I am so sorry. No family is immune

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Our daughter was lost to this cult as well. There is little reason to celebrate this “death” in our family, but we can commiserate together and tell other parents when we see the danger signs they missed. Taking definitive “rear-guard action” is our role now. And we can accommodate it better than most because we have lived it.

I stand with you in your pain. You are NOT alone.

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An excellent testimony! We must stand against the abnormality of transitioning kids; no one can change their sex. Puberty is not a disease. Puberty is normal; it's the mental/emotional problems that need counselling like autism, depression, child abuse, rape, etc.

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I love being shamed for not wanting to actually harm my daughter then told to affirm the harm as they demand we pay for the harm then pay to fix it if the child doesn’t die from it or just becomes chronically ill.

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Your mistake is to think that trans support has a majority. It doesn't. Most people think it is insane but have been hoodwinked into thinking the majority of people support it. This false perception leads most people to be silent on the subject to avoid a fictitious mob. The same thing happened with the gay/lesbian movement. The "fake it till you make it" strategy was used for them and is being used for the trans movement.

The silent majority needs to stand up and recognize all these conditions for what they are: mental illness. Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, pedophilia, etc. are all forms of mental illness and those experiencing these conditions need help in treating them. Instead, the false majority seeks affirmation for these conditions. They have been successful in affirming gay/ lesbian lifestyles and are now moving on to mainstreaming more extreme perversions like transexuality and pedophilia.

We need to move back to a society in which the only acceptable sexual relationship is between one man and one woman in a committed monogamous fashion. Anything else will always deteriorate into the mess we have now which, if left unchecked, will destroy our society and turn this nation into a third world country. If that happens the only silver lining will be that children who find themselves worried about getting enough to eat every day seldom worry about their sexuality.

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I find it ironic that people like this commenter do not seem to recognize the role that their hysterical, reality-denying anti-gay bias is a contributor — perhaps a significant one — to the current trans-mania.

Inflicting your personal (I presume) religious views on everyone else is not the way forward, trust me.

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Clearly you have no idea of the difference between sexual orientation (- the biological sex a person is attracted to, same sex attracted =LGB, opposite sex attracted = Heterosexual.) and gender identity. If sexual orientation is a "mental illness" that would mean that straight people are mentally ill as well. You're talking utter rubbish without a leg to stand on. Your opinion is not to be confused with reality.

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I understand the difference. Deviant sexual attraction is a different mental illness from gender dysphoria, but they are both mental illnesses.

We were either created as a binary species or we have evolved as a binary species. Either one of those truths excludes any deviant sexual orientation or gender dysphoria as being in touch with reality.

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Between your ears there seems to be a vacuum. Where did you locate the information that same sex attraction is "deviant"? Perhaps you're living in a non-science world.

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You seem to be unwilling to acknowledge the simple truth that we were created or evolved as a binary species intended for male and female only to couple. It is a simple objective biological fact. All other forms of gender dysphoria and sexual attraction are therefore deviant behavior and must be considered as mental illness.

You are welcome to posit another hypothesis as to the fundamental nature of human sexuality but seem unable to. Ad hominem attacks only prove that you are unable to refute my basic points.

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You seem to be confusing the expression of human sexuality with reproduction i.e. sex for pleasure (non-reproductive) and sex for making babies (reproductive). I am completely aware that there are 2 biological sexes and do not ever dispute that. However, sexual activity, which can take many forms, including masturbation, is very distinct from biological sex. There is nothing "deviant" , dysphoric, or any other negative label you might wish to fling at those of us who don't practice reproductive sex. I truly have no idea how you have lived in this world of humans and not understood these basic facts. Yours is a fundamentalist belief system, not a science based anything. There is plenty in the actual real and material world to refute your beliefs. I simply wonder why you are so closed to this?

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Oct 28, 2023·edited Oct 28, 2023

I don't have any issues with people engaging in sex for pleasure as long as it is within the confines of a heterosexual monogamous relationship. Any other kind of sexual relationship is harmful to those engaged in it and to society. As far as masturbation goes, that is just morally degrading self harm.

Just because something feels good does not make it good.

