I am thankful for this space as well 🙏. I have 2 young grandchildren and fear for them and there future. By reading stories of the parents who are struggling with their children now. I hope to have the knowledge , strength and courage to help my family should this bane strike my family.

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For some reason that book was hard to find on Amazon's website in the US. Is that just a coincidence? There it is: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1739265602/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

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What a wonderful ,inspiring, articulation of the horrors of this damaging ,pernicious ideology and its effects on families. My children are all middle aged and my grandchildren all grown up so ,mercifully ,so far our family have not been directly affected. However ,I worry about my great grandchildren ,who are all very young and it terrifies me to think what their futures could be like. Keep fighting this madness ,ladies and gents. Anyone with an ounce of compassion and whose brain still works is on your side. Protecting children from harm will always be on the right side ,no matter who says otherwise. God Bless X❤️

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Oct 10, 2023·edited Oct 10, 2023

Congratulations on your book. What an amazing accomplishment. I have already bought the Tales from the Homefront book and will buy yours when it launches. Like you, I am so grateful I discovered this website. When I was in the pit of despair it was reassurance that I am sane and that there are a whole lot of others out there who are sane too. I'm glad so many of the others are great writers like you. I am still anonymous on websites but I have started being more open with my opinion in conversations. I think the majority of people my age see through this ridiculous ideology, they are just too afraid to say it out loud. I am trying to open doors in conversation so people will be curious. Also I found the conversation "The trans teen trend: a case of social contagion?" on Youtube with Helen Joyce and others so very inspiring. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUFaIjVzq2g

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Thank you for sharing. We have obligation to tell the truth and save our kids. Gender affirming care will be the next opioid crisis. As we are seeing on lawsuits, Reddit detrans conversations and the horrifying stories coming out. When I started reading last year it had 20k members. It has more than doubled in one year. Thank you to all courageous people for speaking up.

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This is an excellent, excellent post. I still struggle with the public truth-speaking. My wife is better than me but it is an ongoing journey for both of us. We are probably now in a similar place to you - relations are better with our daughter who is emerging from this after a long and deep six years. She won’t criticise us for speaking out and as for the rest, arguably, **** ‘em. The problem I have though is that I have no experience of it, few role models and I just don’t have the words. I know I have to start with baby steps - being more vocal and less wary with friends would be a start. But it’s very hard. Part of the problem is that I have so much anger and resentment about what has happened that it is hard to keep it balanced. Your post, as I’ve said, is wonderful. Georgie x (not my real name, but then from what I’ve said here, you probably guessed as much! One day hopefully...).

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I am one of those alluded to in your final paragraph who are fortunate enough to be immune to the reprisals faced by my fellow gender-critics, and very much see it as my moral duty to be blunt to the point of vitriolic abuse towards the woke scum pimping for sadistic paedophilia.

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"Ep. 28 Trans, Inc: genital mutilation is not just a fad. It’s a full-blown industry. How did something this demented happen so quickly? Chris Moritz has been following the money."


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Oct 10, 2023·edited Oct 10, 2023

I used to invest in a healthcare mutual fund with holdings in those large companies and exited that fund a few years ago. It's a good idea for everyone to have a look through their investment portfolios, 401(k)s, IRAs etc.

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My long standing reputation as a liberal has helped me in this time of troubles to be outspoken about this and not be accused of being transphobic. Not credibly anyway. It probably also makes other liberals think twice about supporting this social contagion without question.

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I have been vocal on another controversial subject. What I often find is that one or two others in a group will not only agree with me, but thank me for speaking. In other circles, usually the people on the other side of the issue will get an obvious awkward feeling (much as we are made to feel frequently) and will try to change the subject with something like, “We may not agree on this but how’s your job?” I believe that if we are calm, articulate and firm in our views and our evidence, that we should speak up frequently. History is changed by those who don’t blindly follow the crowd.

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Congratulations on your book. I am writing a book and speaking up for parents. I am self-employed and can't be fired. Perhaps you would like to consider an advanced reader copy for an endorsement? Please let me know how we can connect.

