While I agree that parents should never fall for the lie that you must affirm or your child will kill themself, if your child tells your they are suicidal, get them help. It doesn’t have to be hormones or affirmation of anything like that. I’ve struggled with dysphoria my whole life and while I never plan to transition, I have thought attempted suicide multiple times. Everytime I’ve gone for crisis treatment, I wasn’t given hormones. When I was a teen, a friend of mines parents refused to get her any help because they worried that any therapist might immediately put her on testosterone. They told her she was lying and manipulating them. She passed away a month later. Please please please get your kids some sort of help. Even if the therapist is like “yes you really are the opposite sex” that’s temporary damage that can be undone. Please please please help them. My friends parent’s didn’t and my parents won’t.

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Do you have a link for those studies? Thx

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A 60-second visit to Reddit's r/detrans site will disabuse anyone of the fantasy that trans identity is permanent. The (mostly) young people of both sexes who populate this subreddit grapple with the painful reality that everything they believed about their trans identity turned out to be a lie, something they had been taught to believe. They may still experience what they describe as "gender dysphoria," but now they're able to connect it to real-world issues and fears, such as sexual abuse early in life, fear of sexuality, internalized notions of homophobia and misogyny, mental health issues, being on the autism spectrum, and/or lingering concerns that they'll never be able to make a normal life for themselves as a non gender-conforming person.

To make matters worse, they're often viewed as transphobic bigots by their former trans friends and lovers, who see them as traitors, so they're isolated and lonely. However, it's inspiring to see their resiliency, as they pick up the pieces, counsel one another, and move forward.

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Thanks for the excellent points on this topic. One thing I'd like to add to your of real-world issues and fears is Misandry. It's the polar opposite of Misogyny; in other words, it's the hatred of men. It's real, and it can be intense or subtle. It's generally under-identified, but it's very real and can be very harmful to young men.

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Paul, I know what you're talking about. Internalized misandry is reflected in the posts of some male detransitioners. They struggle with self-loathing, because they've been inculcated to believe that maleness implies "toxic masculinity," an immutable state that includes unfair power and privileges afforded to men in patriarchy. This ideological position, an outgrowth of critical gender theory and radical feminism, has pernicious effects on the self-esteem of boys and men as it becomes widespread in schools that pair critical race and gender theory as part of a woke educational agenda.

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I agree, there is somehow a message that it's not OK to be just a "regular" masculine guy.

And, beyond that, teens feel pressure to be part of an "oppressed group".

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Yes... And, according to the the Ideology trans identity is both permanent and fluid. :-0

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In other words, there’s no way out.

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It is a cult that captures the young (who are naive). All of our formerly trusted institutions gas light the kids - creating mental/emotional separation from parents at the time of teen rebellion/identity formation. It is grooming.

I once thought that the drive was that some AGP middle aged men did not want to have psychological assessments prior to receiving hormones and surgeries but now I think that it is another frontier of affirmation for them. The mental illness appears to involve an itch that can never be scratched enough. It is not enough to "transition" oneself, change all reasonable language, enter beauty contests, be seen running for governor weeping in a dress, enter lesbian spaces, get attention for competing in women's and girl's sporting competitions - one must insist that all of society embrace a belief system that affirms these men Really Are Female (not just transwomen or women). The itch must also require the vicarious experience of seeing children and teens "be trans" and get surgeries. When I read what some of these gender surgeons (AGPS themselves) wrote about performing the surgeries, including what the fake organs smelled like - I got the creepy vibe that they derived pleasure from it.

Then, there is all the money being made off of the young in Big Pharma, etc.

I think society will not right itself until we can all honestly agree that this is a mental illness not an Identity - one that has always existed in a small portion of the population - as have so many other mental illnesses. Many people struggle with some mental illness or other and are assisted to live productive lives. This population can do that as well with more honest, individual assessments. Who knows, maybe "transition" is the best of bad choices for a number of them. But, please drop the ideology and leave the children alone.

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Great points! Perhaps there needs to be more exposure of the AGP mentality, especially as a mental and/or personality disorder, and it's involvement with the current Trans-movement. Maybe we should be addressing the Trans Cult phenomenon as the cult that it is for many young and other vulnerable people, and use anti-cult techniques to counteract it. (At least the Moonies weren't sterilizing people.)

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I could not agree more. Activists have attempted to end-run this with anti "conversion therapy" laws - conflating "Trans" ID with homosexuality. Maybe this video could get more exposure: https://www.bitchute.com/video/a5bK95bJviat/

"Pronouns" in bios and in schools need to stop, IMO

We should have a program to counter:

https://medium.com/gender-inclusivit/why-i-put-pronouns-on-my-email-signature-and-linkedin-profile-and-you-should-too-d3dc942c8743 "Cis" is a quasi-religious term.

And, we do need anti-cult/cult deprogramming techniques.

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It definitely seems like mental illness that causes a child to believe they are someone else. It used to be called schizophrenia. The treatments for that have not been effective so maybe “changing identity” is the latest experimental treatment?

Parent must be allowed to object to this barbaric experimentation which inevitably results in sterility. It is eugenics.

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Well, I don't think many of the current trans identified children and young people would believe they were someone/something else if they were not taught the Gender Unicorn nonsense. They are led step by step to a place of crazy. I do agree with you that we will look back on this like the electro shock and lobotomy era. Separate from the current wave of trans identified young we've always had a small subset - mostly of men - with this mental illness. I'm happy to leave their individualized care plan to others if they leave the kids & cult ideology alone.

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Yes, they are being driven crazy by the nonsense fed to them. That is the tragedy!

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A kid who comes out as “trans” has been brainwashed by a myth

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"Coming out" does not even make sense in the context of "trans ". Yet, that is what the kids are taught to say in the belief system.

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