Thank you, great letter, will definitely start using it also. I have adapted it also to send all those companies of which I am a client and now ask me for my gender instead of my sex. Great job

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Jan 7, 2022·edited Jan 7, 2022

Are you a parent of a child in a CMA trust school ? You might want to write and ask them about their transgender guidance



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Amazing article. The letter is perfect.

My son had started his 7th year in Connections Academy (online school) this year. We had always enjoyed the school and had only minor issues...until this year. This year, tons of teachers and staff popped up with pronouns in the bios and in their signatures in the schools system webmail. I was pissed. Why inject this into school? I got irritated every time I seen them do it or a new one do it. I felt like they're subtly brainwashing my kid.

Then a teacher sent him a survey asking about his pronouns. That did me in. We have been homeschooling ever since.

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Hear Hear! Job well done Mom. Thanks for putting your son in a better position to learn.... from you... his first teacher. I homeschooled my younger daughter for 4 years. There are ups and downs, like anything, but I would do it again in a heartbeat.

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Ty! We have really enjoyed it so far. We like being able to cater his learning to him and his needs and future wants instead of a broad, general learning. We have also discovered gaps in his learning where the school failed him so we can fill the gaps.

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Brilliant article, thank you. I did a letter very similar to an Autistic Charity as they were sending emails out with pronoun signatures. Unfortunately they did nothing. I was paying monthly for their newsletter and services which I have now stopped. I am not supporting a charity who believe in this dangerous ideology and are supposed to be supporting vunerable children and adults.

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Good for you. So bad of them - especially when autistic young people are known to be especially vulnerable to GI with their black and white thinking. I gently complained once to a place where I am a client but I got back a response about how the person was "being supportive" of other clients and a neighbor's kid. We really need a big expose in the major papers. Meantime, this is a good letter we might all start sending wherever we can.

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This really did inspire me. I adapted the letter for my kids situation, set up a separate account, and sent it to our school board and superintendent. We must push back!

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What an absolutely wonderful letter. Will be sharing.

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The NEA should get this!

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The 1984 quote says it all. This is a scary time, and our children are the unwitting sacrificial lambs to this new religion.

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Wow. Love this. Should be sent to all public schools.

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NEA too! What a joke this has all become - and the punch line? Sterilized kids - most of them being gaslighted by adults - what will they say when this madness ends?

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Please just let it end!

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