Yesterday I had tea with my daughter.
I swallowed my pain with my drink and pretended to nibble on some cake.
She gobbled hers as if she were starving.
I took my glasses off to stay blind to the stubble on her chin, the acne on her cheeks.
I listened for her sweet voice through the gravelly sounds in her throat as she laughed about the scars on her flat chest and watched me blink away my tears.
Crass words and profanities spewed from my beautiful, sensitive child, mocking the once loving bond between us.
Yesterday I had tea with my daughter
But my daughter wasn't there.
I can't think of a more destructive of my kids, pro trans, was telling me how horrible it is for a parent to lose a child (to death) response to my story of losing a parent as a child (to death)...later, I realized that while she was minimizing my childhood tragedy by comparing it to an apparently worse loss, she was also acknowledging the tragedy of me losing my son to the trans agenda...he's not fully taken from me (yet) but the therapists, friends & family, "educators" and "peers" have him on the conveyor belt to dismemberment and ultimately death as my son...and have me in shackles bearing witness...who advocates for us, the mothers and fathers of children being destroyed by this insanity? I don't even know what to say to anyone...all that comes out is rage and despair.
This is heart-breaking.
We need to understand -- parents, doctors, mental health professionals -- what is happening to sensitive quirky kids who get sucked into an ideology and the result is “Crass words and profanities spewed from my beautiful, sensitive child.”
Even if we remove the health considerations, the long term effects of these medications and surgeries, the obvious medical harm, we are left with this puzzle:
Why do these kids, who were typically already struggling in some way, become angrier, more resentful, more cynical, more isolated, more unhappy?
Is this self-actualization? Is this living an authentic life? Is perceiving yourself as a victim and every normie (including your own family, who 99% of the time still indeed does love and accept you, even if they think your choices are very bad) as an enemy really an accurate and healthy way to view the world?
It sure doesn’t look like it.
That’s the big fat elephant in the corner. The mental health of these kids is in the toilet and everyone pretends there’s nothing wrong with them.