Beautiful. I'll never stop reaching out and praying she grabs my hand to help her out of this. Never.

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Thankyou for your response I will hold on to hope and I will never stop. Also to you and your daughter my most fervent wish is that they are all saved from the brink of this madness.

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Powerful, gripping, painful and the truth. This is exactly what is happening. Once the momentum gets started it is impossible to stop it. Do not give up your hope, your child still needs you even though he/she may not realize it now. All of these children connected to PITT are taking horrible tumbles and they will hit the bottom and it will hurt. We can only stand helplessly at the top of the stairs and wait for them to land, to look up at us, and need our help once again.

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Keep fighting. Keep showing, living and sharing your values. Don’t be afraid to be annoying. Plant seeds and nurture saplings but don’t expect trees. Just because your child doesn’t agree with you doesn’t mean you aren’t reaching your child. Trust. Time heals. Hoping all these kids see the light.

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When my daughter fell down the stairs at three years, I rushed her to a doctor and in my first-time-mom-fog didn't realize until later that the doctor had been asking me probing questions throughout the exam ...about how the fall had happened. If he'd gotten the message I was hiding something there would have been a call to CPS for abuse. As there should have been. Now, in my state (WA), if the doctor, or teacher or neighbor saw a parent trying to save their child from falling down the trans stairs what would happen?

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I hate our beautiful state of WA now that it's gone so extremely woke! Even the east side (Spokane) has a new extreme leftist mayor- that used to be the conservative side! There's no hope for kids here in the regular system- all will be indoctrinated from Kindergarten on. Medical privacy laws allow doctor to keep secrets from parents from age 13 and on. Runaways from other states are protected (hidden) from parents here, then given to foster families who are required to affirm trans madness. Kids are essentially legally kidnapped and trafficked here! Why on earth do more and more families keep moving here from out of state? Although it's too late for my young adult children, I want out of this nightmare of a state. Everywhere I go, I see "trans" kids, especially girls/young women pretending to be boys/men. Literally everywhere I go now! I get triggered every single day here, knowing that my own daughters were brainwashed behind my back!

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We are persecuted if we try to stop them fall. I was judged to be transgender phobic for not affirming my daughter’s addiction to self mutilation. When I tried to stop her cutting her arm I was accused of “assault”. Then she accused me of misgendering. Police were aware. When she left home police refused to tell me where she was. They knew. They did not prevent her from being later assaulted, then attempting suicide. I overheard her later telling her friend she was getting money as a result of a court case following that assault. Not the best way to get rich.

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Yes! My husband and I went to the school counselor to discuss our daughter's cutting. She promised to alert the teachers and tell us of any unusual behavior-- LIES! They socially transed her behind our backs instead! Her therapist also lied to us. After 3 months he dismissed her and told us she was "all better now". LIES! She in fact got worse and decided that she was actually a boy! Then she medicalized at 18, ruining herself forever. These people are not to be trusted!

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Similar experience to mine. A state school in England knew my concerns. Confidentiality laws, data protection laws, all prevented teachers, councillors, therapists from informing parents. It seemed the state owned my child after her 15th birthday. This might not have happened in a private school.

Laws and negligence enabled secrets to be kept. I lost trust, became angry. That anger never goes away, but eight years later my anger is directed toward these laws and government agencies that claim to be protecting our children but are instead enabling lies to be promoted. A small lie led to the big lie “that my girl is a boy”.,

Even the psychiatrist told me nothing. In a meeting she just said something about “dark” thoughts. As soon as my daughter was 18 she medicalised. These people, not to be trusted, are captured by a dark force.

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Wow! Yes, they are captured by evil. I call it demonic, satanic, and at best, "dark". I'm so sorry for your loss.

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I call it demonic, social workers and other woke people do not use that term so the worst they can say is that it is dark. Notice how fashionable the colour black has become. Is this related to the “black lives matter” campaigns? Just seems like insanity when houses and fences are all painted black. I met a Christian who bought a house in a “black fence area” and was trying to get permission to paint her fence grey. We are being controlled by scary forces in governments. This is in New Zealand where we are supposed to be free!

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How interesting! I was not aware of black fence areas- I live in USA. Seems like a black fence would absorb a lot of heat, making the area hotter. I'll ask my relative who lives there about this. Black is definitely the fashion here, though. Black & gray- so depressing. One should be free to paint their house or fence whatever they like, unless they live with an HOA or other neighborhood rules. Under "gender ideology" no one is free.

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Its so awful. Its so wrong. There is order in the universe and there is truth. This is not truth and its disordered. Not just he trans but the govt response, is disordered.

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Seeing government so disordered in their responses destroys our ability to trust our governments. Here in New Zealand I wrote to my mp expressing my concern that this is democracy. Governments act as they think society wants, rather than be responsible and take unpopular decisions. Our voices need to be louder than the voices of narcissistic trans activists. My voice is naturally very quiet so this is a challenge!

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Oh my goodness! This is heart rending and so beautifully articulated. I know this so profoundly in every cell of my body and it is exactly how I feel as I watch my wonderful 18 year old daughter start her first course of Testosterone today!!! She is so excited as she actually said to me she just “knows” it will solve all her “perceived” problems. My poor baby! I feel sick!

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You have my sympathy. That sickness you feel seeing your daughter fall is indescribably horrible. She is deluded as was my daughter. You will survive, just hold onto hope.

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Letting go is the hardest thing, but it's also the most necesssary thing... for both of you. Be certain that you are doing the right thing by letting go... Be as graceful as you can, while still loving and let the chosen chips fall where they may. This is their life. They are living it. You do not have to. You cannot. They must. May the beauty of holiness reach your loved one and change their path.

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So heartbreaking!💔🙏

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That’s exactly what my son yelled to me when he left my home.... “let me go”

This poem brought me to tears. I miss my son so much.

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Lovely and tragic.

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These words cut deep. So Heartbreaking because we are living this nightmare of watching our children fall and we are helpless to stop their life altering decisions AND we are not allowed to intervene, which is our job to keep them safe from harm, or to grieve the loss. I can’t think of another situation in which loving parents try to get their child help and are called abusive AND there is nowhere to go to get help for the child or the parents.

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This made me cry so hard because it is so true. And somehow they have convinced our kids and themselves that the parent is abusive if they tried to prevent the fall, hateful if they try to catch you and didn’t try hard enough if you fell all the way and got hurt. Sobbing right now. I want to hug every single parent out there right who is doing their best. I know you are doing everything you can. Don’t give up.

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Very powerful! I am sorry for you and the rest of us with the same pain.

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Beautifully written. It captures story of so many of us. Please speak up wherever you can. The only way to bring this cult down is by fighting back and exposing the truth and the evil agenda behind this ideology.

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I am so so sorry. It is a horrible and devastating cult. It destroys the very heart of families!!! I feel this with you. Very appropriate analogy. So painful. I ceaselessly prat for this horrible house of cards to crumble. And we will all be here arms open wide to help pick up the pieces!! Don't give up hope. There is ALWAYS HOPE!! 🙏🙏🙏☝️

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