Last night, at Christmas Mass, I saw a young man dressed like a stereotypical woman from the 50's, a few pews in front of me! I was triggered. He had a 5 O'clock shadow and bare, tattooed legs, with tall high heels, making him about 6'2. I couldn't help but wonder about his poor family, who were not present. He kept looking all around to see who would notice him. He was alone, to hear his GF with a half shaved head sing! This was in a Catholic church, where I thought would be *trans* free, but it is everywhere now. I left feeling sad and triggered, missing my own daughter again this Christmas.

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I understand the deep hurt that must have made you feel. I have buses that pass my house with large rainbows on the side stating “you are loved” & I just want to scream.

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Perfection! This would be a dream come true!

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I like the end a lot

And I pray for the " Christmas spirit " upon all your kids

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I've read a lot of these posts and see the ways the parents tried to cope and change their child's path. I don't have skin in the game so I hope I don't offend anyone by throwing out this hypothetical approach.

I don't think that I have seen one where parents continuously bombard their child with images of a happy child integrated in a loving family. I wonder if that "therapy" could reach them? I mean even if they cut you off, find their new email, text these images and videos and continuously ask what was it that changed from this kid? Find where they hang out an post there. Don't let them hide from your love.

Is that possible, would it have any effect?

God help you all to find a way.

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Let's pray this upon each of our lost children! May they be miserable this Christmas season.

May they receive sleepless nights and a spirit of mourning. May they be led on a spiritual journey that takes them into their past, into their future if they continue on their trans journey, and into the present truth and how what they are currently doing is impacting others. May this new found wisdom lead them toward a future filled with peace, joy, love, laughter, spiritual wisdom, and connection to family. May they seek forgiveness and find truth in the end, and may it come quickly!

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"May they be miserable this Christmas season. May they receive sleepless nights and a spirit of mourning."

What a wish!

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This story tells a truth that is deeper than its wonderful images.

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Oh, how I wish this were so.

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My prayers would be answered.


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Tis truly a Christmas miracle ❤️

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WOW. Love this so much. May all of our kids have a revelation like this before it's too late.

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Your post is eerily exactly what I was thinking of doing for my son today. I'm going to do it by giving him Christmas ornaments from the past, present and one for the future explained in a card. I'll take them to his home and hope that he'll let me spend time with him. Highly doubtful. So as I have other years, I'll leave them on his doorstep. This is very difficult and requires every ounce of strength I can muster.

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Saying it again, Brilliant!

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Yes, we can hope and pray for God’s grace.

Thank you for sharing…

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Oh my gosh this is BRILLIANT. Thank you for sharing this, and for your wisdom. I'm so thankful for this group and wish I'd had it a few years back. God bless us, every one. 💗 (PS It is NEVER EVER EVER EVER too late to stop praying, wishing, hoping, and dreaming for our beloved children. As long as there is air in their lungs, HOPE REMAINS.)

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Exceptional! So much truth, very clever and well written. If only a real ghost of Christmas past, present and future could visit all the lost children caught up in the trans-cult world…what a huge awakening that would be!

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"Christmas joy" remains a dream for me. Sadly my fully medicalized daughter used to adore Christmas so much that she began playing Christmas music in November before Thanksgiving. But everything changed when gender ideology overtook her and I did not celebrate her breast removal as she demanded.

The gender identity/trans cult celebrates each kid they capture as parents mourn. My condolences to the author of this piece and all parents who are struggling with the pain of losing a child to the trans tragedy.

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