I'm posting my rebuttal to the slander about me in the new issue of what had once been a Lesbian Feminist journal since the Seventies, now taken over by men claiming to be Lesbians, so other here can see what we have been fighting and have had to deal with for over 50 years. It can't all fit, so it's in two parts:

Truth Versus Lies by Bev Jo Von Dohre

Friends told me that I and our Lesbian history and community are slandered in Sinister Wisdom issue 128, called “Trans/Feminisms,” though the title explains the Lesbian-hatred. Mr. Stryker, Julie Enszer, and the editors gave me no way to refute Stryker’s lies (which are also included in his book.) As much as I don’t have the time to waste with this, I feel I have to answer with the truth, since I’m not the only one affected. (Since I don't have the issue, a friend sent me a few pages, so that is what I'm responding to.)

Considering that the entire trans cult is a lie (no one can change sex), it should not be a surprise that they lie about everything else when it suits them.

My response:

1. Stryker uses Elliott Basil Mattiuzzi’s lies to erase me and also our Lesbian history. (Soon after Elliott stalked me into the Lesbian community, he re-named himself “Beth Elliott,” which I believe was to have a name as close to mine as possible, just as he tried to dye his hair a similar shade of red.)

2. Elliott has been stalking me since I said no to him when I was 17, in 1968. The last time I saw him was at a Lesbian event, in 2019, just before the lockdown, where he put "Beverly" on his nametag and sat at the table I was at with friends. (There were witnesses.) He also has shown up when I posted in a local Lesbian list about events and would sit at the table I was at, daring me to tell him to leave.

3. In the mid-Eighties, Elliott lied to the "off our backs" Feminist newspaper collective, saying that he was a "woman born woman" to get his article "Lesbian Sex" printed. The arrogance of a man writing such an article.

4. Elliott also describes himself as bisexual when it suits him (his first relationship that I knew of was with a older man named Richard), so Elliott claiming to be a Lesbian is a lie on several levels. He is also a sado-masochist, which is a group who thrives on provoking and forcing non-consensual scenes. He has bragged about winning "Ms. Leather" for Alameda County when he was the only contestant.

5. Elliott has doxxed me – putting my location and other personal information online, knowing I’ve already gotten rape, mutilation, and death threats from his trans brethren, endangering me and other Lesbians in my life.

6. Elliott also harasses other Lesbians and is openly racist (in his writings and comments). He so terrorized an African-descent friend a few years ago that she changed her phone number. (She had seen him grooming a young woman and warned the woman who then went to Elliott, so he called my friend and yelled at her. She does not scare easily. But underestimating these men is dangerous, as more are finding out.)

7. I am a Lifelong Lesbian, in love with other girls from my earliest memories and have refused to be heterosexual. I paid a high price as a teenager for saying I was a Lesbian before we had any support. (This is when we were branded by the psychiatric institutions as needing to be "cured" by torture, imprisonment, or "conversion therapy.") So Stryker’s insinuations through Elliott are particularly disgusting. My responses:

8. NO, I did not "come out together" with Elliott. He was a het man I met at USF when I was 17, who pressured me to be his girlfriend. I said no and told him I was in love with my best friend, Marg. He had no idea what a Lesbian was. I made the mistake of feeling sorry for him and so tried to be friends with him. He was "still living as a man" because that is what he is.

9. What "flirtation" in our "coming out process"? Again, I did not "come out" with him. I was already a Lesbian. He was and is a man. There was NO flirtation from me, though he kept on at me. Elliott gave me the creeps and I found him repulsive.

10. Stryker is so manipulative with his lies. I NEVER said Elliott was "always pressuring me for sex,” which implies that we had an intimate relationship. Wishful thinking from Elliott or a way to erase me? There was never any intimacy or “sex” between us, but he kept watching me and followed me around. He was after me in a way that I realized later was stalking because when I briefly became friends with another man through USF, Elliott flipped out, ranting and crying at me, as if I belonged to him. (I had no idea how dangerous this was for me until later.)

11. No, Elliott did not "make a name for 'himself' in the early women's music scene." (Has Stryker never heard him perform?) There were a lot of wonderful Lesbian singer/songwriter/musicians and Elliott was not one of them. He's certainly not listed in any compilation of Lesbian or Feminist women performers that I've ever seen.

12. No, Elliott was not on the organizing committee for the West Coast Lesbian Conference in 1973. Jeanne Cordova, who was the actual organizer, refuted his lie and demanded a retraction and apology. (I don't believe Jeanne had heard him sing or play guitar, but invited him, thinking that that would bring more attention to the conference. There were some actual Lesbian performers who were wonderful, like the Family of Woman band. Much of their music can be heard on Linda Shear's beautiful album, "A Lesbian Portrait.")

13. Yes, I and many Lesbians at the conference were upset that a man was given space and time to perform at a rare Lesbian event. We did not "threaten" anything. We protested. Since I was in the unique position of knowing Elliott personally from before he claimed to be a woman and Lesbian, and knew that he was as far from being a Lesbian as a man could get, I felt I had to speak out. (When he stalked me into the Lesbian Feminist community, he immediately got into power positions, as men do.) Three of us who were Lesbian Separatists formed the Gutter Dyke collective (named by our poverty class member to reflect her and our working class cultures). We later wrote about the conference in our newspaper, Dykes and Gorgons, in 1973. Every Lesbian I remember at the conference protested Elliott being there since he clearly was a man.

14. Robin Morgan did not spend "hours of consultation" with us (but why does Stryker think he knows what we did when he wasn’t there, except to insinuate that we influenced her?) Robin used her Feminist common sense and own awareness about men like Elliott in supporting all the Lesbians at the conference to not have a man invading our space. Her speech was important and accurate though Stryker gave a "trigger warning" for those too fragile to read that a man cannot be a woman. I don't know who her reference to a "San Francisco Lesbian being pressured to let a man rape her" was about, but I have never said Elliott raped me or tried to. (He wouldn't dare.) But I agree that men forcing their way into our few precious and rare spaces against our will is a form of rape.

15. Our Lesbian culture and community were not a "scene." I worked on the likely first Lesbian Feminist conference in the world in Berkeley in 1972 and soon became a Lesbian Separatist, which is about loving and supporting Lesbians. Stryker calling us "transphobic" and "TERF-leaning" slurs of course makes men like him and Elliott the center of attention, as men do, rather than that we are simply saying no to them. (Don't women have the right to be away from men? Clearly not to the trans cult.)

16. Of course we supported the Lesbians in the Daughters of Bilitis who did not want a man in their Lesbian organization and especially not in a power position. Elliott is extremely manipulative with his lies, so well-meaning Lesbians have often been conned into feeling sorry for him, as I once did. What I remember is that that original Lesbian organization ended rather than continue with Elliott. One more loss for Lesbians, caused by a man.