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California,among a few other states, now has a law that requires teachers to deceive parents of students who request to be referred to with different pronouns, and to keep from them any other information pertaining to the child’s using the wrong restrooms, locker rooms, etc. Again, all this deceit of parents by their children who have school staff allied with them against their parents is now CA state law.

Something this sick and pervasive calls for much more than elections -- there’s just no voting our way out of this. Get your children home, away from the noxious influence of the state. Eventually they may then come to beat your door down in an effort to seize your kids and take them into custody, but by then you should have plenty of backup in the form of networks of other parents who fight to protect their kids and those of their neighbors.

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6 months ago I walked away from my family for my own sanity.

I can't for the life of me see what is so compelling with this stupidity.

Is it the bullying of women who dare believe in reality?

Is it the mutilation and medicating of vulnerable people?

I just don't get it.

I don't get how concern is taken as hate.

I don't get how the truth is taken as hate.

How is it that anything that goes against the ideology is taken as a personal blow equivalent to actual violence?

How many times do I have to hear what's it got to do with you? Does it affect your life? Look the other way this has nothing to do with you?

Oh it only blew my whole family apart........

Well that's what you deserve as you are obviously a hateful bigot....

I'm not religious but I hope there is a hell and I hope these people find a particularly horrible place in it

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I'm with you also!

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Eugenics indeed. Sinister

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Yes you are absolutely right! I can feel your pain because I’m living it too. You are not alone and together us “normies” will be vindicated when a whole generation of children are sterilised and unable to reproduce. The WEF are forging ahead with this insidious agenda have we learned nothing from WW2. Why is the head of the WEF German?? Just sayin’.

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Schwab is Swiss, not German.

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Oct 27, 2023·edited Oct 27, 2023

When my son was stolen ten years ago, I dove down this rabbit hole. The lying media will deny it: He is not a gentile, but a tribal supremist, as are all who run this show. His mother fled to Switzerland. The National Socialist German Worker's Party failed to save the German people, largely because of US. And our children are being sacrificed as a result. Schwab is AshkeNAZI. The jewish people were sent to camps to establish the bloodlusting State of Israel. Their leaders don't care who suffers.


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I'm very sorry and can't imagine the grief you daily face. All of you. But I believe that the deluded are not the majority; they are the loudest and currently have the most power but they are a minority surrounded by a lot of people who suspect the truth but haven't the time/energy/bandwidth/skills to deal with crazy unless it's stomping on their own kids' toes. And that is the way evil often happens.

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My son has an IQ of 153 yet he has still been taken in by the cult. He is scientific and yet he believes this clap trap. He is the definition of 'drinking the Cool Aid'. It's terrifying.

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Oct 27, 2023·edited Oct 28, 2023

My son has very high IQ too and has fallen deeply for the cult's lies. He is on autistic spectrum and is emotionally immature: the perfect storm for a cult recruit

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Your testimony is strong and sad. The trans virus must be stopped; no child is born in the wrong body! Normal puberty is a rite of passage to adulthood but children are being denied that by the trans cult; our kids are being love-bombed, and brainwashed to take dangerous drugs and cut off healthy body parts to disguise themselves as the opposite sex. It is morally wrong; we need to stand against it! Puberty is not a disease but ignoring mental/emotional conditions such as abuse, depression, mental illness etc. is a crime! Sterilizing, mutilating and making children lifetime patients is one of the worst crimes perpetrated against children!

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RemovedOct 27, 2023·edited Oct 28, 2023
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In some cases, definitely. But in many cases, they're told transitioning will cure all their autism, depression, sexual abuse, mental ills, etc. and they're too immature to understand exactly what they're getting into. It's 'snake oil' that doesn't cure a damn thing. Many of them have de-transitioned; I'm in contact with many and was in contact with more on Twitter till I got banned for saying men cannot change sex and become female. But, TRAs can say, 'kill a terf' or punch one on Twitter and that's OK. My stepdaughter is on the autistic spectrum; she's in her 20s and living far away; I hope she hasn't bought into it.

