Another heartbreaking article for me. I have joined this site today after being estranged from my daughter for 8 months after she run to social services following what I can only describe as a full blown conspiracy by a number of actors to transition her behind my and her father’s back. I am so depressed I cry every day and barely function anymore. And I thought I was doing quite well as a mother to my daughter. Everything changed in a year for us too. It’s hard to imagine that these kids have 5 million years of evolution behind them. When will their brains see the light?

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I haven't. Thanks, I'll check it out.

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It’s so heartbreaking. This ideology had devastated the relationship I had with my son, my only child. I am sorry for all the parents who are feeling hopeless and helpless. We parents no longer have any say, even when our children are minors.

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I hear you Lisa, lost my kid too, but I’m not going to bend on it. It’s wrong. It will never be something I consider to be in his best interest. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I endorsed it.

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Thank you for this piece. As a therapist, I also recommend Hold onto Your Kids to parents. You are spot on in your analysis of the activists/influencers role in creating a wedge, & then completely dismantling the parent/child &/or family/child attachment bond. I encourage all of us to capitalize on our collective knowledge as to in what types of cultures & ideologies this particular severing process benefits the intended outcome. Who isolates a child from his primary source of protection, love, security, & support? Who historically? For what purposes? Who snips a child’s lifeline from her & replaces that with promises of glitter & showers of Skittles? Who historically? For what purposes? We may not like the objective truths, the answers to these questions. They are necessary to dig up the roots of the strangling weeds. For as we dig deeper, we find yet more roots spreading farther down into the soil. Various branches to cut down.

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Gender affirming care isn’t CARE. It’s DONT CARE. These so called professionals are lying to both kids and parents and they know it. It’s unconscionable, irresponsible and not even close to “do no harm”. It’s the only psychiatric illness that can be diagnosed by the patient.

These health care providers make a mockery of health care. The hateful stats they love to quote are simply made-up. Shame on them all. Health care is being supplanted with ideological “science”. This is where all our collective science has brought us huh? Same jokers who keep lying about “climate-change” and teach school children that the far from uncontested science is revealing to us. Next they’ll claim the earth is in fact flat. So inspiring...enlightenment has become en-darkening!.

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Thank you so much. Can anyone point me to a study on males taking estrogen. My son is 26. Started last June.

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True point.

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“Parents like me feel invisible when we are told that we are expendable, obsolete relics of the past…”

Wonderful essay. Older teachers who don’t go along are considered obsolete relics too. Out of curiosity, I attended a presentation on gender identity by a TRA that my school was encouraging teachers to attend. The speaker mentioned older teachers once during his presentation and referred to us as “legacy people.” It feels like we’re living through China’s Cultural Revolution and will soon be publicly bludgeoned by the young who think “correctly.”

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Yes! Have you read "Mao's America" by Xi Van Fleet yet? Written by a Chinese woman survivor who is warning us.

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I just finished your excellent book!

Your story is so very similar to ours. It’s shocking that our well loved children can fall for such deception and turn against us.

Your book contains so much information and articulates perfectly what I wish I could explain to everyone in my life. It really is a good resource to share with anyone who is willing to read.

You have been so brave to speak up and I pray that more of us will be able to speak up very soon.

It made sense why you are so skilled at research and writing when I got to the end of the book and read your background in science, medicine, homeschooling, and writing.

Thank you for the sacrifice you have made to research and share publicly. I pray that you will receive your daughter back.

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Thank you for reading my book and for your comments here and support.

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Great column.


a) Be sure you love your children because they instinctively know this (though you might have to point it out to them) because that gives you the groundwork to monitor what they're taking in from other sources. That is, they ought to feel safe enough around you they can bounce ideas about what they're reading or seeing off you.

b) It is unbelievable that you can be condemned and rejected by your daughter and family for merely taking a different position. Even if you were totally wrong, your motivation is love for your daughter and both your adult daughter and relatives or friends ought to be mature enough to process that.

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Such an accurate essay. For many years I taught a financial literacy curriculum through Jr Achievement in classrooms. About a year ago I was teaching a class of first graders and my curricula used “family” as a a vocab word and the definition provided was something like, “A group of people who are involved with your life and can help you make decisions.” I was shocked. First off, why are we defining “family” in a financial literacy class? Second, why was there no mention of biological ties or legal custody? I did more research and discovered that JA’s board has been overtaken by people who make money pushing DEI, and that the curricula had been rewritten by a huge corporation to incorporate all the b.s. that’s infesting the world. I quit that organization about a month later.

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“…until gender ideology entered our family via my youngest daughter when she was 28 years old. Because I did not believe that rapid medicalization measures would solve the root cause of my daughter’s distress, I was

suddenly reclassified as a bad mom”

Our story too

Although you already know this, I’ll say it anyway - you aren’t a bad mom. You are her MOM - not a peer friend, not some ideology-motivated interloper, not some deluded fool relative. You are looking out for what is best for your daughter when the rest of the world has gone mad. Parenting can be thankless, but you (and I) know you are right. I’d wager that deep down your daughter knows you are right too, which is why she doesn’t want to talk to you.

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i have no kids and neither did my aunt who said that kids start to think for themselves at puberty, and i think she was right. so parents can only count on 10-15 years to get their kids emotionally ready for that, develop their self-discipline, etc.

when experts start waving statistics in your face, ask them for the peer-reviewed literature they are basing their fears on. after you get the papers, find a neutral and qualified statistician to review them for you. any reputable college will have some in their math dept. "correlation is not causation."

and i think it's still the law that parents are responsible for making medical decisions for their minor children. so renaming oneself is one thing, but hormones are quite another. when enrolling your child in school, you could ask the administration to sign an agreement that nobody on staff would give your child any medical treatment without your knowledge. in fact, isn't that what those 'notify in case of emergency' forms are about?

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Our society’s future does indeed depend on all of us continuing this fight! Your writing was very good and detailed and the way you told this crazy story of how innocently this trans-cult gets started, how it thrives, how it festers and then through the devastating end results was almost like reading a science-fiction script. The number of people who interfere with parenting today is shocking to me. What happened to the parent support and respect? Now because of this evil-cult, teachers, counselors, family members, friends, doctors and therapists all turn on the parents and encourage the child or children to pull away and reject their parents. The amount of damage being done is horrific. Children need boundaries, discipline, structure, accountability, and rules. They need to learn respect, manners, and consequences so that they can grow-up to become decent human beings. What is this generation of broken "trans" children going to be like as adults? How can they possibly make safe decisions and function and fit into society? I am annoyed with some of my family members and a few friends who still chose to be ignorant and insist that trans is real. I am sad for every parent who has written a story on PITT because I know that they have been betrayed by someone they once trusted or respected, even once loved. The pain is so difficult to describe and at times it is unbearable when your child turns on you and you know that other people encouraged this and supported this behavior. I am sorry your daughter is caught in this evil-trap, and I hope and pray that she will find her way home. Continue to leave the breadcrumbs as some of our lost children do find their way back home.

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