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Part 2 of my rebuttal to Sinister Wisdom:

This issue is simple. Men do not want Lesbians to exist. Our love for our own kind and choosing other Lesbians to make community with is the biggest NO to men that there is, and the biggest threat to patriarchy. We were eliminated from most histories and descriptions of cultures around the world for millennia because men and the women supporting them don't want us to exist. For a brief period of time, we made our existence visible by building wonderful Lesbian (often in the guise of "women's") communities in many countries.

We wrote Lesbian books, newspapers, journals, plays, poetry and music, made bookstores, coffee houses, dances, parties, women's centers, self defense classes. Now almost all of that is gone, destroyed, or taken over by men -- the same men who demand we call them "Lesbians," even though no man can ever become a woman or Lesbian. Before the support of Lesbian Feminism, men always demanded access to us, even when we only had bars and were branded by the psychiatric institutions as needing to be "cured." Some Radical Lesbian Feminists and even Gay men accuse the trans cult of being a form of modern "conversion therapy."

Men always want to mark territory and do not accept no for an answer. The women most murdered by men are usually women saying no in some form. But in the case of Lesbians and women saying no, it's not enough for men to use their massive resources and privilege and power of the media to destroy us -- they want to parasitize us and literally claim to be us. I wrote in "Dykes-Loving-Dykes" in 1990, if they can't be with us, they want to claim they are us. And then they re-write our history. They certainly have the money, power and means to do it, considering that most are privileged white men. “Sinister Wisdom” had been a Lesbian Feminist journal since the Seventies, but is now taken over by the trans cult and men claiming to be Lesbians).

It's only been a bit over a hundred years since men in the US allowed women to vote. Women who protested were assaulted and some killed. Women still do not have many basic rights that men do and this serves all men. But now the attacks on us are on a whole other level. Other oppressed groups have not had to deal with their oppressor claiming to be them, except for those like Euro-descent Rachel Dolezal who claimed to be Black and had gotten into power positions in the African American community. (And that community put a stop to her. It's no coincidence that African-descent women are in the forefront of fighting the trans cult, with blogs, videos, posts.) (However, men in the trans cult appropriate other identities, like non-disabled Mr. Chloe Jennings-White who has enjoyed being in the media as a "trans-disabled Lesbian in a wheelchair" when he's not hiking.) This level of appropriation is not only incredibly insulting but dangerous -- Men claiming to be women and Lesbians are murdering us regularly and the media censors it or names them as women, which skews the murder statistics when they know the vast majority of murders are by men. How many know or care about the triple hate crime murder in Oakland in 2016, where the murderer was recently convicted?

Rabbitholed #78: Dana Rivers Is the Story the Media Doesn't Want You to Read

This is a story unparalleled in media censorship about deadly white male violence against a lesbian interracial couple and their black son. When the media goes silent, there is always a reason why.

Mandy Stadtmiller

Dec 8

For a "historian," you would think that Mr. Stryker would bother to read what facts are already in print before printing lies or that he would actually ask me about what happened rather than the lies in his "Bev's version," which are actually Elliott's version. For instance, our Gutter Dyke collective was written about in “Dykes and Gorgons,” and then we were included in the Dyke Separatist anthology “For Lesbians Only.”

Thanks for the compliment, but no, Lesbians saying no to men identifying as Lesbians did not begin with me, but happened when any Lesbian or woman first heard this bizarre lie. (The slur "TERF" came decades later and means "Trans-exclusionary Radical Feminist," which basically is women saying no to men invading our communities. "Gen-crit" also came decades later.) And no, it's not a "phobia," (though women have reason to be afraid of saying no to these men, considering the murders of us by the men in the transcult.) This is again an example of men taking from Lesbians. We wrote about lesbophobia, so men use the word against us.


If anyone sees more references to me or our Lesbian history that they want to check out, feel free to ask, instead of trusting the male versions that erase us. For more information, including about the trans cult and other female-hating male inventions, most of our book, “Dykes-Loving-Dykes” has been included with a 25 year later update at my first blog:


And my second blog has enough articles for two more books, including about the trans cult’s harm to Lesbians, girls, and women. https://keepingreallesbianfeminismsimple.wordpress.com/

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Trans issues were started by two wealthy homosexuals and pedophiles. It is a war on human beings. On reality. Sodomy is part of that. Nobody is "born that way" as the large cohort identical twin studies prove conclusively. Its a developmental disorder.

Our children are paying the price with their whole lives for our insanity and moral decay.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

You did not answer my question. Why?

Maybe you didn't understand. I am asking why LGBTQ people rejected civil unions (being that we are describing different relationships anyway.)

This would be with the understanding that they would have similar rights to marriage. (Not all rights, mind you. There are unique rights reserved for those who could potentially have biologically offspring with regard to that Obviously.)

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Plus, Lesbians are not part of this mess, so stop linking us....

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The lesbians who march in the pride (before the fall) parade link themselves. We have to fight against this indoctrination together.

Stop trying to convince people of the innocence of lesbians' in this because it is blatant for all to see that T is in LGBT. and LGBT is EVERYWHERE, and its not helpful... IF your end goal is to keep children from taking wrong sex hormones and slicing off body parts. This is a forum for parents. Do you have any children?

All people sin, so there is no sense in trying to draw lines around groups of people claiming that they don't. That's just not real. IF you don't see your sin, then you don't see your need. If you don't see your need, you won't ever "cry out" for help.

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"T" was added without our permission. They have the power in terms of money, media control, and everything that white het class-privileged men have that Lesbians don't.

"LGBT" is against our will, which is why there are organizations fighting it, both in "take our L out" and in "take the T out."

I'm done with your hatred and misrepresenting me and my community.

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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023

You will have to point out the exact nature of this 'hate' and 'misrepresentation'. Your unrepented sin and your echo chamber, has done a number on your ability to 1. Discern truth. 2. Make these kinds of claims in good faith.

"Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked..."

Y'all were able to get the legal definition of marriage changed, but you couldn't get the 'T" taken out of your own parade? I don't believe that for a second.

Marriage, family and the entire structure of civilization has been 'changed' without permission. But don't worry, it hasn't really. rest assured, God, the creator, decides these things, and he will not be mocked. This is a warning. One of many. I really hope you will listen.

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I'm too busy to keep answering hatred aimed at us, but civil unions are not the same at all. I'm against marriage in general, but Lesbians and gay men need equal rights to be with those we love, including when dying, to be able to emigrate and much more...