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My stepdaughter is on the Autistic spectrum with Asperger's. I'm no stranger to having something thrown at my head or being pushed over. I had two friends who were sisters, and one of them was on the autistic spectrum. I got angry about something the Asperger sister did and she almost strangled me. I've met several autistic de-transitioners who are fighting these people with lawsuits, through all media, and in the USA by going state to state to give their testimonies. In my birth country, Canada, a growing number of parents have woken up to the full ramifications of this madness as has the Conservative party! Australia still needs more pushback, but the tide is turning. These three countries need to vote in Federal governments that are against the trans god. Many won't be voting Democrat in the US, or Trudeau in Canada; as for Australia, it's time Labor got booted out again. Sooner or later these cults diminish, go underground or everyone is forced to drink poison as in the Jim Jones' 'Jonestown.' It wouldn't surprise me if some of these poor mutilated de-transitioners went after the cult.

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It was my friend's sister; the poor woman was ordered around by her Asperger sister; they even got into fights. Many autistic de-transitioners are making themselves heard like Laura Becker, & Prisha Mosley. There is also Rainbow Redemption, Shapeshifter, Jade, Scott Newgent, and even whistle-blowers who transitioned people. They're out there and the list is growing. Once a person de-transitions they become dirt to the TRAs and suffer multiple comorbidities. The tide is turning slowly as parents become more aware and good politicians take a stand. Before Twitter kicked me out, I conversed with a number of de-transitioners and encouraged all of them. I dared to tell transwomen, they cannot become women unless they change the XY to XX in every cell of their body; I stuck to the facts; they did not. It is a war!

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I might be, but ... I might not be. Which vaccines are you speaking of?

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As a gay atheist of a certain age, I am all too familiar with what you're describing. It's a form of religious persecution, a belief in something that is predominantly an interpretation of Existence with no basis in objective data, often in contradiction to real science. Its doctrines, supported by academia and pseudoscience to make it respectable and therefore irrefutable, form its bulwark against attack as well as its offensive against nonbelievers and heretics as it imposes its dominion/tyranny over human behavior.

Trans rights need to be seen in the context of the entirety of Wokeism, of which it's an inseparable part. We might say, "This madness cannot possibly last," but I'm sure Ancient Romans thought that about Christianity, too. And yet here we are, many centuries later: the Romans are no more, the seat of the Catholic Church in the place of their more enlightened culture that expected an aristocrat to keep lovers of both sexes while in an arranged marriage to a woman.

There's no use counting ironies when it comes to religions, or being shocked by them, but to my point about being gay: The Catholic Church is staffed mostly by homosexuals; the real reason for the celibacy of priests was likely to give gay men a respectable cover and power while they condemned and persecuted homosexuals. Worse, it's generational institutionalized homosexual pedophilia, passed down over the centuries from priest to altar boy, who gets a taste for it and repeats the same, much like parents who abuse their kids were themselves abused.

Why are children involved in the performance of religious rites, which is nothing more than theatrical propaganda in an entertainment venue called a church, complete with a stage and rows for the audience to sit called "pews"? There is only one other religion that uses boys in rituals and in the maintenance of the religions infrastructure: Tibetan Buddhism, where some boys are selected as toddlers because they happened to play with the right objects. They are locked away for a lifetime of celibacy in a monastery, with a lot of homosexual activity. The other monks are usually a family's second sons, the spares of families, handed over as children for indoctrination. If the family is pious enough, sometimes they're the only sons.

When I say "Tibetan Buddhism" does it bring to mind the image of some of the greatest children's rights violations in history? It's merely a version of a Medieval Catholic theocracy. The Dalai Lama, who was recently busted kissing a child on the lips, is/was considered one of the most "spiritual" people on the planet, a living god.

Still, these religions stand, even though you would think they'd be wiped away in the modern era where we know better and we're so vigilant about human rights. There is no basis for any of their beliefs, yet they hold sway over billions of lives and carry on much as always in plain sight.

This is what you're dealing with.

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Very few Christian denominations endorse homosexuality or pedophilia. Those that do are not following Scripture and are therefore not Christian Churches.

The actions of the Catholic Church in covering up child molestation clearly put them into that category.

Any organization that puts children in positions where they are left alone with an adult are problematic. Molestation has been a problem within children's sports programs as well as churches and other organizations like the boy scouts. It is also rampant in Muslim nations where boys are routinely used by men even though Islam expressly forbids homosexual behavior.

