The path, already full of twists, Is strewn now with downed trees, and landslide boulders. The bridge over the abyss Full of loose rails and splintered boards.
We have few tools to meet the task, But we work to clear the limbs, to leverage rocks aside.
Aching, but determined, we hack at undergrowth to straighten some of the turns— make plain those rough places.
The bridge is almost gone But Our friends hold our harness ropes As we tighten the rails and lay ourselves across the beams
To hammer new cross planks, To make the deck sound, To make a safe crossing, To give you a way back.
December, 2023
Thank you for the beautiful imagery of this poem. It’s a creative work about the creative work we all engage in when we seek reconciliation with someone. It’s hard work. Destroying is easy. Rebuilding is hard. God bless you and all of us in our labors of love.
Thank you everyone for your kind words. Poetry has helped me funnel the strong emotions of this experience. If you’d like to see other poems, feel free to visit my Substack (free) AngryMamaBear.