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Apr 4, 2023·edited Apr 4, 2023

First of all, questioning an ideology is not hatred. I love you. Jesus loves you.

Secondly, if you do not find this conversation to be worthwhile, and it is getting in the way of your responsibilities, please do not feel like you need to respond.

I have found that people who are against marriage in general, are often passionate in promoting marriage definition to be changed to include relationships embarked upon by people who identify as gay. This strikes me as odd and frustrating, to put it mildly.

Being that you identify as lesbian, I wonder if you have put much thought into marriage and its impact on society and its meaning therein. Not meaning this as a slight, just wondering. I, myself, went from being "anti-marriage" (more like ambivalent) to wanting to be married. Hence, I have thought about it a lot.

What rights would be denied with civil unions? Can you please answer the question? The rights of gays and lesbians to have their relationships seen as being the same as marriage? I can't think of any other "right" that would be lost in a civil union. But...these kinds of relationships are not the same. Just like trans women are not women.

Is this a "right"? The right to dictate to other people "corrected" perceptions, beliefs, speech and thoughts? Can you see where I'm coming from?

Why can't we have different names for things? Why are people trying to break the language? Subvert it? Control it? Pretend that nothings real?

Why can't men be men, women be women and marriage be marriage and non-marriage relationships be anther kind of relationship? Why don't these relationships already have a name? People have been acting out in this way with people of their same sex for as long as there has been murder. Why hasn't a name been chosen? Makes you think, don't it.

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It's not my job to teach you what rights would be lost. There are many, as I said, including access to dying lovers, emigration rights, etc. You are pushing religious dogma that has killed so many. .

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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023

"access to dying lovers, emigration rights" all of these things could have been covered by civil unions.

My religious dogma is this: Sin brings death and separation. Jesus breaks the chain of sin and death by living a sinless life, dying on the cross and resurrecting himself into a new life. He wants too and will save you if you want to join him in this resurrection, he will take your sin into him so that you can be reconciled to God the father. Please consider this as the people around you celebrate resurrection Sunday.

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Marriage has been between a man and a woman exclusively. It has also has had boundaries and rules in place with regard to fidelity. This has been universal until recent times.

I am interested in hearing your thoughts but I don't have time to read closely right now. I'll respond more deeply later.

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Actually, no. For millennia, in patriarchy, and even now with mormons, men can own multiple women. And with "traditional marriage," almost no man are monogamous.

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Apr 4, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023

Owning other people is not marriage. Adultery is breaking the marital vow.

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Mar 27, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

but how does this organization define grooming? This is really important. I can see someone from this organization (or another) going into the schools to have the kids "open up about their sexuality" ..under the guise of encouraging less transition. But that is grooming. full stop. Adults shouldn't be talking to kids about sexual desire. It's opening them up to something the don't have the maturity or the resources to deal with. They should be focused on school, activities, and friends. They shouldn't be giving children access to porn via the internet.

Gays and lesbians are the mom and pop of this movement. (It's a convoluted form of parenting.)

All of this fighting against "heteronormative values" aka, the family, has created this unfortunate fruit. If you want to take down an invasive plant, you need to attack it from the roots, not the branches. Turn back to God and you will see the family thrive and all of us prosper. God is good and he loves us so much.

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The heartbreak from those who love their children who are now in the transcult is overwhelming. I keep wondering what could help and a friend reminded me that what can work when nothing else does, is to start lawsuits against the therapists, doctors, clinics, pharmaceutical companies and everyone benefiting from pushing this horror. I wonder how many law firms might take such cases on contingency? Could this be a class action lawsuit?

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I suppose the 'tide' needs to turn first. Jordan Petersons' latest video interviews a psychotherapist who regrets her part in transitioning children. Until western 'liberal' media steps up I don't know what can shift. So many damaged children and adults. I even feel for the therapists and doctors who are making these wrong decisions every day.

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I don't because they aren't using common sense and they are maiming children and adults. It doesn't take much to know what is going on.

I have talked with so many about girls -- that if the adults would stop promoting ultra male-identified fake femininity, then girls wouldn't feel like they must be freaks -- but this means the adults stopping pushing that image and they will not. They want girls to be little "princesses," even though that is bizarre also.

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Well, there is that. It is hard to believe that any person can believe this stuff. Although some just go along and don't think for themselves. There is also the deal where those in med school now (like my 27 year old niece) have had such a large dose of the kool aid that they may never recover. I was astonished had how she had been radicalized....I mean I saw her eyeballs spinning!! There were no 'little princesses' when I grew up....still a strange idea. My son was raised by a liberal working mom. He learned to cook, clean, laundry and respect women......I always worked to be a real person for him. Now he is working to be.....well I am not ever sure what to call it.....

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No princesses when I was little either. Recently I was on a trail and a group of girls ran up and were just screaming for no reason. (We never did that either.) So I asked why they were screaming and said they would scare the animals away. They had no idea, they just did it. Yet, I've also seen very young girls (age 9?) who were taking care of small rescued animals and were incredibly responsible and serious. (There were baby rats needing homes and we were checked to make sure our hands were clean and a number of other things to keep the little ones safe.) So not all have gone narcissistic and nutty.

It's not your fault at all! I keep thinking that the porn cult has got to be behind a lot of this, like that women and Lesbians exist for men's use. It is bizarre.

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It's perfectly natural to want to "be kind", but it is exactly this tendency of all decent people (especially in women) which has been so shamefully and cynically exploited by those who have something to gain - either in or through this predatory movement. It reduces humans, particularly women, to a set of biological traits to attempt to purchase and a set of "gendered" sex-based stereotypes to copy. Ultimately for the gratification of the men who are turned on by this, often largely as a result of consuming pornography.

I find it helpful to reflect on the fact that multinational corporations have never before lended such "support" to any human rights movement. They only do so as they profit and stand to do so by an even greater margin if allowed to continue to utterly objectify us by selling our sex-based human characteristics back to those of the opposite sex and fertility treatments to those sterilized by this "healthcare". It's diabolically cynical.

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You are so right that no other rights movement has been given such support and these people are not even needing support. You got it!

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I suppose you are familiar with Jennifer Bilek's writings?

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Yeah. It really does make sense. I think that the success of the movement is down to the confluence of a number of factors, but ultimately I found myself suspecting that it was largely about profit. I love how the few in the trans community who even broach Bilek's writing feel compelled to write it off as an "antisemitic conspiracy theory" so as not to have to even think about it! 🙄

It says a lot more about the ideologues concerned if you ask me.

Money trails do not have an inherent bias. I had already noticed that most of the funding in my country could be traced back to the same handful of non profits which were started by the same small group of individuals.

