The government, public schools, higher education, mainstream news media, social media platforms, Hollywood celebrities, and pop music stars all want you to stop thinking critically. Unfortunately, most people are compliant sheep, and go along without question or protest. Otherwise we wouldn't be plagued by the cults of transgenderism, climate change hysteria, covid hysteria, Trump derangement hysteria, and all the other nonsense every obedient NPR/CNN consumer willingly falls into step with.

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How many more people will wake up from their long slumber as a result of this attack on the very core of our humanity, our identification as either man or woman? Those who existed on the "left" thinking they were virtuous and all caring, have now come to realize they have been duped. No more left, and right, but independent critical thinkers is what we need today. I am happy you are awake. Peace to you and your very fortunate family who escaped the clutches of gender insanity.

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In a lot of reading I've gathered that they think at least 70% ig girls are on the spectrum. So is my daughter. I also tell them these kids don't fit in. We had to fit into our "box". Now there's a new box so they go there. She was also bullied and stalked by a girl and a boy. So wants to be invisible. I read Abagail Shrierers book and use alot of those talking points. About the indoctrination of these kids. And how if left alone and not even affirmed most will grow out of it. Just alot if information to make these folks stop and think. Hope that helps.

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Dec 24, 2022·edited Dec 24, 2022

Hello Seattlemom-

Yes -ADHD and Autism, both are highly suseptable to trans recruiting, which is hideously provided everywhere. US Senator Patty Murray (WA) sent out an email yesterday asking for our top priorities for US congress in 2023. Please find and fill her survey. I don't have trans kids, but Patty and Pramila each get a PITT essay evey time they "reach out" to tell me how much they've done for me. NO THANK YOU ladies, unless you can start thinking critically you are of no help. (Also, when Seattle Childrens sends out an envelope asking for money, they get an essay. I don't care if the mailroom peeps are just throwing them out.)

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Thank you, Nomomomo

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Since this is a discussion of "critical thinking", here's a critical thought:

The Democratic Party is not the friend of the parent. They support the entire trannie lie.

The Republican Party is the friend of the parent. They do not support the trannie lie.

Yes, the MAGA insanity is still there. The Republicans are anti-abortion. They have policies I don't agree with.

The Dems now support illegal immigration, BLM, allowing unlimited number of homeless people, reparations, no-cash bail, prosecutors who don't prosecute, and all kinds of things I do not agree with.

But if those of you with "no political home" are trying to stop the trannie stuff, the Democrats are NOT YOUR FRIEND.

The Biden Administration wants to transition your children. They want public funds for all kinds of surgery and hormones.

So, if this issue is important to you, think critically.

I switched my registration to the little "R" last week.

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Yes, yes, yes. I coasted along for decades as a confirmed leftist, but when the trans nightmare came to our home, it opened my eyes in a hurry. I realise that my view and opinions were UNEXAMINED views and opinions. I went along with whatever Team Left said, until trans came for my beautiful daughter. Thank God your son has desisted. I pray he will stay desisted, as I pray for all the other children and young adults and families who are caught up in this awful thing . . .

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Excellent essay that ties the trans campaign into the bigger picture. I am not a parent of a trans child but have done a deep dive into this con job in an effort to demonstrate that it is just one of many con jobs being perpetrated on western countries. My hope is that If the general public pulls the thread on this particular bit of evil, they too will see the big picture. Understanding the whole may be the only way to stop the individual campaigns that undermine our society and harm our children.

Among many horrifying discoveries in my trans research, it was deeply disturbing how little the average person grasped. Many are ignorant of the realities or have been completely manipulated by the call for "compassion". Opposing opinions have been deep sixed and the media and many of our major institutions are now propaganda machines dedicated to keeping the public ignorant so this madness can continue to erode our society. Shining a light on the lies coupled with critical thought that demonstrates the absurdity is the only way out. PITT does an excellent job of that.

To help, I wrote a number of articles. Feel free to use any or all of this in your own efforts to puncture the trance and open people's eyes. https://baybuddhatravels.com/category/the-transgender-campaign/

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Just started reading. Excellent. And so very depressing. Hard to see a way out of this.

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Thanks Linoak. Hopefully Sweden’s actions are a little light at the end of the tunnel. Merry Christmas! Sweden’s New Pediatric Treatment Guidelines Ditch ‘Gender-Affirming’ Medication For Psychotherapy


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Thank you for the link to your material. I have skimmed it so far, it looks brilliant.

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Thanks Ransome. Have a wonderful Christmas!

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Many echoes of my own experience, except without the desistance .... it will come as our daughter gets older, I have faith in that. I've also realised that it's not good to smash traditions and established ways of life all the time, as Marxist strands of thought had influenced me to think was good.

It's inevitable our values play a big part in the actions we take in life, and I have to think about them all the time now.

If people don't like the lives they have been born into like those that believe in arranged marriages, genital mutilation etc, autocratic governments, then I should be help be building a pathway for people to migrate as they need, and promote peace and prosperity for countries affected by war and famine from whatever reasons.

