No only is there no such thing as a transsexual child, there is no such thing as a transsexual adult. Further back, homosexuality was regarded as a paraphelia, and therefore a psychological disorder. This was never scientifically disproven. The professional associations of psychology and psychiatry merely ceased propagating this view due to politics.

In this issue and as with every other one, what the modern Left says is a lie.

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No, transsexualism has been documented throughout history, and as the author noted, trans people have been living amongst us without causing any harm to anyone or creating a spectacle of themselves until recently. I think most of us are happy to live and let live, and respect the rights of trans people to go about their lives as they wish, but what we're reacting to is something new -- a fad, craze or cult, that IS harming our children and does need to be stopped.

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Well written. 90% of this sounds like you wrote it from living my life. And I know I’m not the only one. I find it even more suspicious that people in different parts of the world are having the same bizarre experience at the same time. Like having the same nightmare. Makes it clear to me that there is nothing natural about it. It is by design.

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Sure, children can't change sex, but in almost all states they are allowed to change their legal birth certificate sex and thereby have teachers and schoolmates compelled to treat them as the opposite sex. It's changing legal sex that must be outlawed as it is in Kansas (SB 180 in 2023) and several other states. Get after the legislators in your state to pass this law.

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"Being transgender is something you do, not something you are."

The problem with this framing is that it ignores the many environmental factors which are assaulting our bodies and potentially 'transing' us all - from synthetic oestrogens to processed foods (lack of natural fats) to EMF pollution. All have been linked to endocrine disruption and behavioural change in humans and animals (including inability to pair bond, express natural gender roles or reproduce).

If we were aliens observing humans from afar (they way we observe say frogs or worms) we would look at the last 30+ years (100 years?) and conclude there must be something in the water....... some kind of environmental pollution which is causing such profound behavioural changes and breakdown of natural pair bonding behaviour. But because we are humans observing ourselves we tend to overthink everything and project our own ideological and political biases onto the situation instead.

Just because we are having feminism's 'social construct' theory of gender shoved down our throats from every institution in society does NOT automatically mean that gender is simply a matter of XX or XY. Both stances are over simplistic and kind of moronic IMHO, and the truth is far more complex and nuanced.

I think gender identity is as fragile as fertility and we know that fertility is under chemical/ environmental/ lifestyle attack. Looking back at the last century I see the gradual 'transing' of the population in post industrial world, most noticeable with women at first, and now with men too.

I would argue that one of the (many) reasons why feminism's rejection of femininity and embrace of a more masculine identity and aspirations resonated with so many women in the 20th century was that women were already being gently 'transed' by electromagnetic pollution and poor diet. Studies on birds nesting near cell towers show that they also become 'progressive' and assume a genderless identity (not bothering to pair bond, build nests or lay eggs and spending all day staring into space or fighting with each other). I don't think it's a coincidence that the explosion of gender queer/ NB/ trans identities among children happened around 2014 to the first generation born into wifi enabled homes and given ipads and smartphones as toys.

Just because all of this has been hijacked by ideologues and social engineering agendas (transhumanism) does not mean there is nothing to it and that we should just pretend it's all 'make believe'. We also have a fat acceptance ideology and movement but that does not mean obesity is not also a real epidemic, or that modern lifestyles, diet and environmental pollution are not contributing to the obesity crisis (EMF pollution is known to cause dysregulation of blood sugar and induce diabetes, and pesticides also interfere with our body's fat storage/ fat conversion mechanisms).

In this sense ideologies like fat acceptance or trans everything might be considered SOLUTIONS to very real environmental issues which require a complete rethink of our modern lifestyles and the dismantling of industries like processed foods and wireless communications..... but nobody wants to give up their microwave ready meals or wifi, so instead we just embrace obesity or trans/ NB/ gender queer as the 'new normal' and construct a whole new set of ideologies and world views to accommodate the changes, so we can continue our unhealthy lifestyles and industry can carry on making a profit by poisoning us all.

This would explain why mega corporation are all celebrating trans everything and social acceptance of the erasure of natural (sexually dimorphic) gender behaviours from our children. It's big business which is probably creating the environmental pollution which is erasing gender, and they do not want to have an army of angry parents demanding they stop polluting the environment for the sake of protecting our children's health.

