If you are new to the crazy world of gender, you’ve heard that trans is something you just know. So, if your kid comes out as “trans”, that’s who they are, who they’ve always been. You just somehow missed the obvious. And now that you are aware you have a trans kid, your job is to help them “become” the sex that they are inside through social changes (pronouns, clothing choices), drugs (hormones) to halt their development and develop alternate secondary sex characteristics to the extent possible, restrictive garments that hide their secondary sex characteristics (binders), and cosmetic surgeries.
This is the Myth of Permanence. Similar to the Suicide Myth (affirm your child’s trans identity or they will kill themselves), which says you must affirm a trans identified person or they will kill themselves, with the Myth of Permanence, you must instantly medicalize people who proclaim they are trans because if one says they are trans, it’s because it’s an irrefutable, immutable fact about you that cannot change. Along with the Suicide Myth, the Myth of Permanence is used to bully parents into actions they feel are against the best long term interests of their children.
If you believe in this ideological dogma, it is wrong to do anything except enable social and medical transition immediately and fully because, to do otherwise, would cause certain, immediate and extreme harm to the trans identified person. The Myth of Permanence has thrown a lot of good people into logical tailspins trying to do the correct thing, in the absence of physical/biological evidence that trans is an actual state of being, and not just a metaphysical or religious concept.
However, the Myth of Permanence has been clearly disproved both in long term studies, through parent experiences, and by detransitioners and desisters that felt certain they were “trans” and then later changed their minds.
If Trans-ness was permanent, none of this would be possible. But yet, it is.
It is a cult that captures the young (who are naive). All of our formerly trusted institutions gas light the kids - creating mental/emotional separation from parents at the time of teen rebellion/identity formation. It is grooming.
I once thought that the drive was that some AGP middle aged men did not want to have psychological assessments prior to receiving hormones and surgeries but now I think that it is another frontier of affirmation for them. The mental illness appears to involve an itch that can never be scratched enough. It is not enough to "transition" oneself, change all reasonable language, enter beauty contests, be seen running for governor weeping in a dress, enter lesbian spaces, get attention for competing in women's and girl's sporting competitions - one must insist that all of society embrace a belief system that affirms these men Really Are Female (not just transwomen or women). The itch must also require the vicarious experience of seeing children and teens "be trans" and get surgeries. When I read what some of these gender surgeons (AGPS themselves) wrote about performing the surgeries, including what the fake organs smelled like - I got the creepy vibe that they derived pleasure from it.
Then, there is all the money being made off of the young in Big Pharma, etc.
I think society will not right itself until we can all honestly agree that this is a mental illness not an Identity - one that has always existed in a small portion of the population - as have so many other mental illnesses. Many people struggle with some mental illness or other and are assisted to live productive lives. This population can do that as well with more honest, individual assessments. Who knows, maybe "transition" is the best of bad choices for a number of them. But, please drop the ideology and leave the children alone.
A kid who comes out as “trans” has been brainwashed by a myth