Translated from an Italian piece. The experience of a mother I am a 43-year-old mother, raised free, almost anarchic, anti-political and with the strong conviction of having to challenge any sexist stereotype imposed by society. I also raised my two children in this way, in the freedom of expression, style and personality.
Transgendering children (adults)is a total rejection of who they are. The community has acceptance backwards. If the family and medical community ( TEACHERS!) want to be accepting, then stop trying to change their bodies. Love them for who they are, body and soul. When you tell them that they are in the wrong body, this is rejection. There are only 2 ways out, surgery or suicide. Master manipulation.
The most frustrating thing is the lack of professional help with the underlying issues that lead children and young people to thinking they are trans. Doctors and counsellors will, so often, be adherents of the "affirmative approach" and send the patient off to the nearest gender clinic.
My son was 18 when I found out he was "trans". It was horrible. Mother's around said I was a terrible mom, not being open to his MtoF transition. Since he was of legal age, my hands were tied. I am so glad you were able to remove your daughter to another school, make changes to save her. My priority is to keep my child in my life. But funny how he views his childhood as totally different from what really happened.
"I have the painful feeling of having a stranger with dull eyes in front of me. Liar, arrogant, conceited. In bad language I had never heard of her use, she informs me that she has changed her name and wants to be appealed with masculine pronouns. Her new name is already used on social media profiles, at school by classmates, at the dance class, and obviously by her new "super friends" ..."
Yes, when the bomb was dropped on us I was so surprised by the personality change including foul language she'd never used before. But, we are back to "I love yous" as well. I am still scared. And, Hell Hath no Fury like this mama has. Gender Cult Ideology must be stopped.
Thank you for sharing. I can relate to your story too. I share your opinion about preferring to be hated now if it saves my child from themselves. I will live with that.
Excellent and heart wrenching read. My daughter is _very_ similar. I noticed the reference to K-pop and that is also what my child seemed obsessed with during the pandemic and still now. We have taken away the smart phone, but they always find access at some point somewhere… GenSpec has been a sanity saver. To know we are not alone is a life raft right now.
It’s okay to cry out loud now. We hear you from across the pond and beyond. Thank you for your poignant and touching letter. All parent and caregivers contributions to this post gives strength to others through shared experiences. Bravo.
“I prefer to be hated today and loved tomorrow” Exactly! I am glad to hear you were able to intervene before she was too far gone into the cult. Since our daughter is technically an adult we have not been so lucky, so can only hope that we will be “loved tomorrow.”
Me alegra mucho saber que no la afirmaste yo estoy pasando lo mismo y tome las
Mismas acciones y todo está dando resultado, mi hija a cambiado y la veo más alegre hasta desistió del otro nombre que se había puesto, en navidad le regale una cadena de oro con el nombre que le pusimos su papá y yo y hasta la fecha no se lo quita ni para dormir y lo deja a la vista no la esconde. Si un consejo háblale mucho de su identidad del significado de su nombre poco a poco puedes ir influenciando sobre tu bella hija. La acompa o a todos lados y la aleje de esas amistades de la escuela anterior y redes sociales. Suerte las madres tenemos más poder que cualquier psicólogo . Somos los mejore para nuestros hijos.
Thank you for this post. I'm happy for you and your daughter that she is coming back to you before the damage is done. Your fight for your girl gives us hope that the trans-hype will end soon. There are already too many youths whose lives are ruined forever, and there are too many parents whose hearts are broken because they lost their sons or daughters to the cult.
Yeah! Hope! So glad you were able to stop the madness even though I know it was war. Take heed the rest of you out there, act now before you no longer can act. "keep her away from toxic friendships, I changed her school by opting for a private one, I unsubscribed from the hip hop course, I had given her a new phone, and I changed the number, and on which I blocked Youtube, TikTok and any other social network." These are the only measures I have seen actually work. Our child/victims must be removed from this terrible ideology.
Transgendering children (adults)is a total rejection of who they are. The community has acceptance backwards. If the family and medical community ( TEACHERS!) want to be accepting, then stop trying to change their bodies. Love them for who they are, body and soul. When you tell them that they are in the wrong body, this is rejection. There are only 2 ways out, surgery or suicide. Master manipulation.