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The “tortured syntax” is one I am so familiar with, as well as walking on eggshells. I compare it to a tightrope but it’s the same I think. I could lose my job if I spoke out publicly. I can share with a few co-workers though. My boss has a daughter the same age as mine who was booted from a friend group for not wanting to participate in “pride.” Even the kids who have immunity from the trans mind virus suffer. I can’t imagine going through this in 2016, how lonely and isolating. It was hard enough starting in 2021.

Thank you for your essay and for helping to pave the way for those of us coming after. I am trying to find my way into that space with my daughter where we can talk to each other with some sort of agree to disagree. We have had one tentative attempt which ended in her leaving the house in tears and with threats about the future of our relationship. But she didn’t storm out angrily as in the past and she came back and was civil so progress.

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This is a great essay - thank you for sharing. I have to be careful who I share my opinion with because I am protecting a family member. I have friends who have read the PITT book and support me. I cannot say anything to several family members (who support the affirmation), or first cousins that I am very close with (to keep the protection and safety of my family member), or friends from school who might say something to someone and let the cat out of the bag - and it is so frustrating. I had the same struggle with my political opinions - several sisters post outrageous hateful comments on facebook but I am not allowed to express my opinion without backlash from them because I am no longer a practicing Democrat. I have had to unfollow these sisters (they are not aware that I did this) in order to stop having anxiety every time I opened my facebook. But I have PITT and I can comment and show my support and voice my opinion here without ridicule. For this I am very grateful. I hope your daughter can completely turn away from this cult, break all ties, and return to her roots. You are a wonderful Mother and I wish you the best of luck with your new book, too. The tide is changing...I pray this daily until it really does.

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“I am no longer a practicing Democrat”. Love this! That’s not the same as a “right winger nut case” which is what I have been called. One relative said I didn’t get the “science” behind this movement. Excuse me? I was under the impression that we were discussing DNA, not the fact that the Earth is flat!

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Please everyone, order these books to be put in our public libraries; particularly in the Young Adult area- and digital copies too! Because all of the books are pro-trans.

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Oct 10, 2023·edited Oct 10, 2023

I have bought books to donate, but the newest employee at my public library is a young trans-identified man (man in a dress), so I'm afraid to drop them in the donation bin. I'm worried they will disappear.

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I always try. Some books get denied and I have never had success getting a sane children's book in the library. But, we do need to keep trying.

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I speak out against trans ideology every day, every chance I get.

So far it's cost me my family and mental health and I still won't shut up 🤣.

I'm even thinking about starting my own substack on how to pull the gender woo apart in online discussion which seems like something no one does but I think if we could organise effective retorts, reclaim language and come from a place of concern we would be much harder to dismiss.

The tide is turning though, people are starting to find their voice. I'm no longer a lone voice and an easy target

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It’s cost me friendships. My other daughter, the affirming one, is distancing herself. It’s cost me trust in doctors, teachers, mental health providers and the political party I was once affiliated with. My mental health is shaky.

A huge part of this cult is recruiting online so if you have ideas to fight back I say go for it.

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This madness is tearing families apart and leaving bitter shells were there was happy homes.

All I can offer is a virtual hug from a stranger and the hope that people seem to be waking up to the harms.

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Thank you Colin.

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Oct 9, 2023·edited Oct 9, 2023

Your daughter is amazing like you - to be happy for you even though she is not all the way back. I think that is such a good sign.

I wish that you and I could have talked when our family was bombed with this very near the end of 2016. I found my way to Benjamin Boyce and 4thWaveNow. I did not understand What was going on and I was met with celebration and smugness at our daughter's high school. Her father and I were so crushed that our girl was not OK. But, parents of our daughters friends nodded knowingly and tried to tell me she wasn't my daughter. All of those people are gone. I recall that Abigail Shrier article in the WSJ. I re-read it many times. Surley, this matter was exposed now! And, then there was Lisa Littman. Society would "get it" now?

Then, PITT - which is Amazing! It was hard to read early comments to the effect of "I know there is True Trans and I am no Phobe but that is not what is happening with my child". Then, "It is all just because of the Covid-Lockdown". But, Everything seems to feed into and exacerbate the Cult. And, the Media and the Politicians and "Medicine" are all in - in a big way. The Pediatrician was sure no help.

Thank you so much for writing a book. Let's all get through this and save the kids!

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Actually, I have Littman and Shrier in reverse order...

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