Criminal. Horrific. Unfair. I hope you get your day in court... I am sorry your daughter got caught up in this nightmare. Saying prayers for you and your family. The truth will prevail, it must.

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I have tremendous sympathy for all of you. I feel so angry that as societies we have been so blinded - that our compassion has been weaponised against us; it’s inhuman.

Some good news out of England today; the NHS will immediately stop prescribing puberty blockers for any child referred for gender issues. They’ve also recently reversed their policy on “trans women” being on female only wards in hospitals. Reality came too late for the two women who were raped in their hospital beds by the same monster, but finally people are starting to see how much evil is hidden by this ideology. Although young adults may still be vulnerable I hope these things increase the speed of the turning tide, and that some of you will have your suffering lessened and shortened as the ideology starts to wither and die it’s overdue death. I’m not a religious man but if I’d pray for anyone it would be for all of you and your children.

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The medical insurance companies should not cover "gender affirming care" once that model is shown to be not medically necessary..

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Absolutely agree with you! My husband was away for work too and that made it feel even worse as I was on my own with her. I’m thinking I should put it in writing ie a letter to her because I don’t want a repeat of that behaviour if I confront her in person. Quite frankly I wish she would move out.

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It’s horrifying and totally out of character for her!

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I am so sorry. It really is so incomprehensible what journey us parents of transgender children walk. It is such a senseless cult. Do you have any support group?

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A great day for children!

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Ooh I hadn’t thought of that. I thought that only happened to Body Builders. Makes sense but is very scary!

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Devastating. (I wouldn't have redacted the name of the institution in which Dr. Mengele works).

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I hope you succeed in suing him to kingdom come and getting him struck off. If you are in the US you may need to look at a class action suit as the med director’s 1st line of defense will be “prevailing standards of care”. Power to your elbow!

And congratulations on bringing your daughter home. Make it easy for her to get off the T. The attractions of having fewer meds to take and more time to do things that are healthier and make her feel good will grow.

Be sure, you are doing so well by your kid. I have no printable words for her university’s medics.

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OMG. Such a heartbreaking story. I'm so glad she is making something of a recovery and I really hope she gets out of this madness completely. The damage done to her by these quacks makes me want to scream and I pray for everyone caught up in this death cult. I also pray we'll see Justice eventually in the form of severe punishments for these butchers !! God Bless x🙏🙏🙏

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I think university comparison notes are in order. Many parents have cried foul at what has happened to their children at these so-called institutions of higher learning. We know there is a pattern but at which universities, under whose "care," have parents lost their children to this madness. It seems your daughter went to the same one as mine.

This cohort needed capturing to further the evil seep into the younger generations.

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They are so proud of themselves


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I am sure people here realize this, but the point of lawsuits isn't even necessarily to overcome the legal barriers created by "we were following standards of care, nyah nyah you can't touch us". It's to get malpractice insurers to realize that they are going to be paying for legal case after legal case as long as they keep insuring gender docs. If they decide to get out of the business of providing malpractice insurance to gender affirming docs, the incentives to being a gender doc will dry up quick-like.

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Lawsuits and insurance coverage brought to a halt ( in the 80’s and 90’s) the Recovered memories, multiple personality fad. It was considered iatrogenic, in that the therapist suggested it to the patient. Kids wouldn’t question their gender if some adult hadn’t suggested it. ‘The treatment is worse than the disease.” Go in for dysphoria and come out a eunuch. That qualifies as worse. Add informed consent from a minor and I think we’re ready to go.

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May the day come when you can end this narrative with "he is now serving 5-10 in a federal pen".

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They will have to build a new prison to accommodate all the offending doctors, PA’s, pharmacists (they are responsible too) counselors, phycologists, and psychiatrists...maybe school officials as well. Or maybe Gitmo would work? Should they be forced to transition? 🤦🏻‍♀️

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All ROGD parents have what I call an "Arya Stark" list of people (a bad ass protagonist in The Game of Thrones, good in the HBO series but even better in the books) whose names we chant in solitary darkness, hoping for their demise not by our own hands, but by our passionate words in PITT pieces, law suits, testimonies, tactful or burn-it-to-the-ground conversations, Twitter/Facebook/Substack/etc. comments. People who ushered our children onto and down this destructive path, whether for profit or allegiance to a "virtuous" tribe, from ignorance, lack of critical thinking, cowardice to go against said tribe, or even selfish savior complexes. I am so done and so mad and so sad.

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There is a lawsuit sitting at the Supreme Court right now over gender affirming care. Both "sides" are lined up and waiting to go, but SCOTUS doesn't want to touch it and is slow tracking it. I wonder if "our side" has the WPATH information and will be able to use it?

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