I admire your love and the fight you have shown for your daughter! It’s working - don’t give up! Your story gives all of us hope. Thank you.
The first paragraph is telling. We ought to read it again after contemplating what some of the founding premises of transgenderism might be:
"Sono una mamma di 43 anni, cresciuta libera...con la forte convinzione di dover sfidare qualsiasi stereotipo sessista imposto dalla società."
"I am a 43-year-old mother, raised free...with the strong conviction of having to challenge any sexist stereotype imposed by society."
Keep fighting fir her. Beware of most psychiatrists.
The most frustrating thing is the lack of professional help with the underlying issues that lead children and young people to thinking they are trans. Doctors and counsellors will, so often, be adherents of the "affirmative approach" and send the patient off to the nearest gender clinic.
My son was 18 when I found out he was "trans". It was horrible. Mother's around said I was a terrible mom, not being open to his MtoF transition. Since he was of legal age, my hands were tied. I am so glad you were able to remove your daughter to another school, make changes to save her. My priority is to keep my child in my life. But funny how he views his childhood as totally different from what really happened.
"I have the painful feeling of having a stranger with dull eyes in front of me. Liar, arrogant, conceited. In bad language I had never heard of her use, she informs me that she has changed her name and wants to be appealed with masculine pronouns. Her new name is already used on social media profiles, at school by classmates, at the dance class, and obviously by her new "super friends" ..."
Yes, when the bomb was dropped on us I was so surprised by the personality change including foul language she'd never used before. But, we are back to "I love yous" as well. I am still scared. And, Hell Hath no Fury like this mama has. Gender Cult Ideology must be stopped.
Thank you for sharing. I can relate to your story too. I share your opinion about preferring to be hated now if it saves my child from themselves. I will live with that.
Excellent and heart wrenching read. My daughter is _very_ similar. I noticed the reference to K-pop and that is also what my child seemed obsessed with during the pandemic and still now. We have taken away the smart phone, but they always find access at some point somewhere… GenSpec has been a sanity saver. To know we are not alone is a life raft right now.
It’s okay to cry out loud now. We hear you from across the pond and beyond. Thank you for your poignant and touching letter. All parent and caregivers contributions to this post gives strength to others through shared experiences. Bravo.
“I prefer to be hated today and loved tomorrow” Exactly! I am glad to hear you were able to intervene before she was too far gone into the cult. Since our daughter is technically an adult we have not been so lucky, so can only hope that we will be “loved tomorrow.”
Me alegra mucho saber que no la afirmaste yo estoy pasando lo mismo y tome las
Mismas acciones y todo está dando resultado, mi hija a cambiado y la veo más alegre hasta desistió del otro nombre que se había puesto, en navidad le regale una cadena de oro con el nombre que le pusimos su papá y yo y hasta la fecha no se lo quita ni para dormir y lo deja a la vista no la esconde. Si un consejo háblale mucho de su identidad del significado de su nombre poco a poco puedes ir influenciando sobre tu bella hija. La acompa o a todos lados y la aleje de esas amistades de la escuela anterior y redes sociales. Suerte las madres tenemos más poder que cualquier psicólogo . Somos los mejore para nuestros hijos.
Thank you for this post. I'm happy for you and your daughter that she is coming back to you before the damage is done. Your fight for your girl gives us hope that the trans-hype will end soon. There are already too many youths whose lives are ruined forever, and there are too many parents whose hearts are broken because they lost their sons or daughters to the cult.
Thank you for sharing your story. It gives me so much hope.
Thank you for this post! Words of encouragement for this broken mother. I won’t give up on my daughter either.
Yeah! Hope! So glad you were able to stop the madness even though I know it was war. Take heed the rest of you out there, act now before you no longer can act. "keep her away from toxic friendships, I changed her school by opting for a private one, I unsubscribed from the hip hop course, I had given her a new phone, and I changed the number, and on which I blocked Youtube, TikTok and any other social network." These are the only measures I have seen actually work. Our child/victims must be removed from this terrible ideology.