If you are a PITT reader, you know the myriad things gender ideology has taken from parents: spousal harmony, trust in professionals, community leaders, and so-called experts (like psychologists, clergy, doctors, journalists, and teachers), friendships, the parent-child bond…since trans destroys everything it comes in contact with and rots our society from within, the list goes on and on.
This holiday season, I’d like to call out the one positive from my own harrowing brush with gender ideology in my home. The trans contagion has given me (back) the gift of critical thinking.
I thought I was a critical thinker. I thought I was informed. Prior to my son’s unexpected pronouncement that he was trans, I really felt that I was in tune with current events, and I felt pretty smart about my independent opinions and variety of balanced news sources too.
Actually though, what I had was apathy and, what seems to me in hindsight, an appalling lack of intellectual curiosity. I remember back in high school and college when I was eager to explore every academic and intellectual angle, to open every curiosity door, as that teacher in Stranger Things suggested. What happened to me? It seems like I spent the next 20 years on a treadmill, just doing all the expected things in life, career, money, family, house in the suburbs, blah blah blah. I left it to others—to the “experts”—to think about the rest of it, everything that didn’t pertain directly to me.
Then, out of the blue, my family, my child’s health and safety, my whole way of life was under attack. This shock—which I would not wish on my worst enemy—jolted me out of complacency. To help my son, I had no choice. I had to open my eyes—and what I learned shook my worldview to the core, dramatically and irreversibly. While I was living my life, queer theory had successfully reframed society and even subconsciously retrained me and my way of thinking, in a way that flew completely below my radar.
Transgender was totally made up, the emperor with no clothes. And, if that was true, what else that I had accepted as fact was based on false premises or completely fabricated?
Now that my son has desisted, I’m able to think about gender about 25% of my day, instead of the 99% of my brain process it consumed for almost two miserable years of my life. But I will never, never go back to my former complacency. I’ve been backstage now, I’ve seen the man behind the curtain. And, with my fresh eyes, I saw that gender isn’t the only problem that decades of stifled curiosity and free-thinking has created. Pick any area of interest you have and you’re sure to find false assumptions treated as facts by a tiny number of self-identified experts who are very happy to tell you what you should think. Maybe the silver lining of our society’s mass insanity is the creation of a new generation of skeptics.
So, thank you, gender ideology, for the newly re-discovered gift of critical thinking, and for renewed curiosity, the most human trait of all.
Question everything. I know I will.
A case study in mass delusion. I’ve watched intelligent women celebrate their teens transition from boy to girl and vice versa. A co worker posts a picture of her young former son (now daughter) on Facebook with praise and hearts from others equivalent to winning an athletic contest or scholarship. Another coworker casually drops the new name of her daughter, now a son, like she’s mentioning a change in the weather. Everything is moving in a direction of conformity to this bizarro world, including the laws.
I was watching pre school programming on kids youtube and wedged in between were trans women teaching the children about “pride” Indoctrination is everywhere and all who challenge the narrative are demonized.
I have wondered for years how the Nazis were able to mass murder millions under the nose of their population. This is exactly the means. This has been so swift, so pervasive and so contrary to the laws of nature that it’s otherworldly.
The Bible speaks to this battle that’s not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of evil. There appears to be no other explanation for them coming after our children and even more frightening are mother’s handing them over.
Same boat. Congratulations on facilitating your son's desistance; please do share tips with others, as requested. Our daughter desisted after a few months, in part because we refused to use her fake name/pronouns, but neither did we argue with her or call her she/her or by her real name. The advice we got from her therapist was golden, and all too rare now with this craze: give the child space to think things over & come back to reality.
But to your larger point: yes, because of our newly reactivated critical thinking skills, so many of us are now politically homeless. The lies and false narratives pushed by NGOs and other interest groups are so evident--once you see through one of them, you have to question all of it. In the U.S. both parties are barking mad. Parents, especially those of you whose children have desisted: keep talking to neighbors, friends, co-workers, community members IN PERSON, face-to-face, one-on-one or in small groups. Ask questions, encourage others to ask them of themselves. As a wise man once said: people go mad in crowds, but only slowly, and one-by-one, do they begin to recover their senses.