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*which is all just to say that this belief system is contingent on the dissociation of those involved. Many seem to court it. That's not your fault.

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I appreciate that these people are stranding up. But honestly it is not enough from their community. Their community has made this all possible. Providing empowerment, resources and cover. And until there is a critical mass of pushback from within that community it will likely continue. And the damage and destruction that is done in their name and under their flag with their protection will go on and possibly grow. And the community should be held accountable for it. Small factions of dissent are not enough. Not to say that some pushback isn't good. It at least may be a start to something more that could lead to real change.

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Let the men police men. Most of the "transwomen" are het men obsessed with Lesbians. We can't stop them, but you can. They are YOUR community, not ours. The one most recently stalking me was a nasty, noisy het male neighbor, divorced, with kids, and a nightmare to live near. Suddenly this 6 foot monstrosity is wearing dresses and stalking me. Then he shows up at a rare Lesbian event (all gone now), looking grotesque in makeup and expecting us to fawn all over him. Keep your brothers away from us. They are dangerous and we have nothing left.

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You may be inadvertently helping make my point. Het men can't do anything about this. Specifically because these people are operating under the express protection of the LGBTQ.... community. As far as the community at large is concerned this person is a Trans Lesbian. And any criticism or attempt to try to prevent this from Het, esp. Het men, is phobic hateful persecution of part of the community. Small parts of the community standing up against this is good. But unless protection from the community at large is removed. het men can't do anything about it. He Is part of the community because he claims to be. And the community at large acknowledges, accepts and protects him as part of the community. I truly wish we could stop him. You need to deal with the people protecting him from being stopped.

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NO, they are het men and that is also who is massively funding them, including the doctors, therapists, pharmaceuticals, etc. There is NO LGBTQ etc. "community." Lesbians aren't part of it and few bisexual women are. It's used by the het men to push their trans cult. What is "phobic persecution" is how Lesbians are being attacked and murdered.

YOU het men with all your money and resources are exactly who is protecting this trans mess and you could stop it. Go after the media who won't even report on the Lesbians these men have murdered.

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Actually its women who embrace the gender ideology and "inclusiveness" they call sodomy being "gay". Its the culture and the slaughter of our children ... those who aren't murdered in the womb... is the inevitable result. Perversion is the basis for "gender" identity. What else could it be.

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It's men and women. We are connected, intertwined. This is why these issues are integral to humankind.

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Stop attributing to Lesbians and women what het and gay men are doing. We have been fighting it for over 50 years. "Perversion" is how so many het families are fun with most of the girls and many of the boys being sexually assaulted. Same for religious groups, like the catholic church.

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Support for the "identity" agenda is mostly from single women. Lesbianism, like male homosexual behavior is obviously a biological and human perversion. Its what leads to the exact logic that has now ensnared our youth. Anybody can look up the stats for themselves.

The abuse in the Catholic church was 81% homosexual and they have stopped permitting men with homosexual tendencies to study for the priesthood. Like the Boy Scouts of America who have 10 X the number of law suits against them and like the BBC , public schools and all other institutions they were overwhelmed by the perversion of the sexual "revolution" as the Marxist, Herbert Marcuse named it. Feminism with de Beauvoir also presented the absurd idea that men and women are intelligible without reference to one another. You're still pushing the madness as are many who believe they are being "accepting" and "Inclusive" or that people are "just born that way" which has been disproven around the world. By all means accept persons but hate destructive behaviors like sodomy which has killed over a million young men in the west. The west is a cult of narcissistic hedonism not liberalism.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

You are ignoring the supercharged increase of women identifying as transmen. Why? Because you want to blame heterosexual men for a movement that was started in LGBTQ think thanks at college universities? You are hurting women by doing this, and you are not even making sense.

This is some serious gaslighting.

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I talk about them in detail in our book. They are self-hating collaborating women wanting male privilege. Some identify as gay men, so are het women. You need to learn history.

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However they feel and whatever their motives are is mute.

They are there. They are promote transgenderism, and they are lesbians.

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The "trans" phenom was started by a cross-dressing homosexual who had billions and who teamed up with another one and got international law firms working on changing the laws in the west. I forget his name but google it and it will pop up. This has nothing to do with suffering children. Its grooming and we are a grooming cult-ure like no other.

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No, that came later. Het men wanting access to Lesbians started this mess, including many of the surgeons, like "Marci Bowers."

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Go to The 11th Hour Blog and go to Reduxx.info and LGB United and Women's Liberation Front and LGB Alliance and Women's Declaration International USA just to name some. You have no idea how long primarily lesbians and feminists have been fighting the 'trans' movement. And you do not realize who the main funders and promoters of this movements are--male, heterosexual cross-dresser sexual fetishists-- and they are the primary beneficiaries. And women/girls all lose when their sex-based rights are supplanted by disordered male sexual fetishists. See https://www.thedistancemag.com/p/conservative-men-in-conservative? and https://www.mumsnet.com/talk/womens_rights/3815501-Conservative-Men-in-Conservative-Dresses-2002-article

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And you now as well as I do, that there are many lesbians are fighting for the 'trans' movement. They date trans men and become trans men together. They call you TERFS. There is no unity among lesbians and /or feminists regarding the 'trans' issue. This is a misrepresentation and you need to stop.

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There is no such thing as a "lesbian" or "homosexual". These are behaviors which go against actual human nature. Over a million dead young men from sodomy. Pretending a male body is female. Sick and absurd and why the kids are slicing off their breasts. Nice going westerners. You're so "inclusive". To love people includes hating murderous behaviors and beliefs. None of this is even slightly complicated.

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023

Correct. True identity is in the triune God. We should all be putting people into the lap of God so that they can learn this too. Sin does not define us. Sin is something we can escape through Christ.

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I have said a number of times that there are gormless LGBs who have been duped and sucked into the 'trans' movement. I have referred to them and to some feminists as Vichy feminists and Vichy LGBs. Some so-called feminists have lost the plot and do not center women's rights. And I consider TERF a badge of honor, it does not worry or detain me. The important issues are women's sex-based rights and children, teens, and young adults right to grow up whole and healthy and unmolested by unnecessary medical interventions. Most LGBs do not countenance the 'trans' lunacy and of course there are the de-transitioners--some of whom are same-sex attracted--who have returned to their natal sex and their senses. The 'trans' movement has some vocal activists who have created an outsized 'presence' currently in our culture but they are a minority. I hope you found the article enlightening.

https://www.mumsnet.com/talk/womens_rights/3815501-Conservative-Men-in-Conservative-Dresses-2002-article and


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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

"The 'trans' movement has some vocal activists who have created an outsized 'presence' currently in our culture but they are a minority."

