
Gotta respect your countdown.

Jokes aside, I wanna kick the pride out of June so hard that it's butt aches for the next decade. Take that bizarre new kitch and God awful mismatched flag and shove it where it belongs.

To the more normal LG letters of the flag,it start working on something new and fresh to represent you. unhitch yourselves from this Marxist train wreck that has dismantled the hard work you put into getting freedom to love who you want. This new flag? This new THING? This is a whole different thing. Burn it!

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I have LG(B) friends who fought hard to be able to live peaceful lives, without looking over their shoulders or hiding in the shadows. They never wanted to publicise or politicise their reasons for doing this, just quietly live their lives in peace. They are angry about the activism, theatricalisation, pushing their lives into public places and faces, and essentially the leeching into their years of hard work to be let be to live.

Plus angry about the pathologising of adolescence, creating mental health difficulties where there may not need to be angst, and for children who may yet discover their LG-ness; wiping out of new generations of vulnerable and sensitive young people who have yet to discover themselves.

Either way, I just see this as indoctrination and grooming on an alarming scale.

And I also see the irresponsibility of governments in not protecting the mental health of our children, nor safety of both women and children in society.

And in doing so, destroying so much for the original 'pride' communities.

The politicising and hijacking of women's, children's, and gay rights makes me FURIOUS.

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It is interesting reading all of these comments. I spent years fighting gay marriage and promoting conversion therapy. I embraced Focus on the Family's Love Won Out Ministry "Ex-gay" ministry. Along the way Exodus International shut down and apologized for all the harm it caused. John Paulk, one of the leaders of Love Won Out, came out and said he is still gay and will always be gay. I've read the stories of those impacted by the conversion therapy I promoted like Julie Rodgers and Amber Cantorna (whose dad is a Focus on the Family Executive). I have had to work to repair the damage I caused. I listen and learn. (Edited for spelling)

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Hilarious!!! I love it

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I am old enough to remember when June was the month of weddings :(

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Love it!!!😂❤️

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Thank you, I needed to smile today.

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Ha! Humour is a better antidote to hate than love. Well done.

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On you tube watch

Syman says farm in CT (goats)

Olive the hummingbird in CA

Rocky Kanaka and dog sitting

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I needed a laugh so much today. You won the internet!

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Well, my nonviolent coping strategies include (1) lots of eye rolling when I see pride displays, (2) mumbling “You’ve got to be kidding me” frequently under my breath, usually followed by something like- “that’s all well and good until it’s your child caught up in this crap.” (3) Continued amazement at the companies who support this stuff. We have an airplane manufacturer one county over and that company is one of the sponsors of a drag queen show this month. What the heck does that have to do with manufacturing aircraft??? Insert eye roll here.

(4) Refusal to shop, as much as possible, at businesses that display pride month stuff. (5) Refusal to celebrate my birthday this month. It’s in June, but I told hubby I was not celebrating until July. Hang in there my brothers and sisters, June doesn’t last forever and neither will this trans crap. Love you 😘

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With the airplane manufacturer, I'd guess they believe they need to "virtue-signal" to attract young, talented employees. All the moreso if they're located in a politically "progressive" area.

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Here's a little levity for this month: Bill Burr. https://youtube.com/shorts/mpdSBpZIr9Y?si=R-JUyR5log4uQMkC

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🤣fun, thank you!

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I love Bill, haha! ("They're equator people!")

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Thank you for writing out how so many of us feel. I can’t/wont display a rainbow anymore as it has been desecrated. I remember Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Push organization which was about real human rights advocacy. Co-opting is what tras do best (for the worst)…

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That’s beautiful!! I love that you care about creation..so important. I see your sincerity and God appreciates your honesty. He gave you your brain for good reason, but it’s limited in understanding God’s truths. His thoughts are not our thoughts…

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I have been pleasantly surprised that the rainbow merch does not seem quite as prominent this year. I live in an extremely liberal part of Wisconsin (one county of clowns surrounded by reality) and in past years it was nauseating. Hopefully companies are getting the message that not everyone is on board.

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Just ask Anheuser-Busch

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There are two retail-oriented websites I visit often which last year bedecked their corporate logos in rainbow colors for the ENTIRE month of June. (Yes, I admit -- I was triggered! 😡)

This year . . . only one company's website is doing it! I am celebrating that as a sign the tide is turning. And I'm drafting a message of protest in my head to the still-rainbowed company.

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Bravo! I cringe every time I see anything rainbow, anywhere, no matter what month it is. I have always loved rainbows and the bible's promise that God will never destroy the world again with water: Genesis 9:13-17 "I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth. It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud; and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.” And God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant which I have established between Me and all flesh that is on the earth.”

Now a rainbow has a different meaning and I hate it. When someone's pet dies, I used to say "it has gone over the rainbow" as a comfort but I no longer say that. I can't. I have been dreading the month of June this year but the state I live in pre-empted any efforts to display any colors beside patriotic ones for the next couple of months, which just happens to block the colorful Pride displays that residents have seen emblazoned the past few years across bridges with programmable lights. I am very grateful. I am doing my best to ignore all of the Pride propaganda and I am also staying out of stores like Target, Kohl's, and Macy's which will help me to stay focused as they have big displays of rainbow products (and I will not be tempted to knock them down!) I have unfollowed several people and family members on Facebook for 30 days, so I do not see their rants, support and nonsense. Please do not get me wrong here as I have wonderful gay friends, a niece, first and second cousins who are gay and I support all of them, always will as they have the right to care for and love whoever they want to love, but they support the "T" and do not understand the harm and lies and pain connected to this evil ideology. One day at a time...and one day this will all be behind us, and the truth will be known. Maybe 2025 will just be the month of June without another thought.

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Rainbows have been ruined for me, too. In 1982, we excitedly decorated a nursery with rainbow-themed wallpaper, crib bedding, and wall art while waiting to adopt our first baby. Back then, rainbows were just rainbows -- joyful and colorful. Today, I wouldn't go near any of that stuff for a baby's room!

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