Here in our state, we read the recent headlines of a young “woman” who was charged with stabbing and killing another “woman” after a “sordid” relationship. I have heard no mention of the parents, yet I often think of them. I wonder what their story is and if they played any part in this unimaginable nightmare. Or, if they are like many of us who did the best we knew how, but suddenly had something go very wrong. A letter to them kept running through my mind until I hesitantly released it here.
Dear Parents,
I don’t know your name, but I think of you often. Each time the world is rocked by yet another “trans” tragedy, I soon make my way to thinking of you and weeping for you. While the world looks at images of a darkened soul, making swift assumptions, I find my mind going to the thing capable of changing a kind, creative autistic child into an unrecognizable soul.
I imagine a once compliant yet quirky child who was tempted to go down the rabbit hole of “trans.” A space where predators and online influencers eagerly lure them with enticing reasons for their distress and inability to fit in. I imagine them being drawn into dark and demonic places I wish to have never come to know. A place where a cult mind virus twists their thinking and lures them into a world that promises answers for an inconceivable price. I imagine them making their way down that pathway where few know of its depravity until it begins to display itself in forms of death and destruction. Death to self first and, if sustained and entertained long enough, a desire for death to others.
I wonder if you too did the best you knew how. If you also were unaware of the evil lying in wait behind their screens, lurking in rapidly formed websites and apps. I hope you are aware that there are a multitude of us that have witnessed this beast capture minds and then switch them out for something unrecognizable. So powerful is this beast that its deceptive power lures society into promoting, supporting, and propelling them down the path that leads to destruction.
More than anything, I want you to know that not everyone is assuming failure on your part. Many of us are well aware of what can happen to a young vulnerable individual who has been fed an incessantly poisonous narrative. We want you to know we do not judge you. In fact, I hesitate to suggest that I am not alone in fighting the nagging torturous question…. will my child be the next to make the headlines?
We are here for you. You are not alone.
A Mother of a Captured Child
The lure is stronger than you think. It grasped our son in 2006, and he was not even a slight social misfit. Handsome, popular and athletic. But when the trans tentacle took hold,
that was the end. Despite our attempts to get him back, it did not work. He is now desexed and gone. The best we can do is warn everyone else. Parents, you have got to be a brick wall between your children and the Internet. Whatever good stuff is on the Internet is not worth it. The demons will bleed through the good stuff.
Amen . Preach it. We are not alone and we are not the active perpetrators of the trans tragedy . We should coin a new word "transedy " I'm sure I'm not the first to think of that. But I do think of these other parents and that last note haunts my mind thinking that the child I birthed at the age of 40 when I thought I would never have him would become a crime statistic here in Canada. We are family in this horrible struggle to come to terms with our captured sweethearts and hope and pray that they find release through the blood of Jesus Christ and his work through his sacrifice for the sake of the whole world . He is the Lamb of God who has taken away the sin of the world . The world does not need any more lambs to the slaughter. Thanks for putting pen to paper on these continuous thoughts that haunt so many of us.