The origins of this movement come from the LGBT. You cannot claim that this is a 'minority' of gay people or 'vocal activists'. The 'T' has been in the anacronym for more than 25 years. It is ubiquitous. You're the only person in 25-30 years that I have heard use the term LGB.

I agree that it is perversion that is causing this. But also same sex relations are result of perversion and unmarried sex is perversion. and prostitution, and porn etc....

Find God through Jesus and you will find LOVE. and true identity. Peace of Christ. God bless you!

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Exactly. Easy divorce and the Pill. Our whole cult-ure in the west.

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023

Yes. It was my husband who pointed out that 'no fault' divorce was the beginning of this. Why? Because it re-defines the vow covenant into something that doesn't require commitment. It is important to keep this in mind when having these conversations with others, that we might remind ourselves that we would also be destroyed by wrath were it not for Christ taking it for us. Our stated objective is to make disciples. God bless you today.

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The Lesbian community fought this from the beginning and too many of us have been attacked and killed over saying no. But gay men do have massive power to stop the trans cult.

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Many lesbians' support 'trans' rights. Stop playing.

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I'm not playing. Our history is that we fought them from the beginning when no one else did. Now almost everyone, including hets, bow down to them. My history of fighting them is in print going back to 1973.

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How do I get a hold of the founders of PITT. I personally would love to have them on our talk show. If anyone knows, please let me know. Thank you.

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Email me at Pitt.Genspect.org

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

It is not a good lifestyle. God has something better for you.

Appropriating marriage in your re-definition of it? Further destabilizing the family...heck, destroying the family with definitional erasure. Mocking us (Your parents too) as "breeders"? Normalizing butt plugs and female on female relational violence? Shouting down anyone who names the acts that are statistically connected to the spread AIDS? Denying a child their right to have a mother and a father? Normalizing hook-ups and hook up apps? Telling folk that dissuading partly clothed "get togethers" during "pride comes before the fall" month in San Francisco (in the middle of the monkey pocks pandemic) was homophobic and denying you your expression...after we were shut in our homes for 2 years?

Thank you, but no, thank you. You've done enough. Enough already.

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Stop blaming LGB people for the failure of heterosexual marriages and families. That is like blaming women for male violence. And there is plenty of kink in the hetero world and STDs and domestic violence. Read the words of some 'trans widows' and how they were treated by their husbands. And. FYI, AIDS is spread via heterosexual sex as well. Vilifying all LGBs for the acts of some is not fair or reasonable just as doing so re heterosexuals would not be fair. Lesbian relationships are probably the least likely to be violent and lesbians have the least number of STDs of any group. The issue we are dealing w/ here is primarily driven by the male, heterosexual cross-dresser sexual fetishists (autogynephiles/transvestic fetishists)--many who have been married and fathered children--and some who claim to be lesbian fgs. See The 11th Hour Blog and see Reduxx.info. My concern is for the children and teens, and young adults who get captured by 'trans' 'gender' ideology and for the rights and safety of women and girls.

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My concern with regard to children and trans issues, are the same as yours, but my concern also includes the breakdown of the family via sexual immortality across the board including: sex outside of marriage, porn, and homosexual activity. These are all things that are contributing to a majority of social ills. Think about this: How many social problems would be instantly solved if sex outside of marriage was to become shameful and frowned upon again?

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Seriously? Read the feminist exposes of the harm het marriage does to girls and women. I hope you're not including Lesbians with "homosexual activity?" You really think men will suddenly start being monogamous and give up porn? This mess comes from men. Bad enough that rape and sexual assault of girls in het families is the norm, but you want to make it worse?

Girls and woman who want to be men want the privilege and they hope protection from rape and harassment, but the men want sexual access to Lesbians and, for some, because they have been shamed about loving other men and being gay. You want them shamed more? That will increase the numbers saying they are women as well as increasing suicides.

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We should feel shame when we do bad things. It's the mark of a functioning conscience. I always talked myself out of shame. It lead to many lost years. I don't want others to be tricked in the same way. Sexual immorality is deadly in many ways. It's ruins lives.

The lack of shame in our modern times has lead to more problems, not less. This is the most accepting of homosexual behavior in the history of mankind.

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Of course, but women loving women is not shameful. What males do to females and often to other males is, not to mention "immoral." Police your own sordid life.

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It is.

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The sexual revolution has hurt all of us. It is a huge lie. Women are not doing better under this system...they devaluing themselves so much now that they don't even assume permission to expect exclusivity. You give your whole heart, the potential to get impregnated....etc .

Why do men do this? Women let them. Why do men think it's okay to watch porn? Women let them

I used to be a feminist. It's garbage thinking. How can you trust a philosophy whose main principles have changed 3 times?

Feminists practically gave birth to this movement. They are the ones who claim that "gender" is a social construct...where did we expect that to lead? People now really believe that they can change their gender. ..No surprise here, if you think about it

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You don't know what you are talking about. You are attributing our worst enemies to "feminists." We never said anyone could change sex. What principle changed 3 times? We fought the "sexual revolution" that was just for men. You are confusing het women obsessed with men with women who say no to that crap.

You are blaming women for what men do. Don't like it? Stop supporting men then. But you won't, for the privilege.

Nothing more supporting of men than lecturing women to obey them and their non-existent god. THAT is "garbage" thinking.

You fell for the lies. Of course men trash and misrepresent feminism. Otherwise, women might stay no to them. But many of us have and we are the ones who know about and have been fighting the trans cult for over 50 years.

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Mar 27, 2023·edited Mar 27, 2023

There have been 3 "waves" of feminism all making very different foundational claims. Is porn good or bad? Who knows?

Yes, "gender is a social construct" is a major feminist trope. It's what was "holding women back" being given dolls for Christmas and stuff...(as if raising the next generation is somehow "low" ...now that men in dresses are trying to take that job, I guess the feminists want it back! )

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This is what I mean when I talk about destroying the family. When a trans identified person portraying themselves as a women says, "Trans women are women", they are changing the definition of woman to include non-biological women. This erases womanhood. It's meaning and it's significance.

This same thing has happened with marriage. It has a very specific meaning, and it's been stolen.

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I see changing something as fundamental and basic to humans as biological sex as being in a wholly different category than the man-made construction of marriage. Marriage is a civil contract. A marriage can be solemnized religiously--or not--but legally it is still a civil contract, a secular matter, that two people may enter into barring any reason that would preclude it. The meaning of marriage has changed over the centuries, for example, women in civilized societies are no longer chattel of their husbands--that changed the meaning of marriage. And marriage is not exclusively for pro-creation or those who can't or don't want children would be denied the ability to enter into a marriage contract. There are many other examples of how the meaning of marriage has changed over the centuries. Now we have marriage equality for same-sex couples but that change does not take rights away from opposite-sex couples. In contrast, when men pretend to be women they do, in fact, supplant women's sex-based rights. Males and females are a natural 'construction' but marriage was and is a man-made construction--one cannot be changed and one can be changed--they are fundamentally different concepts.

