It’s such a sinister twist to frame a host of dangerous medical interventions to alter one’s sexual phenotype as a human right, but also that to try and warn people considering it of the dangers specifically is a form of bigotry or violence against them. Pharmaceutical company marketing departments may be the most diabolical group of people ever, with the apparent combined conscience of Eichmann. I think that most of them are probably on a heavy cocktail of their company’s own drugs. Hannah Arendt warned us about the banality of evil.

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So horrible .. so sorry ... this video may be triggering, or helpful, I don't know .. a 27 year old man regretting his decision to attempt to surgically change his genitals ...


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Thank you for this. This article ran in the NY Post just recently on one family's account of their son's use of this awful drug.


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I can’t imagine having to witness that ever day and being unable to speak up about it. Free speech has become a joke.

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Thank you for your story and the information you gave regarding the medications that our loved ones are probably taking. I do not know what drugs my once beautiful granddaughter is on but seeing her picture recently on social media has me wondering. I did not recognize her, this young woman I have loved all her life. I had to be told who she was. Of course, it has been over 4 years since I have seen her in person. She turned her back on me, taking her 3 children, my great grandchildren, with her, along with my heart. I would really like it back, though it is battered and bruised. I will keep praying for her and her children, and for all who are suffering. My God, Jesus the Christ, gives me peace and hope while I wait. My family has been fractured by this Insane debacle; this grandchild was a young adult, along with her brother who first thought he was gay, but now lives as a woman cohabiting with a biological woman. Their younger brother was just a teenager when he decided he could no longer stand to be male and chose to live as female. All three are highly intelligent, talented, gentle of heart and mentally ill. My prayers are for truth to prevail, for justice for families such as yours, and mine and so many others, and for reconciliation of what has been broken.

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The very real threat of hair loss is a talisman i hold dear. It could very well be a deal-breaker for my ROGD daughter. Good to know the medical community addresses that by throwing gasoline on an already raging fire.

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My now dead Trans ex-H used to suffer from an enlarged prostate in his 50s, for which he was prescribed Finasteride here in the UK. This was many years before he "came out", of course. He said nothing about his medication in the 4 years before he left us (in 2006), but I found out from medical letters revealed in divorce proceedings that he had started taking oestrogen instead of finasteride after about 2002, and his prostate problem went away.... but his mental problems (narcissism, "gas-lighting", lack of empathy for his family, etc.) became much worse.

I was told that finasteride for prostate enlargement affected having an erection and that it caused growth of male "breasts". Of course I didn't see him naked after 2002 anyway as his behaviour was so unpleasant as he retreated into insanity.

I had no idea that Finasteride was used to treat male-pattern baldness when given at a lower dose.

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Those sound like very unethical cocktails . psychotropic drugs being in the mix suggests these people desperately suffer from depression and other mental health issues.

Your mention of side effects is informative, we rarely hear about kidney and liver problems with use of synthetic hormones but they are very real and the sole prospect of lifelong hormone dependency makes me shudder. I don't personally believe it is feasible, i suspect were going to see desistance in middle age onwards because of progressive unsustainable organ failure.

The shift towards such extremely unhealthy attitudes and practices is tantamount to brainwashing young generations towards finding serious drug addiction acceptable.

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Thank you for this very thoughtful essay. The sad truth is that doctors have known for decades the deleterious effects that anabolic steroid (i.e., testosterone, DHT) manipulation has on women. I wrote a bit about this in my Substack article "Steroids, Gender, and Fair Play" within the context of the Olympic doping scandals of the late 1970s and 1980s. There are innumerable reports documenting the lifelong harm done to women athletes during those decades. Likewise, the deleterious effects of finasteride are well documented, as you've pointed out.

It is no secret that steroids are potent hormones that have effects system-wide. You cannot manipulate *any* hormone and expect only the effects that you want. Biology doesn't work like that. Further, hormones interact with other hormones (and tissues) in complex ways that cannot always be predicted. It's unclear to me how anyone in the medical field can ignore this information except by willful ignorance.

Thank you again for this thoughtful essay. I wish the best outcome for you and your family. Sincerely, Frederick

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Thank you for sharing your story. I have encouraged my son to causally mention his receding hair line to his sister in the hopes that the threat of balding would add to the reasons to rethink testosterone. How sad to think finasteride might be added to her growing list of medications. And yes, most of the meds are psychiatric.

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Thank you for sharing your story. I have encouraged my son to causally mention his receding hair line to his sister in the hopes that the threat of balding would add to the reasons to rethink testosterone. How sad to think finasteride might be added to her growing list of medications. And yes, most of the meds are psychiatric.

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I had no idea.

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Thank you so much for sharing. Wow! All those side effects make me cringe! I'm so sorry about your daughter. She's surely is being exploited by trans activists, governments, the medical professionals and parents' who buy into this crap. Anyone standing against this evil, and/or telling their own personal horror stories of detransitioning are to be commended for their bravery and forthrightness. I sense transgenderism is coming to boil sooner or later and popping like a poison pimple. And I pray that it is soon.

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As an "okay Catholic" lady who's mother told her not to use the Lord's name in vain, I don't say this lightly... CHRIST ON A BIKE! I am so sorry this is happening to your daughter and you can only watch from a far.

I don't know how any one of these doctors/therapists etc. can be so blind to the fact that this cohort of girls who turn self-harm into an art form, whether its anorexia in the 90s, bulimia and cutting in the noughties, now they have handed them steroids... actual steroids and they expect that to fix anything? Don't we teach doctors to actually practice medicine anymore??

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