Lastly, when I see TERFs scoffing at 'trans ideology' in such black and white terms I think one motivation is that the TRA's are so obviously radical they make feminists look quite rational by comparison. Scoffing at TRA's diverts from the fact that feminism was always a trans ideology ('lite') with its 'social construct' theory of gender and push for women to caricature men in the name of 'empowerment' and 'self actualisation'. Just as the lunacy of 3rd wave feminism is often used to make 2nd wave appear more credible, so to is TRA being used to make 3rd wave/ 4th wave feminism seem more credible too. And on and on it goes.... (Hegelian Dialectic/ Overton window etc)

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When the trans thing started I had a lot of the same feelings as you - I didn't know much about it, but I knew it had slowly gained popularity in the 2000s and now everyone was doing it, like pet rocks and mood rings back in the day. A few times I said, waveringly, "Transwomen are women," but I neither believed it nor felt honest. I saw the dishonesty in the whole movement very early on. I never believed the suicide thing because during the pandemic, when trans issues were only just beginning to encroach upon my mental occupations, I was interested in whether suicides were going up in the US and Canada because of lockdown, which is how I learned that suicides had been going up in *all* age groups for *thirty years*. So when the suicide myth started I'd say, "But kids have been doing that since long before the trans thing; how do you know they're killing themselves because they can't transition?" The whole thing is just batshit insane and I'm glad the trans train has begun to derail. It can't happen soon enough. US and Canada, our day is coming whether you like it or not.

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Yes, the whole suicide angle had me questioning my feelings for a while. But then I learned that they were essentially manipulating the stats and comparing apples to oranges to make it look like there were masses of "trans- children" killing themselves because they couldn't get the "gender affirming healthcare" that they "needed so desperately". It's all a lie when you really look closely at it. These people will say or do anything to get their way.

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'Being transgender is something you do, not something you are.' - I love this line. You'll never get TRAs to accept that, though, because human rights are built on immutable characteristics of the person, not activities people choose to engage in. And TRAs really, really want a piece of the human rights pie.

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Many of us started out trying to be "good liberals" like you described, and arrived at the same conclusions you have, whether it be due to our own child getting caught up in the cult or just being curious and doing good diligence. When you see how much our party and our culture has betrayed us and lied to us, it difficult to see a way back.

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Great points blithely made here.

Again though, the point of being an atheist is made. It is often asserted to bolster credibility. Not sure here, but it happens occasionally on this channel.

Is the person really trying to say “I’m too smart to believe in superstitious nonsense about God?”

The rise of trans ideology closely, parallels the great and gradual falling away of Christian faith. Mortal man has not the cunning to have instilled it without evil assistance. That’s why it is my firm belief that it is a supernatural evil that can only be remedied by the highest Order of the supernatural.

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Me to "them": "Nobody cares about your gender identity."

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Ah, the torture of being a liberal that doesn't agree with the trans cult. I am one. Life long liberal now seen as a bigot by other liberals and as foolish by right wing and religious people. They figure if I agree that liberals are wrong about trans issues, why can't I see liberals are wrong about everything, things like January 6th. I don't fit in anywhere now. Maybe I'm politically trans? LOL.

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Don't give up on our fellow liberals. We need to win them back, not cave to the other side. It saddens me to see some lifelong liberals driven to vote for Trump. We need to get a grip!

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The turn of the Millennium onwards seems to have been a period of time where youngsters like Greta Thunberg and the like were permitted to 're educate' adults. The point is though that these youngsters are primed/indoctrinated by adults. They are either useful idiots that these adults manage to scare out of their tiny minds with ideologically nonsense or cunning brats that have used suspension of adult control to their advantage.

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There's nothing new about young people thinking they know everything. Remember when boomers said not to trust anyone over the age of 30? LOL

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Great essay...except for the last paragraph. Unfortunately, adults don't know what they're doing either! Look around, compare the 'adults' of today to the adults of decades ago. Most 'adults' are just children who physically got bigger. We live in a very dumb world with very dumb, gullible, lost, depressed, emotionally unstable, and narcissistic people. That's who the world of 'gender identity' preys on.

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I agree that the final paragraph is problematic, for other reasons too: adults "being transgender" is detrimental for chidren as it creates a model for the next generations to follow; the paragraph also endorses the false notion that one can "become" the opposite sex, as well as the fictional category of 'transgender' people.

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I agree but unfortunately we have to let people take the reins of their own lives and succeed or fail at some point. We've set that point at 18 years old in the US which is probably way too young, but what are you gonna do?

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Agreed. I don't think my just-turned-18 "adult" is any more capable of understanding what she's doing than when she was 15-17.

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Liberal allies. When was the last time they supported a good cause?

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The particularly humorous part is psychologists thinking a 7-year old boy might have “autogynephilia”, an erotic fixation on impersonating a woman.

