I am also the parent of a child who has recently been gender confused. I have done thorough research and agree with everything you have written - I have even seen/heard/read many of the 'specialists' you refer to here. I kept our child away from gender affirming psychologists. She only changed her name at school and started wearing oversize unisex clothes. We never allowed for a binder. Two years later she is gay, no longer identifying as any type of trans. I know for a fact that a lot of her confusion came from online targeting, eg. by TikTok.

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Thank you for pulling this all together in one article. It’s shocking what being allowed in our medical system. What happened to the Hippocratic oath? Makes me so mad because this should not be happening to our kids.

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This is a very interesting and informative essay. Thank you for taking the time to write it. Interestingly, as a Biological Psychologist, I can tell you that we do, in fact, understand the global effects of hormones on the human body. It's just that the literature is being ignored in this instance. People tend to pick and choose the information that they want to believe and ignore the information that is inconvenient. For instance, it's clear that you can't simply "turn off" and "turn on" puberty as if it were a light switch. It's also known that any single hormone has widespread systemic effects. For instance, the effects of testosterone and estrogen are not limited to external genitalia or sexual orientation. I am at somewhat of a loss to understand how this whole phenomenon has gotten so out of hand.

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Speaking of Evil, please pay attention to the rising interest among trans kids in La Vayan Satanism!!!!

And a supposedly highly " intellectual" , "academic" , " questioning" organization that have world wide branches is promoting this La Vayan thing. Nothing is as it was. Questioning of dogmas of the past is now under control of the current mighty powers and has taken a new direction.

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Hi Dex, if you haven't done so already, please go to my substack and send me an email so we can be in touch. I'm eager to talk to teachers. Go the About part of my substack for how to email me. Thanks!

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Thank you so much for this wealth of information ...

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The movement to medically transition kids is facilitated by a combination of delusion and cowardice. There is a grain of truth proping up the lies but you have to lie to yourself in order for the movement to make sense.

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There is no truth propping up the lies. Sex is based on physical anatomy, mammals don't change sex, humans are mammals. The end. When someone truly believes they are something they're not, that is a delusion, not an identity.

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The transgender agenda is a eugenics program.

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This sums it up exactly

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I am fairly certain that there's some major financial kickback program behind this gender promotion. Almost overnight, by Obama decree, "gender neutral" toilets were implemented at the university where I teach. Aren't we supposed to vote on this? (At least they remained single-sex toilets, with the neutral ones spread out across campus). THEN, in 2015, there was a gender workshop where they gave us GIFTS, "pronoun power" bracelets etc, and forced us to practice reciting our pronouns (like being coerced into accepting Jesus Christ as my personal savior at Evangelical Bible Camp). We were told that this was the new, correct way to be and look at "gender" and there was no room for discussion. We were also given a 'privilege" chart to fill out and when I objected, one of the elfin facilitators (wearing a childish knit cap with animal ears) came to my desk to coo at me to please just cooperate, what was the matter with me? THEN it became MANDATORY to PROMOTE gender ideology on our syllabi! I tried to remove it but then an APB email went out saying that we cannot take the gender item off our syllabi! It says to ask ME for more information and then includes the school gender counselor's office and telephone number -- effectively encouraging students to go down there to get their questions answered.

Recently I read a piece that claims some entity IS promoting this and very likely paying institutions to facilitate this GENOCIDE.

This is seriously one of the sickest phenomenons ever in the history of the world. This is not hyperbole. And what shocks me even more is the number of people who don't question it at all. I was asked by an old friend, "Why do you care?" To which I responded: This is LITERALLY 2+2=5! AND SHE ROLLED HER EYES.

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Where do you teach? Just the U, not the Dept.

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It's really frustrating that no one seems to care. Or, they think it is helping people, or we need to respect some guy's "lived experience" (fetish or mental illness in the older cohort) and will call a guy "she".

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Jennifer Bilek has been tireless in researching and answering the questions you pose regarding who funds and who profits from the medicalization of children. You might want to start here:


I also recommend Bilek's archives, which contain her most up-to-date investigations, here: https://www.the11thhourblog.com/archives

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“Beautiful and Normal”. That is the goal of transitioning a child so young that they pass as the other sex for the rest of their life. What this means is that they can LIE to everyone, intimate partners and friends, that they are something they are not. They never have to tell a basic truth about themselves. Does a husband then just wait for his lying biological male but “beautiful and normal” wife to become pregnant for a child he has always wanted? Does a friend invest years into a relationship never learning that so much of this “beautiful and normal” person is a lie? Are family members who know the truth threatened to keep it a secret to “be kind”? What a nightmare for all parties. (Not even touching on the medical pain the individual had to live with).