Secular and faith organisations both have their parts to play, and I have reconsidered my own poor attitude to faith which have centuries of human philosophy and experience behind them. At their best and depending on the actors within them they can help our families. When everything else hasn't worked, my own prayers have given me some quiet and peace.

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Agree. And, how can the US be against "female genital mutilation" and pro-trans?

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What a beautiful, thoughtful, essay. I try so hard every day to get my students to the realization that critical thinking is central to their lives. Your essay is a keen example of that capacity. I admire and respect your intellectual journey. You are an inspiration to the entire community. Thank you again, Frederick

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Among SO MANY gems, this is one of the best PITT articles I have ever read. Bravo! This is exactly what happened to me. And I too see it as one of the few gifts of this whole wretched experience. Without going into details, I too have reexamined some of the things the "experts" tell us, discovered all sorts of fascinating intellectual treasures, and been enabled to make better decisions for my family as well. I also hang out with entirely different people - no longer with enthusiastic promoters of the latest fad being pushed by the authorities, but with people who think and question. It is so much more interesting and enjoyable.!

By the way, if you want a role model for critical thinking - listen to Jordan Peterson. You don't need to agree with everything he says (I certainly don't) but what a mind! He thinks and questions everything.

Also if you have a kid who will soon go to college, check out the brand new UATX in Texas;


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This could be my story, except that my son hasn't desisted (yet), but I hope he will. Gender ideology opened my eyes, and nothing is the same. I'm surprised there are parents who "woke up" in regards to gender ideology, but would still accuse you of racism when they find out you are critical of, gasp, critical race theory. Maybe for some people this is a slower process, but for me it is impossible not to be seeing the larger picture now. Gender ideology is not a fluke, it is a part of a much larger pattern. Congratulations on your son's desistance. This must be such a relief. We are 1.5 years in, and he is about to turn 18. I'm working on myself not to parent out of fear, and crossing my fingers that what I see in him are indeed signs of desistance. Thank you for writing this piece.

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Our daughter recently turned 18 and went away to college where she can get the transition medical treatments on the school insurance. She is home for Christmas now and told me she hasn't started any treatments yet. Another day, another deep breath . . . One thing that gives ma and my husband solace is knowing that we left no stone unturned in trying to stave off transition. We wrote a legal threat to the hospital, I told her about physical changes to the genitals caused by testosterone, I even offered a massive financial incentive for her to wait until 25 years old when her brain is completely wired. I don't know which of those moves is working, if any, but we have made it through another day . . .

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I hope that your revelation -- the re-discovery of critical thinking -- actually takes hold. From my observations the opposite is true.... people either go along unthinkingly with the predominate narrative ("Hey, if it's on CNN it must be true!") and/or they are too scared to ask questions for fear of being canceled.

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Yes! I feel exactly the same! How did this happen? Was I snoozing for the past 20 years? The scariest thing is I would still be blissfully unaware if my daughter had not been captured by this gender nightmare.

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Well said. It’s definitely the “Emperor has New Clothes” syndrome. Ridiculous! On every level. Such a blind world we live in. Until someone with a lot of money loses their child. Then perhaps they will step up to the plate and help our voices be heard!! Please!

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Yes, I think that, too. It took WWII to end the first eugenics movement. It took a very wealthy and popular US Senator dying of doctor proscribed radium health drinks to stop the promotion of radium water. Those poor radium watch making girls whose jaws melted before they died did not get the attention...

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Do you mean the “ Emperor has No Clothes” ? Elon Musk has lost his eldest child to the trans cult. I am hoping he will stop Twitter promoting transgenderism

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Thanks so much, parent, for that piece of writing. So good you and your son have gotten out of the tangled web.

It’s not necessarily apathy or complacency that has kept us from seeing what’s been going on with this issue. Activists have quite deliberately and skillfully hidden the trans agenda from the eyes of the public, knowing that most rational people weren’t going to buy it. They hid it, that is, until it was too late to stop it in its tracks.

It’s come as quite a shock to most of us, because we weren’t in academia and we weren’t studying postmodern/queer theory — I mean, who would be?

In addition, some of us (yup, I was one) weren’t living our lives online, so we had no idea of what the virtual world was putting out there to mesmerize our young ones.

Thanks for reminding us all that we need to keep informed and keep up our critical thinking capacities. We are living in the Age of Alternate Truths, and you’re right, this issue isn’t the only one to worry about.

Keep loving! Keep learning! Keep strong!

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Basically that is the idea of trying to remove prejudices of all sorts. It means you need to look through the eyes of God, be one with Creation and focus on all details without losing the overall sight. You will notice that as a limited source of awareness, the middle field is all you care to maintain and the outliers at the periphery extremes that are either a positive or a negative trend. Then it is careful consideration and meditation in order to reevaluate your truths, until you can act with confidence again.

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