Sadly, just a complete failure of the imagination, and “theory of mind” on the part of people we ordinarily would assume to be expert professionals in exactly those things.

You’d almost think there was a conspiracy of adults with an erotic fixation on abuse of effeminate boys, granted it’s a feature of trans pornography.

Agreed, there are no trans children, only adults with profound, aggressive delusions and the need to force others to participate in it.

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NAMBLA (now called something else Prostaisia?) is alive and well....and clearly has inserted itself into this trans mess. It's why you are seeing all of the age of consent laws cropping up to "employ" business. If "they" can get the public to be OK with 14 yr olds working in dangerous and low paying jobs, then aren't these same 14 yr olds able to make more adult decisions for themselves?....like sex

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The mind of a child is quite different from adults - for instance they thing inanimate objects are alive, and have will. Their visual system is "overconnected" and can provide what.an adult would find as mild hkucinations. Around a few years before puberty, connections in the visual parts of the brain are "pruned" of unused or inappropriate connections, and they way they see the world matures.

Just before puberty, connections in the prefrontal cortex are "pruned" until around age 20, establishing a consistency of logic and reason, which forms the basis of personality traits. Sometimes called "executive function" - planning, decisions and so on.

So a phrase "childlike way of seeing things" is literally centered in how their brain is organized, and speaking of a child at puberty as immature is also literally speaking about their brain function.

We don't trust legal testimony for instance of small children, describing what they see. The McMartin school trials were notorious for how the child witnesses were led to believe they flew around and all sorts of fantasy.

Because of poor decision-making ability, inabikity to project into the future logically, and other problems with accountabikity, that's why children are not granted legal agency until 16-18, and for alcohol in the US, 21

Pedophile (pre-pubescent focused) and ephebophile (pre-adult focused) organizations, as well as trans simply ignore measured facts of brain development.

That’s why it’s strange and to hear stories psychologists comparing an adult AGP erotic fetish to a pre-pubescent’s unhappiness. Not only does the (for instance) 7-year-old not see their sex the same way as a 50-year old man (impossible) they have only a few years experience with estimating truth from falsehood and conceiving that someone can intentionally say something untrue. They are excellent subjects to lead, as a witness or patient, to say what isn’t true, and as children tend to do, they do what adults tell them to do.

It’s also categorically not possible for the child to have erotic fixations as an adult has, since they don’t even have a mature sexual cognitive system which arises at puberty.

As for the pro-child-sexual organizations, it’s always the same story that one particular child is exceptionally mature and is denied the pleasure which they yearn for. Granted pedophiles aren’t wandering around children’s schools with a portable MRI to test for brain maturity, you can always discount anything said in that context as utterly false unless proven otherwise. The chance that a 14-year-old boy or girl has the maturity of a 21-year old to be able to understand and accept the consequences of a sex act are effectively zero.

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My perspective is that being uncomfortable in your body is the most common thing in the world, at least in the U.S. ALL of the possible reasons for this should be carefully considered, especially the possibility of trauma. Remember when people used to say that anorexia was caused by having to look at supermodel ads, and then some of us interjected reason into the discussion by pointing out how many people with serious body dissatisfaction (such as with obesity and eating disorders) had been sexually molested as children? Remember that? I know, we don’t like to talk about child abuse in this country or the shit children go through in general. Much easier to blame the restlessness of being chained to a school desk on bad brain chemistry, and being uncomfortable in your body on having been born in the “wrong” one. What does all this have in common? Stupid, self-absorbed adults. Again, we don’t want to face that, so we invent a bunch of alternative explanations for why young people are so awkward, anxious, etc., which enable us to see ourselves as heroes for “helping” these young people. Uh huh….

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Yes. It all depends on the premise that people have an inherent sense of which sex they are that is inborn and has nothing to do with their physical sex. This always seemed odd to me, but hey, they have no reason to lie so there must be something to it, right? All transgender people knew for as long as they can remember that they were actually the opposite sex and insisted on it from the time they could talk, right?

It’s not until you watch a child who was previously totally normal in their gender presentation suddenly insist that they’ve always felt this way, they just didn’t say it, that they are happier even as their lives observably fall apart, you see the way they were shamed and manipulated by this community, you see the fear of being ostracized if they back away, you see the conformance to all kinds of strange ideas, that you realize they do in fact lie. There is no such thing as an inborn gender identity. There are many young people being manipulated by a cult-like community run by a few bad actors who really get off on the idea of trans kids.

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