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So.... as far as I can tell the "Q" movement postulates that we're being ruled by a bunch of sick pedophiles. That sounds insane. Then you reflect on Jeffrey Epstein and it seems less insane.

But. If we were being ruled by a bunch of sick pedophiles....

Wouldn't those be the type of people who would be very interested in stopping puberty?

And what is transgenderism?

Stopping puberty.

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I don't think the surgically created organs would fool anyone, but there are people who might not find out until they're already engaged or married, and then there are those whose spouses decide to transition after years of marriage. Everyone (teachers, classmates) is expected to lie to be kind. There was recent reporting of some adolescent boys who faced a lawsuit for using a classmate's biologically correct pronoun. https://nypost.com/2022/05/14/kiel-wisconsin-school-charges-kids-for-using-wrong-pronouns/

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It means they'll never have intimate partners or true, close friends, because 1) most psychologically normal people want a partner with a healthy, functioning body, especially around the sex parts, and 2) they can't ever be honest about themselves, and intimacy requires honesty.

This is where Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy mothers have gone, only this time they have an active and open collaboration with the psychological and medical establishments. They're creating children who will truly never grow up, never achieve an independent adulthood. This is Dr. Frankenstein-style medicine. RESIST.

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Wow. Thanks for sharing this- I do feel like I’m living in a nightmarish twilight zone every minute of my life now! Sometimes I catch myself wanting to talk about these things and I realize it sounds like a conspiracy theory-and it’s all true. Before this “gender” bs ravaged my home I never would have believed that this could be happening. We need to keep doing all that we can to save our kids. 💔

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I really do feel we are living in the twilight zone. It’s so evil. I’d compare it to using our youth for burnt offerings to a false transgender god. We’re torching them medically. It’s so horrendous, it’s unbelievable. But it’s true.

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It’s been the devils attack on God and family heading towards the climax until Christ returns to earth to reign in a peaceful millennium.

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Is satan Gay? An interesting speculation.

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Marek, it sounds like you belong to a religion that's spelled all these things out quite clearly for you. Is it a religion here on earth? What is its name?

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Underlying LGBT is an agenda to keep population numbers under control. Gay people tend not to have not biological children as surrogacy is expensive and babies are available for adoption. The ultimate and most evil population control is sterilisation by “gender change”. Eugenics.

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Thank you so much for gathering all that together. I was familiar with much of the material but some of it was new to me, such as the Lily Maynard article on Dr Gallagher. How long will all this be allowed to continue?! It is monstrous, yet here in Australia clothed in respectability under the auspices of the revered Royal Children’s Hospital. How can Michelle Telfer and Ken Pang sleep at night. How do they insulate themselves from the latest research coming out of Scandinavia and the caution now being urged in the UK (Cass Review and court cases)

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Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I do not see a byline on this piece because you are likely protecting your child, your career, your life. But you are a hero. Oregon Health and Science University has, along with other defendants, been sued for malpractice in a recent case. The doctors quoted here are using the legal system to get what they want. The legal system will eventually get them and the pharmaceutical companies. Think opioid crisis — only worse. Much worse. The more I go down this rabbit hole the more horrified I am. But there is also some good news. Keep writing — some reasonable minds are waking up. This article deserves to be published in a national, widely read newspaper or magazine. It is better than anything I have seen. And if those on the other side can justify the statements, I think we all would welcome it. More evidence down the road….

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Can you provide proof?

I would like to see that bc i can't find that info anywhere, except the complaint from adult patients from a while back who were unhappy with their post-op surgery results.

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Yes. Email?

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In this woke world we are living in, I feel like the only obvious thing is - that we are being gaslighted. We all know what is logical and real, yet we are consistantly being told that we're not seeing what we're seeing. Even people I believe to be intelligent souls are parroting this language out of this need to be, 'inclusive'. It's like much of the population has been put under some weird, Twilight Zone, spell. The truly insidious thing happening is the indoctrination of our children, our precious cargo, by our school system. Right under our noses. Like Mao Zedong, pit the children against their parents and any teacher who steps out of line, and you control the masses. Many gays and true transexuals are feeling highjacked and used by this current indoctrination - they want no part of it. Wake up Woke. Wake up!

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We need to speak in reality-based language.

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