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and yet you fought for gay and lesbian marriage. I see this often; a purported hatred for the institution of marriage, claims that it is "man made" and yet a willingness to fight for it tooth and nail for categories of relationships who can't produce children-categorically. The destruction of marriage hurts children. a lot.

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But the people in the marriage are responsible for whether their marriage survives--no one else is responsible for that. And men and women living together outside of marriage long pre-dates same-sex marriage. And some LGB families have children and some do not. Some heterosexuals eschew marriage as do some homosexuals but that is of no moment for those who make the commitment to one another. Some heterosexuals can't have children and some do not want to have them--that is their business. And marriage is man-made and I am not denigrating it to say so--it is a fact. Marriage is a civil law matter. I think marriage is a stabilizing force that all of society accrues benefits from. Having a loving partner to navigate the rocks and shoals of life is a good thing irrespective of the sex of the partner. We do not live in a theocracy--thank god--and our founders had enough of religious wars that they rightly put the Establishment Clause in the US Constitution prohibiting the establishment of religion by Congress.

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Marriage IS as fundamental and basic to humans as biological sex. It fundamentally is about biological sex, in fact, because if is fundamental to the rearing of children. The genuine 'vow', the commitment, is the glue that holds the family together, which holds our entire society together. Our Lineage, heritage, our future our past is connected to the spiritual union given in marriage by our divine creator who blesses us for his glory. It's kind of a big deal.

Sure, there might be a a contractual component to it, same as when someone writes a will, but that is because we are in this world and from time to time we use laws when conflicts come up.

If you think of it as an important 'civil law' matter, helpful to you when experiencing life's ups and downs, then why do LGBTQ plus people so soundly reject civil unions? I mean, like, ferociously! I think that you would argue that a lesbian relationship is very different from a gay male relationship...wouldn't you? They are different relationships, right? and that lesbian relationships are different from marriages, right? . Why can't they be called something other than marriage, being that hey are different relationships?

When married people can't have children, and they want them, it because they are too old, or they have some sort of disorder or aliment. It happens. The world is fallen. We die. disease happens. This doesn't mean we change the definition of marriage. It just mean that the people in the marriage are unable to have children.

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Thank you! Brilliantly said!

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Lesbian relationships are far more loving and safe than het ones. We are the least likely to ever get AIDS (compared to any other group, including hets) and have been saying so for decades.

Men, het and gay both are more violent and spreaders of STDS, including AIDS.

Leave Lesbians out of this mess.

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Mar 27, 2023·edited Mar 27, 2023

Also, if you acknowledge that gay men are more likely to get a disease because of the rips and tears inside their anus, then why don't you and your community speak up against this dangerous sexual activity? You don't. You continue to march under the same flag.

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Here is a researched fact sheet in the link below. Please read this with an open mind.

Firstly, want to protect family and children, therefore, I will no longer censor what I have discovered to be the true. Secondly, I want to walk in truth, love and peace.

"About 17-45% of lesbians report having been the victim of a least one act of physical violence perpetrated by a lesbian partner"


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I don't believe it. I've known thousands of Lesbians in my life, and the few abusers were pretending but not really Lesbians. And now men saying they are Lesbians are skewing the statistics.

Lesbians might disagree and argue, but don't murder their lovers, unlike men. Male violence to women is horrific:


Femicides in the US: the silent epidemic few dare to name


According to analysis of FBI data, of all female homicides accounted for in 2018 where the relationship between perpetrator and victim could be identified, 92% of cases involved women or girls...

You should know this and probably do....

You are not walking "in truth, love, and peace." You are being hateful and lying and scapegoating Lesbians for male violence.

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Mar 27, 2023·edited Mar 27, 2023

Abuse and violence is high among men and women who cohabitate (living in sin is the old term for it) as well.

I am not comparing one sinful relationship to another kind of a sinful relationship. I am comparing sinful relationships to non -sinful relationships.

The common denominator for abuse is sin. Disordered relationships cause issues. When you do things God's way, (with his help it is only possible) everything gets better

He is the designer and there is a design. He shows you how. I used to be in and out of relationships. It really confused me and sent me down a bad path in life lots of depression and emotional problems...because it was sin. It took me a while to understand this, but finally I did. After I received Christ.

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You are in a cult that has caused countless wars, murders, etc. Believing in a male god that doesn't exist continues the patriarchal crap that supports the trans cult.

I'm not going to waste time on you any longer. Look in the mirror and realize how deeply you are in this cult.

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Love this organization! I wish we could figure out how to really get them engaged not just at the school board level but at the kid level - talking DIRECTLY to teens as I think this could have a huge influence.

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but how does this organization define grooming? This is really important. I can see someone from this organization (or another) going into the schools to have the kids "open up about their sexuality" ..under the guise of encouraging less transition. But that is grooming. full stop. Adults shouldn't be talking to kids about their sexual desires. They shouldn't be giving children access to porn via the internet.

Gays and lesbians are mom and dad of this movement. All of this fighting against "heteronormative values" aka, the family, has created this unfortunate fruit. If you want to take down an invasive plant, you need to attack it from the roots, not the branches. Turn back to God and you will see the family thrive and all of us prosper. God is good and he loves us so much.

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Being LGB requires no adulteration of the language, no deceptive, fraudulent pronouns, and no psychological/physical hormonal or surgical mutilation. And takes no rights from any other group as men pretending to be women do w/ respect to women's rights. The T was forced-teamed onto the LGB for greater acceptance of the T but they are totally different and no self-respecting LGB wants anything to do w/ 'transgenderism' as it is a misogynist and homophobic ideology and movement. And LGBs form families as well. Heternormative is about forcing same-sex attracted people to live inauthentic lives. Living authentically as LGB--as nature or god made you--requires no artifice or fakery. LGBs are in this fight against the invented and incoherent 'trans' 'gender identity' absurdity b/c it affects LGB's as men and women and as children, teens, and young adults. As the wise and witty former governor of Texas, Ann Richards, said: 'If you are not at the table, you are on the menu.'

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Mar 27, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

But nonetheless, it is a disordered relation, that creates issues. Sin does this to all of our relationships.

For example, when you form a family, you co-opt of the meaning of the word. And it categorically requires you to create an absent father or an absent mother household.

This is a horrible thing to do to a child.

