MICHAEL SEARLES Health Correspondent

THE NHS is to launch its first ever service for trans patients wanting to return to the gender they were born as.

It comes in the wake of the Cass Review, an independent report into transgender services, which found children were being hurried down “affirmative” pathways involving powerful drugs and medical interventions.

The review made a series of recommendations to the NHS, including to provide care for trans patients who had changed their mind after transitioning, and warned health leaders not to use the same medics who were previously involved in their care. NHS England published its plans to “transform” care for gender-questioning children ­yesterday and accepted the recommendations of the Dr Hilary Cass review in full.

This includes developing the first NHS service to treat transgender patients who want to return to their gender at birth.

NHS officials said the next step was to “define an NHS pathway for those individuals who choose to detransition” because currently no guidance on how to care for them exists.

The health service said: “There is no defined clinical pathway in the NHS for individuals who are considering detransition. NHS England will establish a ­programme of work to explore the issues around a detransition pathway by October 2024.”

It said this would include examining the rate at which patients detransition and their reasons for doing so, as these are currently unknown, and would recognise “that individuals who choose to detransition may not wish to re-engage with the services they were previously under” as per the recommendations.

Dr Cass said a lack of long-term ­figures made it impossible to know how frequently people detransitioned, although anecdotally it was “increasing”. The lack of long-term evidence was also why the review said puberty blockers should not be prescribed outside of a clinical trial.

That trial is to begin from early next year, the NHS confirmed, with the first patients enrolled from April next year.

This will be the only way to legally access puberty blockers in the UK after the High Court upheld a ban that extended to private prescriptions after it was introduced in May.

Prof Sir Stephen Powis, NHS medical director, hailed Dr Cass’s “invaluable” work and said the plans outlined by the health service would ensure a “fundamentally different and safer model of care for children”.

He said: “The plan published today now fully maps out this new service for children and young people and their families, which will be led by evidence and ongoing research to ensure their needs are fully met.”

In its update, the health service also confirmed it would publish a review into adult services by the end of the year after Dr Cass heard concerns from staff and patients that extended beyond the remit of her review into children’s services.

That review will be led by Dr David Levy, the medical director for Lancashire and South Cumbria integrated care board, and look to improve care.

Prof James Palmer, NHS medical director for specialised commissioning, said it was “clear our services for adults need focus too” and that the review would “address poor experience but also learn from good experiences of care”.

The NHS will also look at setting up an early adulthood service for trans patients aged 17-25, who had until now been sent straight to adult clinics where gender assessments are less holistic.

Dr Cass found that children were being given powerful cross sex hormones at adult clinics from the age of 17, while there was also evidence people changed their mind up until about the age of 25, as she advocated an “unhurried” model of care.


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Thank you so much for sharing your testimony. So, its ok to become trans, but everyone will question/ doubt you if you become a normal person. You get all the support you need when you transition, but practically no support when you detransition. It was only when the LGBT mask was removed were the medical professionals able to see beyond the mask.

Once a person decides to detransition, the medical community CANNOT help as this is viewed as Conversion Therapy. There are laws in place that make it illegal to "convert" a person from trans to being a "normal" person.

The reality is that gender dysphoria is a mental health issue for a very small population, but this testimony shows how young children are sucked into this devastating, destructive world because apart from parents there is NOONE willing to stand up and question a child's story.

The laws in place need to be repealed. The sanctions imposed by the medical authorities against those who are gender critical need to be withdrawn

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Thank you for sharing your story. It is quite enlightening as I have a child who is bent on becoming a ‘boy’. She’s been struggling with her identity for 12 years now and it’s coming to a point where she wants to take hormones, it’s heartbreaking and painful for me. We love her very much and we want to help her get out of this ‘rut’. She’s been on therapy for about 7 years to date and I believe they’re not helping her; just taking our money for their own gratification. I wish someone who has been through this could talk to her and put some sense into her. I’m inclined to think she’s been brainwashed by the internet and her therapists.

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I would be willing to talk to her through zoom if you're interested. I am 13 years old though, but I've been to the trans hole and back and feel like I can help her. If you're interested please email me at bordun5432@gmail.com

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I’m happy you’re well!!

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Thanks for sharing your story! 👍❤️

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A tough story with a good ending. I had an eating/binging disorder when I was a teen. I'm happy you figured it out with help from a great book.

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Thank you for sharing your story. I wish more of these stories were shared on social media. What these pharmaceutical companies and medical communities are doing is criminal

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I wish you the best! Good luck. I hope you continue to do better.

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Thank you for writing this. Stories like yours not only change the minds of those dedicated to promoting this ideology, they inspire those of us working toward an end to the harm.

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Excellent. If only those with power would question why of course more than half the population of people might want to be treated as equals, which seems to be only possible if they "become" those with the privilege.... Why on earth would we not want full equality, which is denied girls and women? There is a reason that this crucial issue is ignored while instead they bombard people with word salad propaganda.

The most recent awards and other shows on television still present images of women as inferior, pornified, half naked, in shoes they can't walk in, etc. And these are among the most rich and famous and powerful women in the media, still looking ridiculous. Worse than 50 years ago, actually.

Why is not challenging that mess as "normal" more important than the health and lives of girls and women?

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Thank you for this. Hopefully your story will help others.

The monsters who are doing this to people need to brought to justice.

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Brilliantly written and so articulate. I hope it resonates with many other distressed teens who've been sucked into this cult. Tiktok and other social media platforms have a grave sin to answer for in enabling groomers to access and indoctrinate innocent kids into this body mutilating nightmare . Well said 👍👏

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God bless for your courage and for your strength to make this huge U turn in your life. Women like you need a public voice these days and it should be louder than everything! Louder than all the social media platforms, all the fake news and all these paid influencers that are stealing young soul in the name of the evil !

Thanks God you found the way back to light and to your real life ! So happy for you and your parents, that your family is healed !

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Once upon a time young girls who liked to climb trees & play sports got that name. Thankfully nobody was rushing to convince that meant were a boy. Rather than a girl who liked less 'girly' identified things. Happy that you have found your way back to true self. Shall keep my mouth shut about the school 'allies' and keeping from parents.

Tomboy girls make awesome women!

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So happy you saw the light

Life is a journey and you're on the right path, being your true true-self

You're very bright and courageous. You were able to do what many "experts" can't : match facts you saw with reality and extricate yourself from the lies

Your parents are blessed with a daughter like you 💛

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