When my daughter came out as "trans" and a "gay guy". I thought to myself "no, no, no, you've got this all wrong". On all the social media sites these past years I didn’t see pushback for girls being gay guys, and guys being lesbians. I was silently enraged for gays/bi people, having to deal with this nonsensical twist of reality. But, I didn't see much pushback—until recently.
For all these previous years I quietly thought to myself “if Only". If only gay men would speak out, if only my daughter would hear that perspective—maybe she'd see what was actually going on in this toxic cult.
Finally, the word is out, thanks to Gays Against Groomers. I’d like to explicitly say thank you to the founder Jaimee Michell. Thank you for your courage and leadership, and taking a stand for my/our kids.
We see you Gays Against Groomers—pushing back from in your own community and standing up to protect my/our children!
We see you going to rallies on the street, we see you at school board meetings, we see you at legislative hearings. We see you trying to "save the tomboys" and ensuring the transing of our youth is ended.
We see you speaking out on the indoctrination, medicalization of our kids. We see your statement of No child is born in the wrong body. We see you objecting kids at drag shows.
We see you standing with Scott Newgent @Trevoices.com, with Detransitioners like Chloe Cole, Abel Garcia, Prisha, and Camille Kiefel, to name a few.
Gay men are just making my heart explode with joy. Keep screaming gay men! Many daughters like mine need pushback, they need their eyes opened, to see that it is their behavior that is bigoted, not the other way around. Keep screaming lesbians/bisexuals—we need your voices like never before!
With all sincerity, from a Mom that has waited so many years for you (over 7 to be exact) and the reality you might bring to my trans identifying daughter who believes she’s a gay guy… Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
p.s. Love your new flag!
I’m a gay man and a contributor to GAG. It is exceedingly difficult to confront the ‘alphabet Nazis’, but it must be done. Conservative blacks receive the same treatment. But FINALLY everyone is fed up. I initially was unaware of the ‘trans’ phenomena sweeping our schools. I did know about the push to ‘normalize’ drag queens. Back in my youth, no self-respecting drag queen would tell you their performance was appropriate for children. How times have changed. I’m also a Cuban exile from Marxism and understand how the left uses these issues to destroy families. They cannot achieve their totalitarian objectives without destroying the family.
Name, shame, punish, and sue all doctors who harm children. Plume Health and the Pritzkers are profiting from castration: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-do-no-harm-part-2