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Brilliant. I'm fed up with answering her Lesbian-hating female-hating ranting about her male god.

The men she so loves are behind this transgender mess. Both cults of illusion. But of course those of us who have been fighting the trans mess from the beginning are blamed for it. I love Ann Richards!

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Do you know what this sound like? When we point out the very real and very present issues with gender ideology, and we get accused of hating trans people. Not me.

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I don't hate lesbians, gay men, or transgender people. I don't hate men. I don't women. I don't hate children. I love Jesus and I want everyone to come to Christ. I am hoping that people will start to see the foundation by which they live cannot compare to God's love for us. God bless you mightily.

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They have also testified at the state level ( https://twitter.com/againstgrmrs? ). And Kara Dansky's org, Women's Declaration International USA wrote model legislation used in several states to end 'transitioning' of minors. And Women's Liberation Front (WOLF) has filed lawsuits and submitted amicus briefs regarding men who impersonate women being allowed in women's prisons. https://womensliberationfront.org/

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I am a reasonably intelligent person, but this bullshit word salad of what nouns and pronouns people want to be called is insane. Literally insane. You are genetically a male or female. That’s it. You can identify yourself as a male pink giraffe with green ears and a tail if you want…just don’t expect me to play along. And no, a man or a woman CANNOT be a them/they. You are ONE person. ONE. Not plural. ONE. Get it?

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Lol. I had a similar conversation with my son. It was about HRT. I said there is no magic pill. If there was a young, slim, beautiful pill, I’d be in line (well maybe). Taking cross sex hormones doesn’t change you. You will always still be you. Hate the they/them. Confuses me! 🙄

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All of the terms and letters confuse me! WTH is a cis?? I just don’t engage on the subject….

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I joined Gays Against Groomers. They're a great organization.

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Thank you to all Gays Against Groomers, as well as all others that the mom wrote the article about. You will help to save our children.

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Mar 23, 2023·edited Mar 23, 2023

I was listening to the latest JKR Witch Trials podcast today, and the second half (it's two interviews with trans identified people) is a high school kid who had a double mastectomy a few months ago, at age 16. Hit Puberty, watched trans videos on buzzfeed, and had a therapist say that gender dysphoria is the root of all your mental health problems like anxiety and ADHD, and so on. "I hated the changes of puberty and being seen as female"

The kids are being sold medical transition as the cure for their mental health problems, and it's a way to hide from growing up. They get a script from the influencers to give the therapist just in case they get any questions. It's a mass hysteria event, which is fine for beanie babies. Not so fine for life altering medical changes.

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My son has said as a trans woman he plans to date lesbian women. He has never had a physical, romantic relationship. My gut response to this was to bewilderingly say ‘but lesbians are attracted to other women not men??’ I was met with my son screaming at me ‘trans women are women!’ So I have not said that again. It still just seams these young kids ideas are so misconstrued.

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Not exactly the same, but I had a similar encounter with a friend (now ex-friend) several years ago, when I first heard about trans. She told me, very accusingly, "why does your gender matter?" And I said biological sex does matter, in certain cases. Then the conversation devolved further, which led to her talking about trans. My gut response was to immediately say "but no one can change their chromosomes." She didn't shout at me, but I'll never forget the cold look on her face. I didn't think I said anything wrong, but she looked at me like I had just slapped her grandmother.

Not long after that, she made a vague passive-aggressive post about me on Facebook. We no longer talk.

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The problem is that we are being threatened and attacked, and even raped and murdered for saying no to men screaming "'transwomen' are women" so it's scary and serious when a caring mother like you can't even argue back. If we (Lesbians) would dare to say we don't agree that men can be Lesbians (which I so wish we could do with all these men), and don't we have the right to say no anyway, I'm horrified about what the response will be. This really is male supremacy at its worst.

If they are white, but insist they are Black and that Black women should accept them (like white Rachel Dolezal does), would they expect the same? Could they see the parallel? Luckily, the Black community has been strong and clear in saying no to such impersonators, but too many women (usually white) and Lesbians don't say no to these men.

The thing is, with the postings I'm seeing of men in repulsive drag and going on about how they are more beautiful than real women, it's clear they all know they aren't women.

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Mar 25, 2023·edited Mar 25, 2023

My trans identified son also claims HE is a lesbian. No bounds to the magical delusional (and mysgonistic) labels...

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Yes, when my brother was in the Satanic panic--claiming he'd been raised by Satanic cultists, had multiple personalities, and healed magically from life-threatening wounds--he believed that one of his "personalities" was a lesbian.

That was a cult. This is a cult. It's all just cults.

I wrote about the similarities between the Satanic panic cult and the transgenderism cult for PITT: https://pitt.substack.com/p/moral-panics-of-our-time-the-satanic

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Crazy 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️

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As a lesbian, I can tell you that your son is sadly in for some rude shocks. I truly hope that he is not the kind to behave with violence when he feels that he's been thwarted. Same sex attracted women are heartily sick of that.

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Not violent. Very gentle soul. We have family in same sex marriages and our whole family, kids included, have been to a lesbian wedding. That makes all this even harder for us to understand. We have no problem with our kids being same sex attracted or even bisexual. This is a whole different thing. I hope and pray he comes out of this confusion.

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No, of course you don't. I notice that the overwhelming majority of parents who post here seem progressive, lovely and probably most importantly - rightfully horrified by what has happened to their young loved one. I didn't mean to sound so snippy, but it has become steadily more the case that women in general are getting in trouble including legal trouble for merely stating incontrovertible facts about reality, particularly as it pertains to biology. Women who are same sex attracted have been prevented from speaking freely about this important aspect of our reality in the very organisations that so many of us once helped to build over the past decade. It's now considered "transphobic", the worst social sin by far in the very places we should feel the most free to discuss any matters important in our lives as members of the LGB.

That's a frankly untenable situation, but of course it's not your son's fault in any way. I mention it largely because it is an indication of the size of the edifice that we are all up against. If you haven't already, I urge you to seek out the investigative journalism of Jennifer Bilek. I recently saw a fascinating interview with her: https://youtu.be/tLXdoqXbC6k

Something that I have noticed is that the fact is that these ostensibly "trans" people are clearly currently recognised as some kind of elite, for all many of them pretend for whatever reason to be oppressed. They are able to flex great social cache at the moment - in too many places they also literally have the power of the State at their fingers should they choose to weild it when "offended". That kind of power can really change a person.

This is all to say that in my experience, the people who get involved with the gender identity cult seem to often go through a period of being "unreachable" to those who love them. It's heartbreaking. While they don't all stay involved in it for a period of years - many young women and girls do, and they are ultimately served considerably less well than most men who get involved with it, as it is a phallocentric, a deeply male supremacist techno-religion. I hope that your son is able to enjoy a time of clarity sooner rather than later. I wish I could give you some more useful advice, I really do.

