I am so grateful for everyone who coordinated this and attended!! I just wrote my letter to the AAP Pres’s. Keep up the good work. The truth will out!

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Absolutely incredible work. In Aotearoa New Zealand, in Te Reo Māori, the indigenous language of our nation, the word would be 'mana'. The concept is difficult to easily describe in English, but broadly speaking, it means; to be vested with binding authority, to be effectual, have influence and prestige, in an earned sense, bestowed upon one by one's tribe or wider family group, a powerful psychic force, and to avenge an insult to one's own mana. It is a word that means to have justice, wisdom and power derived from one's strength of character, links with one's ancestors, and willingness to put everything on the line for one's people. The dedication and purposeful, determined, compassionate and collective nature of your work demonstrates great mana in the service of women and children, not just for yourselves but for all of us around the earth. Kia ora. Thank you - I'm am not Māori (although my children are) so I use thank you - but there is no word for thank you in Te Reo. Kia ora is used though, both as a common greeting, but also for acknowledgement of a gift of the heart, large or small. In this case, large. ❤️🤍🖤🕊️💜🤍💚🌏

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I (we) can't thank you enough for all of your hard work, fearlessness and efforts addressing this epidemic. These damning, destructive lies are shaking the family unit to the core and it has to stop. Never would I ever imagined that such deception and insanity would be accepted and pushed by rulers of nations across the planet. My heart breaks for every single individual touched by this madness.

Let me know when you are going to the White House.

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Bravo!! We must stand together! And never ever give up! Our children need us! This world needs to hear the voices of every parent who will never give up fighting this good fight. For our children’s lives! Count me in! This mother’s heart is broken as I continue to support my 15 year-old-daughter who is a tragic casualty of this gender war against chemical/medical change to perfectly healthy young bodies. It’s a travesty!

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Brilliant work, Charlie and your collaborators! And I LOVE the fact sheets! Well done.

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Thanks for fighting for truth

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Thank you so much for doing this

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Thanks for fighting for truth and a better future.

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Great writeup. It's important to document details this way for history. Dissertations will be written about this mass delusion and how it was finally brought to an end. These madness things recur, however, so we document them to make future episodes briefer!!

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The wheels of history turn ... bless you ... I will share that resolution and your materials. There are pending bills in NY that gaslight about age appropriate sex education, which in this world means indoctrination channel.

**Question - How do parents of PITT feel about this substack being shared with politicians? The multiple layers of similar experiences + heart + soul in this portal communicates the immensity and intensity of the madness so clearly.

Thank you.

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Thank you for your great work! God bless ALL of you!

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I will gladly send links to this story to Tablet, National Review, and a few other places.

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Thank you for all your hard work for the movement!! What a beautifully planned and executed event.

TRAs do not have the right to physically bully and intimidate us into leaving the public square. The next challenge will be to plan for enough people dedicated to security to keep the TRAs far enough away that they can't physically bully us and drown us out.

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This is incredible!!! Brilliant! I will share when the ban on me from facebook is over. I want EVERYONE to see this!

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God Bless each and every one of you. The fortitude it took to pull this off is just awe inspiring. Who knew that this could actually be the way to unify this country? Thank you so much! I just donated!!!

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