I'll order the book through Barnes & Noble, only because doing so sends a demand signal to the mainstream outlet network.

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Pleased to inform all that at my request the Jefferson County Colorado Public Library has ordered two copies of PITTs 'Tales From the Home Front in the Fight to Save Our Kids'.

Request that your public library do the same!

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I requested that my library purchase this book. That was only one week ago. I received an email that it was on hold for me. Now THAT's responsive! I am going to quickly read and get it back into circulation. Thanks to the contributors, editors, publisher, and my local library system!

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Received mine at home, diving in tonight - also going to place a request at my city library - more of us that do this, better!

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Congratulations! I just picked it up at Barnes & Noble.

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Thank you for the hard work you've undertaken to compile these stories. I have ordered through Amazon as that's currently the only way to get the book in the country I live in. I'll donate it to the library. Exciting: Amazon's page is already showing the book is a "Best Seller in LGBTQ+ Demographic Studies".

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Thank you for compiling this on behalf of all of us. I hope that someday the world will look back on this book and be horrified with what we've all been put through - and see how much each and every one of us loved our precious kids.

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I just ordered another copy to send to my daughter. I want her to have as much first hand information as possible so WE can protect her precious daughter, my darling 4 year-old granddaughter and keep this evil cult at bay. Knowledge is power!

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You have provided a critical volume of primary sources that offer a window on hidden history unfolding right now. Thank you for all your hard work.

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Congrats on this book and thank you for the good work you are continuing to do!

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What an incredible milestone, born from the tears and perseverance of so many parents and the tireless and selfless work of Dina and Josie. Can't wait to get my copy! And then order more to sprinkle around to decision makers and doctors.

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Ordering this book. This is important work that documents the horrific damage this social madness is doing to our young people and the families that love them.

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I ordered thru Thriftbooks. I try to avoid Amazon whenever possible.

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Send copies to every liberal media network.

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Preordered it - looking forward to receiving. This is so important for people - thank you.

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Thank you as always for your faithfulness to fight the good fight. Picking up a copy today from B&N.

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