Six years. We have been fighting for our son for six years.
Everywhere we turn we are asked if we would rather have a live daughter or a dead son. The favored trump card of the transgender cult. The emotional manipulation cuts and hacks at us.
We are beaten and bloody. We take blow after blow and are expected to shut up and take it. There is no relief. We are manipulated. Our other children are manipulated. History is re-written and we are cast as the villain.
We pray constantly. We research. We try to reason. We try to offer compassion. We try to offer support in neutral terms. If we dare express our distress or pain, we are stomped on. If we bring up the lies and manipulation that have brought us to this place we are immediately shut down.
Yet, we hold the line, even when the ultimatum is given - “call me daughter or get out of my life.” We beg for compromise, but none is allowed. And again the trump card is played - suicide. Affirm or else. And we fold.
10 years for us. Yes 100% true, I will not fold, I will not believe a lie, I will not partake in the delusional madness, we tried to be as peaceful as we could with our beloved breastless bearded daughter, but it was never enough, we either had to pretend and affirm or be estranged. You can fool some people, brow beat them into submission, but my God, to make your parents go along with this or else? We changed your diapers, taught you, trained you, and this is our thanks? Please imagine in your minds my strong words I would love to tell my beloved daughter. And that I miss and love her so very much and feel great sorrow for her, we tried to prevent this from happening to her with every fiber of our being. Daughter, you are welcome home anytime, restore your family.
The whole suicide thing is a myth. There's NO evidence for increased suicide amongst 'trans-identified' youth. If anything, the suicide rate is higher in people who have 'transitioned'.
Hold the line. Be your child's bulwark against the madness. They will hopefully thank you one day, down the line. As a clinical psychologist my advice is this: 'Hold firm. Never Affirm'.