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Lida H, your understanding of this is heartwarming. My son, 35, came out as a trans lesbian last year while living with us. He has since moved out and cut us off. We are liberal and loving parents who had to ask him to leave because his behavior on adderall and estradiol became abusive toward us. This has been the most excruciating thing I have ever experienced. If I try to reach for him in a loving way, or any way for that matter, I get blasted. We moved to this town to be near him and to help him go back to school. We are considering moving away now as it is just too, too painful for us. My heart is in tatters.

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I am so sorry you are having to deal w/ this heartache. I hope he snaps out of his delusion/fetish b/c he will find his dating prospects to be vanishingly small.

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He is so lucky to have your love and support though he doesn't deserve it. I so hope you both continue doing what is best for you and your safety since that might make a difference. The men doing this harm feed off every attempt to help and support them, so saying no is the best thing for them and you. And maybe find other parents to share support?

A friend reminded me that what can work when nothing else does, is to start lawsuits against the therapists, doctors, clinics, pharmaceutical companies and everyone benefiting from pushing this horror. I wonder how many law firms might take such cases on contingency?

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Whether he deserves it or not he has a part of my heart. We have been so creamed by all of this. I am pretty sure, at 67 and 72 that we don't have the energy to fight the bigger fight. I have found solace with other parents in the same situation which is both lovely and very sad. There are so many of us who put so much energy into our families only to be smashed against the rock of this situation. Never, ever, in a million years would I have though my son would treat me this way.

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Thank you. As I said it had been less than a year. We have recently started to see glimmers of hope. Pieces of the old him coming back. From what I have researched and read, it can slip back and forth. I have read about detoxing from cult life. We just keep trying.

I have watched videos of trans activists storming women’s rights meetings. Threatening women, to be allowed in their spaces. I have not had a conversation with my son about this yet. We have been trying to get his trust. And just get Him back. But when the time is appropriate, I plan to do so.

I have been a woman’s rights advocate for a long time. Had my son not gone down this path, I don’t believe I would have known everything that men pretending to be women are doing to the women’s movement. So little of it is told in the general/mainstream media.

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I forgot to add this excellent site link since that might help some of these boys and young men realize what is going on:


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I think the mainstream media is completely censoring this, including the murders. So much we are forbidden to see and know about. If more truth was shown, I think a lot would snap out of this. Yet, recently a local news station did a long report showing a 6 foot man identifying as a "transwoman" how he was harassed by a "75 year old woman with a walker in a restaurant." (This station didn't even report the recent conviction of the white trannie who murdered an interracial Lesbian couple and their son.) I think the restaurant report was a set up. Old women are easy targets and she would have to be nuts to say anything to these aggressive bullies. Easy enough to stage it since only the trannie was shown in the report, and he loved posing for the cameras. (By the way, I've been noticing how many of the men seem to be mimicking the stereotype lisp, etc. of how gay men are often portrayed as talking. It makes me wonder if these het men are getting their cues from gay men?)

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I suppose, at 67, I am that old woman harassing my 'son'.

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I wanted to answer you about your asking about Pat Califia that came up in email, but I can't find it here. She promoted sado-masochism and porn for "Lesbians" in the late Seventies, but is not a Lesbian and has done tremendous harm to our community. She was doing this long before taking testosterone, but it did come out of her contact with the gay male community, which shows in her writing and worship of them, as well as her using their terminology, which most Lesbians had no idea about. In her porn book, "Macho Sluts," one of her stories is about a Lesbian being given the present of being gang-raped by gay men posing as cops. She is beyond disgusting and is a privileged white middle class woman who now identifies as a "gay man." Most Lesbians I know hate her and some, like myself and friends, have written against her and her vile politics.

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I'm sorry - I deleted the comment seconds after publishing it because I felt unaccountably embarrassed about it. I won't be doing that again! Very foolish and rude of me...

Thank you for your answer. I did look her up briefly only to discover answers at odds with one another in things she'd either written or said - all too typical of charlatan types in my experience. So typical that someone like that would garner more attention from the male-run media. 🙄

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It's fine to ask. No worries. She still has massive influence, which is so horrible.... And some think she's a Lesbian or even Butch, which is also horrible.

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This lapsed het frog-marched out of Tacoma's #LetWomenSpeakUSA public event saw many young violent males in costume after our throats. Hope he does not become a flying monkey for TRA squad. Blessings, hope for his well-being, too.

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This old lesbian seconds that real-world observation.

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It all gives me a headache.

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The lesbians might have something to say about that.

It's going to be a terrible shock to your son to find out that the only people willing to date him are other trans-identified people--who also mostly don't want to date him.

He'd better look into this before he does anything irreversible to himself. Trans-identified people are all over reddit talking about how unbearable the loneliness is.

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I agree with all of what you said. He is barely 17. Hasn’t told anyone outside of immediate family. No one at school knows. The crazy thing is I’ve seen girls flirt with him at school functions. He had absolutely no clue.

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Oh, my god, he's still just a boy. Of course he screams. Teenagers scream about everything.

Get him off the Internet. They are rotting his beautiful mind and endangering his precious life. I have seen other parents say they used cult deprogramming tactics to save their children. Having been through my brother's involvement in a cult, I think you have a chance with that.

As far as handling teenage rage, I used to tell my angry son roar three times like a dinosaur. The first roar would be his anger at me. The second would be general hormonal rage. The third would be so hard and loud that it hurt his throat and made him burst into tears in my arms.

He needs to be reminded every day that you are still his loving mama and forever his best ally.

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We are trying. His dad has taken him to his first concert. Punk music. Lol. They have more planned. Guy trips to the races. He and I are looking at colleges. Have done some short trips with him. We are starting to see little flickers of hope. But have a long ways to go yet. He told us this about 9-10 months ago. We are not as far along as many on here. But it is by far the hardest thing I’ve ever dealt with. I tell him I love him everyday, just like I have since before he was born.

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You guys are doing great.

Father-son stuff is so important for this. These kids are learning how to be adults from other kids, who are learning it from predators online. But we're hardwired to learn it from our parents and other family elders.

It is SO HARD to combat a cult. I think so often about the cults of the 1970s and 80s and 90s--how horrifying they were, how inexplicable, how they seemed to come out of the blue and just sweep people away.

Now we know a lot about cults. There are really helpful books out there. We just have to recognize them when they appear.

This transgenderism cult has captured entire governments. But it's still a cult.

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They don't have a clue.

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