More and more people are waking up to the bottomless hatred so many of these perverted men have for women. I can see the general public is slowly waking up. I pray for more and more gays and lesbians to see the light as well, and call Trans out for what it is - pure sickness. Homosexuality exists in nature in hundreds of species, even across different Animal Kingdoms. In particular Birds and Mammals. Trans does not. Trans is a uniquely-human perversion.

My workplace HR for the first time this year did not issue an official company-wide email hailing Pride Month, basically a complete lack of acknowledgment, and the most obvious reason is more people are waking up to the True Evils of the Trans perversion, and they refuse to give their blessing. And thank God for that.

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I'm happy to see the issue of women's rights vis-a-vis trans covered so well on PITT. Thank you.

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Once again, your writing is direct and emotional and powerful. Thank you for Part Two. We must protect women. A trans-women is still a man and always will be! A male should not be allowed into any female bathroom, locker room, facility, competitive or non-competitive sport, sorority house, or rape center ever. This is setting up women to be harmed. It infuriates me that transgender males who are “pretending” to be a women are given special privileges. Why? Who in God’s name decided that women should not be protected at all costs and allow this unthinkable atrocity to be going on at a rape clinic? Seriously? Having a transgender-woman run the facility is insane. His lack of empathy and trying to place blame on a victim is cruel and iso unprofessional. I cannot and will not accept this. Having experienced rape and the trauma myself as a teenager, I would not have healed if I had to be subjected to this cruelty. The fear was paralyzing for years and the flashbacks were haunting. I am grateful that I had a safe-haven to go to and excellent counseling from trained women - who understood my vulnerability simply because they were female. Well, you stirred up my emotions once again!

Looking forward to Part Three.

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PLEASE PLEASE stop putting quotes in these essays.

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Nicely done. I have a new phrase in my knapsack now, "vagina envy", the manic and debilitating fountain of mysogyny in such men. At least it's more obvious than the bizarre (truly bizarre) Freudian penis envy in girls.

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Thank you.

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Thank you.

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Years ago - long before this trans-insanity began - we lived in Edmonton, not far from a women's emergency shelter. Among their services was a help line for women at risk. One of the people they hired to answer the calls, some from women who had just been raped, was a trans man. The women were traumatized by having a man's voice answer the phone and complained. The shelter acted on the complaints and removed him from the position. He responded by suing them. It made the news, because he won.

This happened close to 20 years ago.

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I was afraid of those last words " he won". Pathetic. The war on women is clearly not new...

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So well put and it epitomises so well how women feel. I have never been raped or even suffered physical violence from men but because I am female I can understand how terrifying and traumatizing that must be for women. No MAN will ever fully appreciate how women feel in those situations and it's the ultimate cruelty to expect women to accept "care " and "counselling" from ANY man ,however he "identifies". These MEN get off on hearing the details of what happened to these women and they have zero empathy for the victims. This is a fight worth winning ,for our future and the safety of our children. Keep going xx

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Unfortunately, I could go on. What's my point? What is the point? The point is that your brokenness is a great motivation for the likes of me, who wants to protect my wife, my daughters and my grand daughters.

What is the point? The point is until we get those in authority to realise that these men pose a real danger to girls/ women this madness will go on. 40% of transwomen (men) in prison are there for sexual offences? How many women are in prison for sexual offences? practically zero (you get the female teacher who has raped a young student) Because they are committing male biased crime - rape and sexual assault.

What is the point? The point is until we get to the point where authorities begin to realise that gender dysphoria is a mental health issue (that mainly affect men), then double mastectomies on young women with completely health breasts will continue. They will never be able to breast feed their children.

What is the point? You are in the best position to fight this pernicious egregious ideology. You have been raped what else can they do to you. Fight, fight, fight against gender ideology.

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"The brokenness of my soul is unfathomable"... I can fathom your unfathomable brokenness. Please accept my unfathomable empathy 💞

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Since safety has been violated, there should be no question about a safe space of healing for a rape victim. Your depiction of what a rape victim might encounter today might suppress treatment.

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I'm very sorry this malevolence was done to you. And, you're a great writer. Thank you for this powerful series.

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Thanks Jenny:)

Nice talking to you again

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You don't pull any punches, do you? This was hard hitting and real. Perfect! 💯

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Another well written article that made me want to spit nails.

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This: 'No matter the depth or level of sophistication of their delusion, they are painfully aware that the authentic biological realities of females, such as pregnancy, menstruation, real breastfeeding, etc.., are out of their reach. This can lead to a pathological "envy" towards biological women because they are the living expression of who they want to be but never will be...' So much for Freud's 'penis envy'. Really, if you just flip the sex on pretty much everything all the revered men of letters have claimed to be true of women, to being instead true of men, you get something much closer to the truth about women and men and an understanding of how the battle of the sexes to date, led by such pathologically deluded and envious men, underpins all human battles. Brilliant work. Thank you.

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Before the social contagion took off, this was true. Nowadays "doctors" will harvest tissue from a biological female's arm or leg and make a faux penis with it. Here's an example


Don't click if gruesome scars from self harm by proxy will linger in your mind.

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I won't click, thanks. I've seen it. I know more girls than boys are 'transing' these days, but it's still mostly straight middle-aged blokes (autogynephiles) and their pathological envy of the women they can't be pulling the strings behind the scenes to keep this bullshit sex-change ball rolling. Why so many young females (very few older females) are buying into this self-mutilation lie is more complicated than them wanting to be boys and have a penis, though many are same-sex attracted and that generally comes with some level of wanting to look like the opposite sex to better attract a partner. Young women of course generally have more self-loathing on the body-image front than young males do, as well as being more susceptible to social contagions and fashion trends.

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It's really a youth thing. The middle aged guys are the historic version. There are a ton of "groomers" seeking out autistic kids to satisfy their castration fetishism. They target autistic spectrum boys online, not just girls. It's this concept of a gendered soul pushed by supposed atheists that I just can't grasp.

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Yes and no. The old dude in a dress in the White House (Levine) has done more to push puberty blockers than any other single person, and Jenner kicked off the public craze for all things trans in the US and beyond, as did Jazz Jennings' middle-aged 'trans' doctor, the same dude in a dress who heads up WPATH. The money behind the Dems support for this is also mostly coming from a couple of middle-aged autogynephilic billionaires. But sure, the online groomers, many of them young, and some targeting boys, have run with it and done untold damage in spreading the virus to the young and vulnerable. What a shit fight!

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And I'd normally do a primary source search but I'm in a bad way today.


My dog is dying of cancer and we're trying to evaluate when to end palliative care. (After having done surgery and chemo last yeat)

He's such a sweet dog, he seriously breaks up our cats when they fight.

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Sorry to hear that, TR. I can relate, having recently had to put down the family cat who had been through a lot with us, though perhaps with cats it's not such a heart tug. He sounds like an extra special dog too. xx

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