Too late. Public school isn’t about education any more, it’s just indoctrination. School choice (money follows the student) is the only way to end the activists’ hold on public education.

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So well said.

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Yes! Very clearly put.

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Very well said. I am with you as the mom of a 13 yo ROGD daughter. It is not in the best interest of our children for schools to

interfere in identity development- and the celebratory nature of trans makes it all the more alluring. It’s not the answer to their adolescent problems- it only serves to complicate them further. It’s incredibly frustrating- thank you for putting it into words. More lawsuits just might be the only answer to how the madness will end.

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At this point, there is no way to turn schools around. You may be able to get your community involved and get a quasi-safe zone for your schools, but that will only delay the inevitable. There is no safe place for your children in public education unless you are a Marxist globalist, in which case you will be thrilled. If you don't know what that means or how your child's classroom is teaching it, do some research on Karl Marx, Antonio Gramsci, John Dewey and education. Read the Humanist Manifestos. We didn't get here overnight.

I became aware of the progressives' take over education when my daughter was in 3rd grade in 1986, but their strategy began decades before that. Self-esteem programs were just beginning. Now it is impossible to find a school that doesn't have psychological Social and Emotion Learning behavior modification lessons woven in everything throughout the day. In 1996, we fought to keep comprehensive sex ed from being mandated K-12. Now it is graphic, explicit, age-inappropriate lessons on biology plus sexual orientation and gender identity and the normalization and promotion of all sexual activity for all ages. According to the Rights of the Child activists, we are sexual from birth, and children have the right to explore their sexuality as they please when they please. Parents have no rights.

Creating division is what Marxists do. The goal all along has been to achieve the Marxist agenda that children become the property of the State (now the global community) separated from their parents in every way except conception. That trans kids call their parents "breeders" is no accident.

The whole education system is run by Marxist globalists designed to bring every one involved with education into the Marxist worldview. (Of course, they don't say, "We're going to teach you to become global Marxists." Corrupting language is one of their many specialities.) There are still a few stragglers who don't swallow the hook, but they still have to go along to get along. Once you understand that, all of the pieces fall into place. The only way to protect your children is to get them out of public education including charter schools. Teachers and admins in private schools come through the same training, so don't assume unbiased academic instruction happens in them.

The only way to guarantee what your child is being taught is to do it yourself. Homeschooling has come a long way with lots of support, resources, and opportunities for social interaction. I wish more parents would at least check it out.

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Well said! 👏🏻👏🏻 Based on that comment, you might like a Youtube channel called The Reason We Learn. She also just made a substack under the same name. She is my very favorite. She talks all about what is going on in schools and why we need to homeschool.

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Maybe the problem is that “identity” is synonymous with “demographic category”. If schools helped kids discover and develop identities related to skills and interests that’d be great! (Scientist! Athlete! Actor!)

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Just as critical race theory wormed its way into public and private schools under the noses of unsuspecting parents, critical gender theory has been encroaching on education for years and is now in full flower. That's how your six year-old discovered the fun world of unlimited genders and sexual practices previously reserved for back alleys.

Gender theory arises from the same polluted waters as critical race theory: cultural Marxism, which has been taught in the universities for decades with the express purpose of training a generation of teachers whose goal is the transformation of society -- starting with your children. I hope I don't sound conspiratorial; that's not my style. I'd direct interested parents to the work of James Lindsay, whose podcast and website, New Discourses, is devoted to analyzing and explaining Marxist theoretical writing and its implementations. His series on education, specifically what he calls "Groomer Schools," is essential. From his website:

"Through brand names like “comprehensive sex education” and one of its parent programs, “Social-Emotional Learning (SEL),” our government schools have been turned into Groomer Schools, and parents are beginning to notice. What many will not understand, however, is that this isn’t just a fluke of our weird and increasingly degenerate times. It is, in fact, a long-purposed Marxist project reaching back into the early 20th century. In this episode of the New Discourses Podcast, join James Lindsay as he explains the long history of the sexual grooming that has come into our schools through Critical Gender Theory and Queer Theory as they have crept into educational programs. If you want an explanation for how sexually explicit materials, gender ideology, pornography, and strippers have made their way into our government schools, including for young children, this is a must-hear."


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Not conspiratorial at all, sadly. I wish it were just a conspiracy theory.

The Reason We Learn, on Youtube, talks a lot about CRT, SEL, etc and many other issues in schools too. She just started a substack too, under the same name. Awesome source for school information.

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Thank you. I’m thrilled to discover that channel.

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You're welcome! She is my very favorite. Her videos actually got me to homeschool. A very bright lady. She also has a substack now. Just started it

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Excellent. Thank you. Not only groomers, but recruiters. IMHO, "grooming" is too gentle for what they do. I groom my dog!!!!

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I hope you send this letter to your school district-anonymously if necessary. Snail mail still works!. Schools need to hear this from parents-repeatedly.

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I know not everyone has the ability or opportunity to homeschool, but if you have even the remotest potential to do so, I couldn’t recommend it more highly. I took my son out of public school in 2011, at the beginning of 7th grade (“junior high” where we are), and, though terrifying, it’s one of the wisest decisions I’ve ever made.

My son is 24 now, and he is so grateful that I had the foresight to protect him from the brainwashing time-pit that public schools are. If anyone is interested in how we got here, I suggest reading/viewing anything from John Taylor Gatto, Charlotte Iserbyt, or Samuel Blumenfeld. They all have varying politics, so if you find one objectionable, try another: they all come to similar conclusions.

Another excellent work is “Sexual Sabotage” by Judith Reisman. Imperative reading for anyone who has (or loves) a child/ren.

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Yes. Perfectly said!

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Excellent article. Couldn’t agree more. Back to basics. There is no need for any of this “gender ideology “. Gender dysphoria is an illness and needs to be treated as such. Not with hormones/surgery. These are quack doctors experimenting on our children.

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I assume this is in the US (where we have "public school districts". What happened to public schools? After they biffed during the pandemic, did they decide to see if they could inflame public sentiment against them even more?

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That’s bonkers, but not surprising. I think schools should solely teach how to think, and using those foundational tools a person can decide what to think through the guidance of their family, at least for the first 18 years. Although knowing what we know about brain development I’d prefer 25-28 :-)

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