Wow! Nicely said.

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Sad but true.

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Having read way too many of those mouse/cookie books, congratulations for nailing the format. 🙂

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Awful.. brutally honest and just awful. Thank you for sharing this.

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Nice story time but not to go to sleep. I wonder what would happen if parents demand curricula before enroll their children, oh, I forgot, they can because its a public school, and how much a parent has to pay if the children do not attend school? What about enrolling the child in another neighborhood public school. maybe of a smaller town, oh I forgot, you cannot go to a different area school, you are subject to be there at least you can afford a private school. so tell me when people say "we do not have social classes in America" well yes we have. The education a child get in a public school is not the education a well off or rich child get. I know private schools are not under these kind of pressure to put "transgender affirmation programs" in their curricula, they have to or they lose the founds, so how that is freedom? Or democracy, a word that you hear enough, when parents do not have a say. So many things are wrong in the public school system, it is so obsolete, it does not respond to the challenges of this time on history, we are going backwards instead to teach children useful things to navigate the waters of these world, and the waste of time dedicated to confuse children, who needs that? No the children, for sure.

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So much pain, too many lies...a deadly game. Pretending. Make-believe. Nonsense. Such an evil cult. Mark my words - the truth is coming loud and clear. There will be push back, denial, then panic, then blame. Our children have been tricked. We will pick up the broken pieces and our stories will be told, and our voices will be heard. So much damage has been done. Recovery will be long and painful for all the ruined lives, just like any war, but this war was focused on innocent children. Many will have blood on their hands that will not wash off for the groomers, the therapists, the teachers, the counselors, the doctors and surgeons. Justice will be served.

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Give a mouse a cookie. I loved that story. Thanks for using that storytelling pattern to make an important point.

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I met a man at a professional conference recently. He teaches at a famously left-wing small liberal arts college, & told me (boastfully) that “48% of our students are LGBTQ+!” I replied “that’s not real” & rolled my eyes. He said, “what do you mean it’s not real?” Like I was some kind of thought criminal for doubting the sacred genders & boutique sexualities of his students. I tried to explain that these are political identities, not real sexual or gender IDs. I don’t think he got it, but all I could think of was Katie Herzog’s request for a non-binary Republican!!! Lolz. The best she could do was a Libertarian.

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When my office mates in Massachusetts wanted to put Rainbow paraphernalia in our waiting room I objected on the basis you articulated in this essay. That lead to an inquisition about my heresy during which I objected to LGBTQ Orthodoxy. One of the fine social worker ladies reported me to the licensure board on the basis of that wrongthink conversation only. Thankfully the board honored my right to free speech.

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

This made me cringe because it's so accurate, in such a sinister way. Lost innocence and youth. The new generation of teachers are teaching this insanity in schools, starting in Kindergarten, where I live! Woke, Koolaid-mustached teachers. So tragic. My daughter has been estranged, mostly for 1 year now. She goes on and off with it. She thinks that her Mom is a monster and that her Dad needs to talk some sense into her. Her Dad tells her we're on the same page, but her warped mind makes up it's own version of reality. We also just learned that she thinks being "trans" is the same as being "queer". So, she drinks the Koolaid.

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Can you do some more for the series, please? Maybe , "If you give an AGP a skirt" or "If you give Dylan a pronoun".

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Love the Mouse / Cookie parody! For thus subject, one alternated between laughing and crying, and this is a good day to laugh.

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Oh I can relate to this completely since my daughter cut off contact with the whole family 8 months ago and took refuge in institutions who are doing nothing but affirm her delusion.

She has not even contacted us to get her child trust fund documents. I don’t even think she wants to transition medically. I think deep down she’s relieved that she hasn’t got her money yet. Something in the brain must be telling her to slow down.

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We as parents can relate to this story about the craziness of “gender” being something chosen in a moment of high anxiety.

I have been thrown out. My girl is now a grown “man” aged 25. No contact. I dread to think what is going through her mind. Is she lost?

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