“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” George Orwell, 1984
For those of us at the front lines of the gender ideology debate, our society can seem Orwellian. Doctors, teachers, therapists, business leaders, judges, politicians, news media—even friends—tell us that nothing is wrong. Meanwhile, we know this is not true. In our own homes, our children tell us they will find lifelong happiness only by denying the physical reality of their bodies. Newly minted adults, lesbian, gay, gender non-conforming straight, celebrate by guzzling testosterone or estrogen. Physicians remove healthy breasts and ovaries and testicles by the thousands from young adults (18+) who are confident that they will not miss these body parts for the next 50-60 years. Pronouns, bathrooms, sports categories, prison cells were, in the recent past, assigned based on the genetic code that we all carry, and no one thought it unkind or even unusual.
We are experiencing a mass delusion, and it’s being aided and abetted by well meaning citizens who think they are doing the right thing, and being kind and inclusive. In fact, they are doing the opposite by perpetuating the madness. Time to make it clear to your friends, family, and associates that their complicity is harmful. They are promoting a belief system which has no basis in reality with their words and actions. Gender ideology is a religion and it’s time to say so.
If you want to help stop this delusion, if you see it for what it is, please speak up and let others know. Help stop the madness. Write a letter. Report what you are seeing and hearing. Feel free to use these words (adapted from an anonymous letter already in circulation) or write something of your own and get it out to the world:
Dear ##NN##
I am a client of yours but I am sending this from an anonymous email account as I do not feel safe sending this from my real account. I fear my views on this matter will have repercussions on my treatment by your staff.
I wanted you to know that two of your staff who I deal with have she/her and he/him pronouns in their email signatures. I don't know if this is a standard practice and encouraged by ##NN##, or if this is peculiar to these staff. The staff members are clearly female and male, and there is absolutely no reason for them to add these pronouns to their email signature apart from trying to make a political statement. I do not believe your staff should be inserting their political positions into their communications with clients, especially on uniquely divisive issues. You would not expect to see staff stating their political party in their email signatures. Nor would you expect them to insert: "Holy Trinity Believer" or "Unvaccinated" or "Polyamorist".
I profoundly disagree with gender identity ideology. I see a push for redefining sex and gender as regressive, sexist, and homophobic. I do not, in the slightest, regard it as progressive. In my eyes, gender identity activism is actually authoritarian. Gender activists want to dictate what language we can use, how we define biological terms, and stifle open civil discussion of views that contradict their own. Their goals are incompatible with freedom of thought, belief, and speech.
Categorizing ourselves based on what we wear or what we like or what strong personality traits we have does not break the bonds of rigid stereotypes but instead reinforces them. Make-up, clothes, and mannerisms should not constrain or define us. Each of us is born with an intertwined mind and body; none of us is purely masculine nor feminine. Gender non-conforming behavior gives all of us the freedom to be our unique selves. Gender non-conforming behavior does not signify a mystical "identity" mismatch once a magic threshold is reached. Telling people they can be born “wrong” is a toxic belief system.
Of most concern, gender ideology activists are causing permanent harm to tens of thousands of adolescents and young adults. Activists are teaching gender non-conforming young people that the distress of puberty or not fitting in with peers or a mental health crisis can be instantly cured by adopting a new transgender "identity" and discarding their old less than perfect self. This magical thinking extends to the dismissal of concerns about the long-term effects of lifelong wrong sex hormones as well as of invasive surgeries. I do not believe we should be teaching the next generation that their happiness depends on how they “present" or on how others see them.
I see the inclusion of pronouns in email signatures by your staff as a political statement on an extremely complicated and divisive issue. It makes me feel uncomfortable and alienated. I am especially concerned that the unquestioning support of gender activist ideology by your staff and therefore ##NN## is normalizing a movement which damages vulnerable young people. I ask that ##NN## reconsider whether it is appropriate for staff to have political statements such as pronouns in their email signatures, and whether staff should be using their workplace, and by extension ##NN##, as a forum for gender identity activism.
A Loving Parent of a Gender Confused Child
Wow. Love this. Should be sent to all public schools.
The 1984 quote says it all. This is a scary time, and our children are the unwitting sacrificial lambs to this new religion.