The ABC, the national broadcaster in Australia, provides us with an unrelenting and nauseating stream of trans propaganda. After the Cass Report from England showed the complete lack of evidence underpinning so-called 'gender affirming care', the ABC is promoting Australian exceptionalism. Apparently, the findings of the Cass Report are not relevant here because we are so far ahead of the U.K. in looking after our gender-confused kids. It remains unclear how the lack of evidence becomes irrelevant inside the Australian maritime borders. The truth is our clinics follow the same model of care and are even less cautious.
Once upon a time, those of us on the left viewed the ABC as an essential bastion of democracy and independent journalism. We joined the "Friends of ABC" and wrote angry letters to conservative governments who were always cutting their budget. But the ABC has now moved on from news reporting to social engineering. Their programming looks embarrassingly like it was cooked up on Tumblr social justice forums. They are star performers in the ACON Pride in Diversity scheme, which is similar to programs run by Stonewall in the U.K. and dictate employer inclusion and diversity goals. ACON was once respectable but is now a radical trans-activist organisation. ABC wins gold medal awards for obedience to their dictates, and ABC Queer programming wins the "External Media Campaign" award. Our national broadcaster is running campaigns for a radical lobby group, and their programming reflects this.
In their article on the Cass Report, the ABC asked for reader's stories. I'm afraid mine sounds like so many other PITT parents. Although the ABC are going down fighting on this issue, we are going to win because the truth can only be suppressed for so long. I may have damaged my keyboard with the ferocity of my keystrokes, but here it is……
My Story
This is my story, and that of thousands of parents around Australia. My daughter is 'neurodiverse'. She has autistic traits and ADHD. Apart from being quirky, she was a typical girl. Not a tomboy in the slightest. She was an absolutely gorgeous outgoing child, who adults all fell in love with. But kids did not. She was shunned and bullied at primary school and had no friends. I did not realise how deeply the peer rejection affected her because she was very resilient and relentlessly positive. But this clearly generated a deep neediness for peer acceptance for which parental love could not compensate.
She never had gender dysphoria, but she had a need to be accepted by a group. She found them on Tumblr, where you have to be an oppressed minority to be accepted. A white girl, as part of the oppressor class, has to become something else. You need to be disabled, be black, or be transgender to be worthy. I say bullshit.
She is now in her 20s and taking testosterone to masculinise her previously perfect female body. She now has the same testosterone affected voice that they all get - it is not a man's voice. She has acne. She will have an enlarged clitoris. She is growing a beard. She has put on about 20 kg (40 lbs for PITT’s American readers), with male fat distribution. It is horrifying to watch. This has destroyed me - seeing my daughter's neediness transformed into medical self-harm. But what would I know? I am apparently a 'bigot' and a 'transphobe'. The gender clinics say giving cross-sex hormones to young women with gender dysphoria is 'medically necessary'. I say bullshit.
When she started testosterone, she was love bombed by this world-wide group that she is now a part of. They tell vulnerable adolescents that if their parents don't support them, they are bigots and toxic, and they should cut off contact. I think it may have been hard for her to see her loving parents as toxic, but she certainly tried. They tell the new recruits that if they think they might be trans, then they ARE trans, because straight people never wonder these things. They tell them that they will be suicidal if they do not transition but will experience trans euphoria when they do. All their problems are explained by being 'born in the wrong body'. I say bullshit.
In 2022 approximately 1,300 Australian women under 30 started taking testosterone subsidised under the prescription benefit scheme for 'androgen deficiency'. Of course they are androgen deficient. They are women. Most of them are aged 15-24. How many obtain the drug through other routes, we do not know. The health effects of this are largely unknown. No one has done long term studies. Not on people, not on mice. All the clinic doctors know is that the patients are happy to receive the drug, and most do not complain too much within the first couple of years. But after that? No one has actually checked in any reliable manner. The activist doctors publish garbage papers saying that mental health is improved after a couple of years, when they have lost 30-40% of their patients to follow up, and when a lot of the regret is actually happening 7-10 years post transition. I say bullshit.
The increase in transgender identification around the world has paralleled the uptake of smartphones and social media. It is particularly affecting adolescent girls, at the same time there’s been an alarming decline in their mental health. This is the group who are most prone to social contagion. And within a decade, a previously unknown phenomenon - adolescent onset gender confusion - affects large numbers of girls, frequently clustering in peer groups. If a phenomenon has no historical precedent, there is no justification for introducing a radical, aggressive and life-changing treatment for it. This is just a psychic contagion. The transgender lobby says the increase is because being trans is more accepted now. I say bullshit.
I have talked to dozens of parents who tell the same story. Our children are captured by this fantasy. They are autistic, have ADHD, have complex mental health problems, have had trauma, sexual assault, or they are just gay. And they have become convinced they are born in the wrong body. There is NOTHING positive about this. It is entirely regressive to tell little boys who are effeminate that they might truly be girls, and girls who like football, that must mean you are a boy. I say bullshit.
I wake in fright at 4 a.m. every morning, remembering what my daughter is doing to herself, and the culpability of the medical profession in this. A parent's very first instinct is to protect their child from harm. The psychologists, the doctors, the government, the media, and my employer are all pushing harm on my child, with their subsidised assault on her body, with their propaganda, with their refusal to listen, with their trans flags and their wear-it-purple days. I say bullshit.
The detransitioners are emerging. They tell harrowing stories of how they were encouraged into extreme body modification when they were young, or mentally ill, or coping with sexual assault, or not coping with being gay. They now variably have chronic pelvic pain, joint pain, incontinence, repeated urinary tract infections, liver damage, unwanted breasts, missing breasts, may be infertile, lack healthy sexual function, are balding, or even suffered a stroke. And some wake up from the fog they were in and realise they are just a gay man. Now they are a gay man without a penis. This is not progressive. This is not 'inclusive'. This is not 'kind'. I say criminal negligence.
See you in court.
ABC, that is my story. Publish it. I dare you. And reflect.
I have a 23 year old daughter who has renounced her former trans identity. Fortunately she never transitioned and admitted that she needed to address her mental health and disengage from social media like TikTok where kids are being sucked into trans world where it is trendy and cool to transition. It also bothered her to see how so many very young kids were taking part in all of this insanity. My daughter also has ADHD and autistic traits. I thought I was reading about my daughter as you described your child! She was so loved and admired by adults but struggled with her peers….so many similarities. I learned that on the Reddit site/app one can find thousands of ‘detransitioners’. There is hope and we must keep praying and trusting that God will deliver our children from this evil in His perfect time. Thank you for this powerful message and be assured of my prayers!
I'm with you, sister. Here in the US, NPR is ignoring the WPATH leaks and the Cass report. I wrote them a scathing note.