as I say, I just ask people what pronouns they would like me to use & try to be respectful!

See what I mean?

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Got it , thanks. I always wonder how many people actually believe this shit and how many are just conforming to the current ideology and recite the party line without actually believing it or without having thought about it deeply. It's easy to do when this doesn't touch your life. I am VERY grateful to people on this site who don't have children or spouses stolen by gender ideology. Most people who don't have a dog in a fight just prefer to ignore the truth and pretend they believe the gender ideology crap.

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I will never understand people like the latter. I don't have any children nor a spouse in this, but I care deeply about what is happening. I do think there are tonnes of people just towing the line. A lot of this hell breeds in the gaps where parents are way too busy, too tried, too stressed by life to even notice, especially mothers. Just the way the patriarchy likes it.

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Heartbreaking and hopeful. The US, where I am, is in lockstep with Australia. The public media is in the same situation — wholly unbalanced. As someone who was almost addicted to public radio and liberal mainstream media during the Trump years, I feel foolish for having so slavishly trusted everything I consumed. This is the fallout — that most people, believing good intent, have altogether stopped questioning anything, even if on face value it sounds absurd. As a layperson, albeit one with a child sucked down into the gender hell-hole, I feel like I could destroy any argument in favor of medicalizing young people… if that discussion were allowed. Never in my 61 years was I afraid to discuss a medical topic — just DISCUSS it — for fear of losing my employment or my child. Parents without a child in this are largely unmotivated to dig deeper.

Those now daring to speak out do give me hope. It will take a tsunami of opposing voices and young people speaking up about the harm GI has caused them, but I have to believe that it will happen because this is not sustainable on any level, including how much grief so many parents can possibly bear.

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Thank you. It's all horrid, and I support those who are still fighting for the truth to be told. They are in my prayers.

A year ago I asked my long-time doctor what protocol she's to use with trans identifying youth. She said that she has been directed to "confirm, prescribe and, not to follow up." I asked her why I should trust her medical group- affiliated with a major American university- with any of my medical concerns if they can't even get gender correct?

Her response, "that's a valid question."

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Fantastic summary! Thank you!

There is a great comparison of AUSPATH's guidelines with the actual evidence in this article: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0092623X.2022.2070565

There's the evidence and then somewhere else is AUSPATH. Not clear why people should be listening to this self appointed group, AUSPATH, if they aren't following medical evidence!

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