You are correct in identifying the source of homosexuality among men as a result of being molested by an older male. This is the dirty little secret in the gay community. Most people who are molested will continue that behavior if given the opportunity, which means most gay men are not safe around children. Every man who molests a male child is by definition a homosexual but the gay movement is insistent that pedophilia and homosexuality are two separate conditions when, in fact, they are closely intertwined.

Many LGBTQLMNOP groups are now openly endorsing pedophilia and are actively trying to rebrand pedophiles as Minor Attracted Person's. The reason there are very few people in the gay community pushing back on this is because they want to be able to openly groom children and indoctrinate them into the homosexual faith.

The saddest thing is that most gay men think they were born homosexual but were really turned homosexual by an older man molesting them. There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that LGBTQLMNOP people were "born that way" but many still believe it to be so.

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You make some valid points, but you cancel yourself with ignorant nonsense. There are plenty of heterosexual pedophiles. I wasn't molested as a child, but I know exactly what it's like to realize with horror as you hit adolescence that your nature has made you a member of the most vilified of pariahs, thanks to the tyranny of prejudices of people like you and your religious beliefs, but there's nothing you can do about it because your head is exploding with lust for other boys and men. I don't find children attractive. The issue is men, not sexuality. Some men, not most, prefer children.

American homophobia matches our almost comical levels of machismo and aggressive behavior. Matching that behavior for most gay men is an oppression you can't imagine. That same arrogance, upheld by received beliefs that have no basis in reality, allows you to speak with such authority on subjects you know little about.

My point isn't that religious organizations are the source of homosexuality, it's that trans activism, and all of Wokeism, is akin to a religion, an organization based around a collection of beliefs — in this case critical theory — slogging around with magical thinking rather than objective reality. Those illusory beliefs are used to oppress others.

Wokeism is an Inquisition. Christ was woke af, a social justice radical so annoying they put him to death. Then a macabre cult that uses an instrument of slow, painful death as a symbol of veneration and respectability grew up around him.

What I'm saying is that people opposing gender ideology can moan their hearts out, but getting rid of this religion — as with Christianity, Islam, Tibetan Buddhism et al. — isn't going to be easy. Know thy enemy, and never underestimate humankind's ability to embrace evil as being good and moral, and the supernatural as reality.

At the end of the day, all religions are Trumpism.

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Oct 28, 2023·edited Oct 28, 2023

Ah yes, the old trope that men who have a moral opposition to homosexuality are actually closeted homosexuals themselves. This seems to be more of a fantasy dreamed up in the mind of homosexual men than anything remotely grounded in reality. Perhaps you also believe that people opposed to rape are secretly rapists and those opposed to murder are secretly murderers? I think, rather, that those who are morally corrupt in their sexuality can't wrap their head around the perspective of those who maintain sexual morality. The problem with the LGB movement is once you step into the morally ambiguous/ subjective world view that it is ok for men to sleep with men it is impossible to stand on any moral position that others with more egregious sexual deviancy (like pedophilia) are immoral. Thus, most of the LGB people support pedophiles being rebranded as Minor Attracted Person's. That is why it is now the LGBTQIA+ movement (for now, more to come)

You are correct, there are plenty of heterosexual pedophiles. Those would be men who rape female children. Both are rape and morally reprehensible. It does not mean that men who rape male children are not homosexuals. Perhaps you could argue that they are bi-sexual if they have adult female attraction but they are still gay if they have attraction towards other males, regardless of age.

As far as Christ being woke that is a laughable position. Christ preached that he who is first must be last. It is a teaching of service to others within a moral framework. This is a polar opposite from the woke position of self worship in which all others need to capitulate to the woke person's position of self delusion, whatever that may be on any given day. Christ did not instruct his disciples to assault or "cancel" those who opposed his teachings. He instructed them to share His message and if people refused to listen to shake the dust from their sandals and move on.

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For as much or little agency you may have as parents to influence you children's lives, imagine what grandparents face when their grandchildren's parents have bought into the ideological fantasy. As grandparents, you have no say whatsoever. And the cost of not acquiescing can be intolerable: being denied a relationship with your own grandchildren, possibly for the rest of your lives. This ideology is tearing families apart.

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